Chapter 80

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You and Draco carefully walk through the halls and through the door into the Room of Requirement. The two of you walk up to the cabinet, staring at it for a moment. "It's happening." Draco whispers. You nod. "It's happening." You do one last touch on the cabinet before you hear a sound. The handle starts slowly turning as you and Draco quickly run out and up to the Astronomy Tower where Dumbledore is.

You both hear talking as you climb the stairs. You take your wand out as your round the corner, pointing it at Dumbledore. "Hello Draco, hello Y/n." Dumbledore says calmly. "Who were you talking to?" Draco asks as he raises his wand a little higher. "I wasn't talking to anyone. Was only talking to myself, something you do a lot my age." He smiles a bit. You look over at Draco who look unsure to do anything.

"You know you both don't have to do this? I can help." Dumbledore suggests taking his wand out. "Expelliarmus!" Draco says makes Dumbledore's wand fly out of his hand. "We were chosen for this!" Draco lifts his sleeve up revealing his mark. You sigh and lift yours as well. Dumbledore stays quiet as he looks at both of your marks. "I can help with the pain." He states. Draco shakes his head and raises his wand again. "We don't want your help! Don't you understand? We have to do this! We have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill us." Draco whimpers, a couple of tears escape his eyes.

A noise comes from below the tower. "There are others? How did you...?" Dumbledore trails off. "The vanishing cabinet in Borgin and Burkes." You finally speak up. Dumbledore nods. "Ah yes, has a twin in-" "In the Room of Requirement." You cut him off. He nods before turning his head towards the stairs. "Well done Draco and Y/n." You and Draco look over seeing Bellatrix and a few other Death Eaters. She walks behind you two, placing a hand on both of yours and Draco's shoulders. "Come on now. One of you do it." She whispers.

You lift your wand back up towards Dumbledore as Draco does the same. You stand there debating whether you should do it or not. You look over at Draco who is unsure what to do. You slightly lower your wand before someone else comes up. "No. Get back both of you." You and Draco step back as Snape steps forward. "Severus....Please." Dumbledore pleads. Snape looks at him for a moment. "Avada Kedavra." Snape says breathlessly. Dumbledore falls back through the railing.

Your eyes widen as you watch Dumbledore fly back through the railing. Time seemed to slow down around you. You look over at Draco who's face is in horror. "Let's go you two!" Bellatrix says grabbing your shoulders and dragging you down the stairs. You all run through the corridors and end up in the Great Hall. Bellatrix jumps onto one of the tables and starts kicking all of the tableware and breaking it while laughing. You grab Draco's hand while watching her before she blows up the windows at the back.

You pull Draco forward, towards the doors. You both follow behind the other Death Eaters and exit the castle heading down to Hagrid's hut. "Oh Hagrid!" Bellatrix laughs in a sing song voice. She blows up his hut while laughing manically. "SNAPE!" Someone yells. You all turn around seeing Harry running down to where you're at. "Fuck." You whisper turning towards Draco. He gives you confused look before it hits him. "Harry didn't know?" Draco asks.

You shake your head. "I couldn't tell him Draco. I had no choice telling George, Ron knew my father was a Death Eater and told everyone but I said I'd never be like him..." You look towards Harry who is fuming, mostly looking at you. "And yet here I am." "Y/L/N!" Harry yells. "HE TRUSTED YOU BOTH! AND YOU KILLED HIM!" He screams. Snape walks forward and flicks his wand at Harry, making him fall back. "Go. Now." Snape says before walking closer to Harry.

Draco grabs your hand and leads you behind the Death Eaters through the Forbidden Forest. Once you get far enough from the castle, you all stop. "That was better than I expected!" Bellatrix smiles before looking back at Hogwarts. "Oh shit. You're really joking at a time like this?" You whisper to Draco. They all apparate somewhere as you and Draco stay. "Well, well, look who's inside again." You say turning towards Hogwarts, seeing smoke coming into the sky from Hagrid's hut.

"Harry is going to tell everyone." You say. Draco pulls you into a hug, putting on his hands on the back of your head. "It's the last day of school tomorrow, no classes. Just the end of the year dinner." He whispers, petting your hair.

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