Chapter 79

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George's POV still
"Maybe you should go to Hogwarts and talk to her you idiot." Fred says smacking the side of my head. I glare at him and push him off of my bed. "She's busy trying to teach 7 years of kids Fred. I don't think she'll have any time to talk to me." I sigh turning to my side. I feel the blanket being ripped off of me and getting dragged off of my bed. "George Fabien Weasley you will get your arse up and Floo Powder to Hogwarts and talk to Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, RIGHT NOW!" He yells, fully pulling me off of my bed. "Plus, you've been sulking for months! It's literally June now!".

I sit up looking up at Fred. "I-It's been that long?" I ask. Fred nods, crossing his arms. "Yeah mate. You haven't talked or seen Y/n in 6 months. You need to go talk to her right now." He says before walking out of the room. I sit on my floor thinking about the options. I could go to Hogwarts and talk to Y/n about the situation and salvage our relationship or I could stay here and not talk to Y/n about her situation and fuck up our relationship.

I sigh and stand up, heading towards the living room where Fred is standing with the pot of Floo Powder. "Great choice Georgie. I'll see you in a little while." He smiles, putting the pot out towards me. I take a handful before stepping into the fireplace. "God speed brother." Fred salutes me. I smile and shake my head. "Hogwarts!" I shout, dropping the floo powder. Flames engulf me into them before I slide out of a fire place in the Great Hall. I cough out some dust before standing up. "Home sweet home." I smile and dust my self off.

I quickly walk out of the Great Hall and start fast walking down the halls looking for History of Magic. "Mr. Weasley, what are you doing here?" I stop and turn around seeing McGonagall standing there. "Hi Professor! Long time no see aye?" I smile at her. She raises her eyebrow before slowly smiling. "Yes it has been a long time George." She says. "I'm actually looking Y/n. Something happened between us a while ago and I need to fix it." I say. McGonagall looks behind me, I follow her gaze seeing her. Y/n. Quickly walking at the other end of the hall. I quickly turn my whole body and chase after her.

I chase after her, hoping to stop her to talk. When I saw her I though I was dreaming. She's still the most beautiful girl in the world. I see Y/n walk into a room so I follow her in. "Y/n?" I call out to her. She stops in her tracks and slowly turns to me. Her eyes meet mine as hers widen. "G-George? What are you doing here?"

Your POV
"G-George? What are are you doing here?" You ask confused. "I wanted to come and talk to you. We haven't spoken in months and I want us to be okay." George admits taking a step closer to you. You take a couple of steps back. "Your face made it seem that we were over at Christmas George." You reply looking away from him. He nods. "I know, I know. I just didn't know what to say. But please Y/n can we talk somewhere?" You shake your head.

"Can we talk a different day? I-I'm kind of busy right now." You say looking down the hall, seeing Draco walk into your classroom. George sighs. "Y/n please, I just want to know everything and make sure we are alright." He pleads taking another step towards you. "I'm sorry George but not right now. I need to go. You can go up to my room and wait for me there. I have some stuff to do." You say walking away from him quickly and walk into your classroom. "Y/n, what took you so long?" Draco asks coming up to you. You stay quiet. "Y/n?" He questions grabbing both of your shoulders. "George is here." You whisper looking up at him. "What?" Draco questions.

You sigh. "George is here and wants to make things right. He wants to know everything that's been going on. But I don't even think I'm going to be able to talk to him tonight." You say. Draco begins to talk but you cut him off. "Just never mind. We don't have that much time. Let's just get up to the Astronomy Tower." You say grabbing your wand off of your desk and walking out of the room.

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