Chapter 105

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You apparate outside of her house and nervously walk up to the door. You debate whether or not it's a good idea to even ask her after all of these years. You finally sum up the courage after ten minutes and ring the doorbell. You stand there for about three minutes before the door opens. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" You smile nervously. "Hey Angelina. Could I come in?" You ask.

She nods and moves out of the way for you to walk in. She leads you to her kitchen and you sit down. "Uh would you like anything to drink?" She asks. You shake your head. "No thank you. I came here to talk to you, maybe ask you something as well." You fold your hands on the table. Angelina nods and sits down across from you. Her eyes move from your face and down to your hands. "Oh my merlin! You're getting married!" She takes your hand and examines the ring on your finger. "Yes I am. George asked me yesterday actually. That's what I came to talk to you about." You say.

"I know we had our differences back during our Hogwarts years and that I was probably a prat to you sometimes but I was wondering if we could put our differences aside and you be one of my bridesmaids at my wedding?" You start to drift off as you become more nervous. She smiles and nods. "Of course! I would love to be apart of your wedding. I'll have to talk to my husband when he gets home from work." Angelina stands up and walks over to her sink. "Who are you married too?" You ask. She laughs and waves at someone through the window.

"When I became a Healer at St. Mungo's since the Quidditch profession didn't really turn out how I wanted, I met another Healer there as well. We just....connected and we got married last year." She says turning back to you. You smile. "I'm happy for you Angelina. George and I haven't figured out a date yet so once we do we'll send you an invite." You stand up. "Of course! I'm so happy you and George are getting married. I knew you two would."

You get back to the Burrow where George is laying on the couch casting random spells. He sits up when he hears you closing the door and turns to you. "Hey love, where'd you go?" He asks, walking over to you and kissing your head. "Just to visit an old friend. What have you done today?" He shrugs and sits at the table. "Nothing really. Mum went out to get groceries for dinner tonight. Everyone is coming home. Draco left to go somewhere, probably to talk to Astoria." You nod and make yourself some tea before sitting down next to George. "What do you think of having kids?" George asks.

You choke on your tea a bit. You set the cup down and cough loudly as George stares at you. After you calm down you look at him. "G-George, you just asked me to marry you yesterday." You say wiping your face with a napkin. "I know but I was just wondering what you thought about it." He scratches his neck. You sigh. "I like to idea of starting a family with you George, but I think it's too early for right now. I know we have a house but I want to wait till after we get married to have kids." You explain.

George nods and grabs your hand. "Alright, I'll wait till after." He smiles. You smile as well and kiss him. "How about we clean up the Burrow, hm? Do something nice for your mum. She works hard to take care of you all even if you're all adults now." You standing up, taking your wand out. With a flick, music starts playing. You put your wand away and grab a broom, starting to sweep around the kitchen and dining table. "You do know that you're a witch and I'm a wizard, right? We can use magic to get this done faster." He groans and takes his wand out.

You shake your head and out your hand out. "Wand now." You demand. He looks at you before giving in and handing you his wand. "Thank you pretty boy." You say before quickly going back to sweeping, leaving George speechless.

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