Chapter 76

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Draco smiles as he watches your patronus run around. "I've never actually been able to produce the Patronus Charm before." He admits. "And I've never seen you give a genuine smile like that before." You laugh. Draco looks away still smiling. "Take your wand out. I'll teach you how to produce the Patronus Charm." You say sitting down, patting the spot next to you. "Oh no I can't Y/n I've already tried before and so can't produce it. I'll just be wasting your time." He says.

You shake your head. "Nonsense! I have all of the time in the world right now. So sit down before I give you a detention because I have the authority to do that now." You demand. Draco sighs and sits down next to you. "First, I want you to think of your most happiest memory in your life." You say closing your eyes. "This is stupid." Draco mumbles. "Your stupid." You shoot back looking over at him. "Close your damn eyes and think of your happiest memory asshat." Draco rolls his eyes.

He closes his eyes with you. "Once you find that happy memory let it fill you up inside." You smile as you think about you and George together. "And what if I don't have a happy memory?" Draco scoffs. You grab his free hand. "You've got to have at least one memory blondie." You laugh. There's some silence as the two of you think. "What about when you made the Quidditch team your second year? Weren't you happy about that?" You ask opening your eyes to look at him.

Draco sighs and open his eyes as well. "My father bought my way onto the team with getting them Nimbus 2001's. I actually wanted to try out for Seeker but my father just insisted on it." He mumbles. You try to think of other situations. "Oh! What about winning against Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in matches? Or getting sorted into Slytherin your first year?" You ask. Draco shrugs. "I'll think of something." He says closing his eyes.

You close your eyes again as well. "After you have that happy memory fill you up, wave your wand and say Expecto Patronum." You wave your wand and you open your eyes once more seeing your patronus again. You smile and look over at Draco. "Expecto Patronum." He says waving his wand. Blue and silver mist comes out of his wand as a beautiful peacock. He opens his eyes and they widen at the sight of it. "Wow! I'm so proud of you!" You clap. Draco smiles as he watches it. "You're doing amazing! Amazing!" You say. Draco turns to you and hugs you.

It's been a couple of months and the cabinet is almost finished. It is now Christmas break and you're getting off of the train onto Platform 9 3/4. "Y/N! Y/N! OVER HERE! COME TO ME MY DARLING!" Someone screams. You look across the platform seeing George running towards you, pushing everyone out of his way.

Your eyes widen as he gets closer and hasn't slowed down yet. He gets to you and scoops you up into his arms, spinning you both around as you two hug each other. "I never thought I'd see you again my love." He says still holding you in his arms as you wrap your legs around his waist. "I told you I'd come to the Burrow for Christmas Georgie. I wouldn't ever miss it." You smile at him. George cups your face and gives you a long passionate kiss. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours.

"I know, I've just missed you so much. Your hugs, your cuddles, your kisses. EVERYTHING!" He shouts and puts you down. "No need to shout anymore George. Let's just get to the Burrow." You say grabbing his hand. You two apparate outside of the Burrow. "There here!" Ginny yells from the kitchen. She runs outside and jumps onto you giving you a hug. "Hey there Ginny." You laugh hugging her back. "I didn't see you that long ago Gin." Ginny pulls away and smiles. "I know!" She turns to George and eyes him. "What did I do now?" George whines.

Ginny shrugs before hugging him. "Anyways, come on Y/n! I need some help in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Snape is being an arse." Ginny grabs your hand dragging you into the house. You walk in smelling the air. You smile as you see Molly working in the kitchen. She turns and smiles at you and George. "I missed you both so much!" She says pulling the two of you into a bone crushing hug. "W-We missed you too mum." George says. Molly pulls away and kisses you both on the cheek before going back into the kitchen. Ginny drags you into the living room where everyone else is.

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