Chapter 69 😏

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It's been a couple of days since you and Draco went back to the manor. You're kind of angry at your father for making you come back to Hogwarts next year. He didn't try to even step in to stop. You were going to be an Auror and help out George and Fred's joke shop in Diagon Alley in your spare time.
Classes are done for the day. You walk down the halls along with all of the other students eager to go hang out with their friends. You walk outside to the courtyard and sit on the edge of the fountain right in the middle of it.

You take your robe off and loosen your tie a bit. You take your homework out of your bag and start to work on it as people walk in out of the school. First years run past you all laughing as they chase each other. "Fancy seeing you here." You look up seeing Draco walks over to you. "I can never get rid of you can I? You're like glue." You laugh as he sits down next to you. He laughs as well and leans back a bit. "Where's Weasley? Pranking Filch I suppose?" He asks as he glares at some Second years looking at him. You look from your work to look around the Courtyard. "I...don't actually know where George is. I haven't seen him since lunch." You say.

A little boy runs up to you with a flower in his hand. You put your pencil down and smile at him. "Hello there, what's your name?" You ask. "C-Carter." He mumbles. Carter holds up the flower towards you. "I-I saw this flower! And...and I saw y-you too. And-and I thought you were as pretty as this flower, so I picked it for you!" He quickly exclaims. You look over at Draco who is giving the kid a dirty look. "Don't look at him like that Draco." You growl and hit his shoulder.

You turn back to Carter and smile again. "Well thank you Carter. I appreciate the gift." You say taking the flower from him. He runs away quickly, giggling to himself as you put the flower behind your ear. You turn to Draco who is shaking his head. "What are you laughing about?" You ask. Draco shakes his head and looks at you. "You're absolutely bonkers!" He smiles. You roll your eyes and go back to your home work. "Ah my favorite person in the whole world with her side hoe." You see George sitting down next to you. "Piss off Weasley." Draco says crossing his arms.

You hit George's shoulder. "What's that for!" He whines. You shake your head in disappointment. "Don't call Draco that George. Where have you been all day? I haven't seen you since lunch." You ask and put your work away. "Well, I just pranked Filch again." He smirks. You look at Draco who is smirking as well. "Told you." Draco says. You turn back to George. "I just legged it from him. He was going to give me another detention. The year is almost over! He should  give Fred and I a break!" George groans. "You know Filch. He'd rather put you two in shackles than give you a detention. At least you don't have to deal with Umbridge anymore." You laugh.

George and Draco nods. George pushed some hair behind your ear and sees the flower. "Oh, who gave you this beautiful flower?" He asks carefully taking it. "A little boy named Carter came up to me earlier giving me this. Said I was as beautiful as the flower." You take the flower back from him. "A kid trying to hit on my girl? That's not acceptable, where is the young lad at?" George says standing up and scouting the courtyard. "Oh stop it George! You can't go talk to a first year. He's just a kid." You say pulling him back down.

George crosses his arms. "I don't want someone else hitting on you! Don't you agree Draco?" He asks turning towards Draco who is staring at someone. You follow his eyes, seeing him staring at a girl with dark hair. You smirk and move close to his ear. "Fancy someone eh Malfoy?" You say. Draco jumps back and looks at you. "D-Do not! I just thought she is...pretty." He mumbles looking away.

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