Chapter 44

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Dumbledore calls everyone into the Great Hall the next day. Saying how not telling you how Cedric died would be a dishonor to his memory. A lot of people were crying, especially Cho Chang. You never really knew Cedric, weren't close with him nor talked to him. 

You and George walked out to the Courtyard to say goodbye to the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. "We can write to each ozer right?" Axel asks as you both hug. "Of course! We aren't going to stop being friends just because you're going back to your home." You smile. You both wave goodbye as Axel walks with his friends to the boat. George walks over, draping his arm over your shoulders. "I still don't like him." He says. You scoff. "You never even talked to him." You look up at him. "Alison hasn't even tried to talk to me. I think she's scared of you." George says while pointing over to a group of Beauxbatons girls. You smirk. "Good."

"Voldemort's back?!" You yell. George slaps his hand over your mouth. Harry scratches his head and nods. You rip George's hand off of your mouth. "You're telling me that Voldemort is back? You saw him in the flesh?" You whisper and shutting the door to your train compartment. Harry nods again. "Holy Hippogriff feathers." You mutter looking down at the ground. "And he isn't lying?" George asks Ron and Hermione. "Why would he lie about something like this George?" You ask looking up at him. "No one just starts something like that without actually seeing it." 

 "His servant, Wormtail, killed Cedric. Once Voldemort came back in his full form, he called some of his DeathEaters. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle. Karkaroff was supposed to be there but he fled. There was another one but I can't remember." Harry says putting his head in his hands. Hermione and Ron both put a hand on his shoulders. "Everything is going to change now, isn't it?" You ask. Harry nods unfortunately. You sit back in your seat and stare out the window.

You get back to Platform 9 3/4. You and George grab your trunks before leaving the train. "Hello father!" You shout and wave over at your dad who is walking over to you. "Hello sweetheart. Hello George." He says smiling. You hug him while he shakes George's hand. "Come on love, I uh have some important stuff to do for work and we gotta get you back home." Your dad says to you. You nod while turning back to George. "Bye Georgie! I love you. I'll hopefully see you sometime this summer." You say tackling him into a hug. "I love you too Firework." He kisses you before walking over to Fred. "Alright let's go." 

Your dad grabs your hand and apparates to your house. "I'll be back around 8 tonight. Make whatever you want for dinner. Love you." Your dad kisses your head before apparating away. You sigh as you drag your trunk up to your room to unpack. You open your trunk, dumbing everything out. Fireworks shoot out and pop every which way. "George Weasley I swear." You laugh. You finish unpacking all of you stuff and plop down on your bed to read. 

After a few hours you look at the time. 5:47. You close your book and decide to walk around the house looking for something to do. You walk all around trying to find something but nothing. "He must tell her soon!" A voice says. "Keep your voice down! You're being too loud!" Another voice whispers. You quietly creep up to a door slightly ajar. You peek in seeing Pierre and one of the maids, Lucy. "What do you mean 'tell her'? Tell Y/n what?" Lucy whispers. Pierre looks around before leaning closer. "We all know Master Liam's secret except for Y/n. He can't keep this secret away from her that much longer especially since....HE is back." Pierre whispers. 

You lean in closer to hear. "What's Master Liam's secret and who's back?" Lucy asks. Pierre once again looks around, you quickly pull away when he looks at the door. "You-Know-Who is back. Master Liam hasn't told Y/n that he works for him....that he's a Death Eater." He says. Lucy gasps. You yourself gasp quietly and take a few steps back away from the door. 'It can't be. Father can't be a Death Eater. Can he?' You think. You run up to your room, pacing around. "No, I can't believe that. It's rubbish! He can't be a Death Eater. He doesn't seem like. Death Eater at all." You say.

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