Chapter 45

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You stay in your room for the rest of the day going over the information you secretly gathered from Pierre and Lucy earlier. You take out some parchment and write to Harry, asking if he could see the last Death Eater when he was in the graveyard with Voldemort. "Hopefully Pierre is wrong." You say. You tie the letter to your family owl and send her off to Harry's. Soon, Errol comes with a package and a letter. You give Errol a treat, letting him rest on your bed for a while. You open the package from him. Inside are a bunch of little treats and snacks Molly has made. You smile while taking a bite of one of the tarts and opening the letter. 

'Hey love! Hope you're doing well even though we saw each other a few hours ago at the station. Just thought I'd send you these little treats mum made. We need to hang out soon! Freddie and I need to try out our Weasley products on someone (if you're up to it). I love you! -Georgie.' 

You put the note on your table and walk back over to your bed. You stroke Errol's feathers as you practice harmless spells with your wand. Estrella, your owl, comes flying into your room with a note. "Please be wrong Pierre, please be wrong." You whisper while quickly grabbing the letter and giving Estrella a treat. You quickly rip it open and read it.

 'He was tall, had brown hair that almost seemed black. Bright blue eyes that I could clearly see from where I was. When Voldemort was going through them, it sounded like he said your last name but it feels like a blur. -Harry' 

You sigh and crumple the letter. The front doors open and voices become visible. You open your door and head towards the stair case. You peek your head around the corner, seeing multiple people standing in the lobby including your father. "The Dark Lord said we must not do anything until next school year!" One of them says. "We shouldn't go behind his back." Another says. A man with long snow like hair enters the room. "We aren't going behind the Dark Lord's back. We are just trying to keep our children safe." He says. 

Your father looks at the man. "Lucius, what are you suggesting?" He asks. "Lucius Malfoy." You whisper to yourself. Your father walks over to Lucius. "I suggest we just..." He  pulls his sleeve up to reveal the Dark Mark. Your father looks at him. "No! Absolutely not! I'm not having my daughter have that on her arm. I don't want her in this mess!" He yells. A frail woman comes over to Lucius and grabs his arm. "Lucius, what about Draco? I don't want our son in this mess either. He's just a boy." She whispers. You look between your father and Lucius. "We'll wait then." Another man says. Your father glares at the man. 

"I'm not having my daughter be apart of this mess." He says. Lucius looks at your father again. "We can't just keep this from our children, Liam. They'll have to know sooner or later." He says. You grit your teeth before revealing yourself at the top of the stairs. "So it is true?" You say. Everyone jumps and turns towards you. "You are a Death Eater. Pierre was right. Harry was right too." You say looking at your father. He looks at you with a scared face. "I heard Pierre and one of the maids talking just earlier today. He said you couldn't continue to keep this secret from me. Harry told me everyone who was at the graveyard on the train today. I sent him an owl asking who the last man was, he described exactly you father." 

Tears slide down your face. Your father fiddles with his fingers before speaking. "I was going to tell you soon darling. I just didn't know when the right time  was to tell you." He says. You shake your head. "And you just assumed that I was going to be okay with it? Was mother one too?" You ask. He looks down again and nods. "I don't want to be apart of this. I shouldn't be apart of this. Draco shouldn't be apart of this either, Mr. Malfoy. We're just kids." You say looking at Lucius and the woman next to him. "We're going to talk about this Y/n." You father says. 

You whip your head towards him and laugh. "There is nothing to talk about anymore father. I already know what you are." You spit before quickly walking to your room and locking the door. You slide down the door putting your head in your hands. A loud swishy noise happens and someone appears. You quickly look up seeing Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore what are you doing here?" You ask while standing up. "I've come to take you to the Weasley's. I sensed that you found out about your father and I don't want you here at this very moment." He says. 

All of your clothes and items around your room pack up into suitcases. Your school belongings make their way to your trunk. Dumbledore snaps and they disappear. He holds out his arm. "Very dark times are coming Y/n. And we need to leave now." He says. Multiple pairs of footsteps are coming down the hall. The door bursts open as you grab his arm. You look at the door seeing your father with the other Death Eaters before Dumbledore apparates away.

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