Chapter 12

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You enter the pitch and sit with the Gryffindors. "Hey Y/n!" Someone shouts over to you. You turn to your left seeing a short boy standing next to you. "Oh hello, you're...Seamus aren't you?" You ask. He nods. "You ready for an intense game of Quidditch?" He asks enthusiastically. "Well, this is my first time watching Quidditch but yeah." You smile. People around you start screaming and cheering as their house team flies out to the pitch. 

You watch George and Fred fly around with the bats in their hands. George looks over at you and smiles brightly. You wave at him and smile. You watch George the whole time. Seeing him hitting Bludgers at the Hufflepuff Chasers and knocking them off their brooms was, gotta admit pretty hot. Gryffindor is leading 120 to 90. "Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Adding 150 points! Gryffindor wins!" The commentator shouts. 

Gryffindor erupts into cheering and screaming again. You clap and watch the team get down to the ground. People start getting up to run onto the field. You follow but slowly walk out. You kind of stay back as watch as everyone surrounds the team. George looks up seeing you leaning against the entrance. He runs over to you, lifting you up into the air and spinning around. "I guess my good luck kiss was worth it." You smile as he sets you down. 

"Maybe I can have a good job one?" He taps his other cheek. You smile and kiss it. "Now I'm complete." He laughs. You roll your eyes as he grabs your hand. "I'm gonna go shower and change. I won't take long. Stay right here." George says as he enters the changing rooms. No longer than seven minutes later George comes back out. "Good you stayed." He says resting his arm around your shoulder. "You did really well Georgie. It's fun watching you hit Bludgers at people and knocking them off their brooms." You say.

George kisses your cheek and smiles. "Hot isn't it?" He says flexing his arms. You roll your eyes. "Well, I'll admit it. Yeah it was." You say looking away a bit. "Oooohh, Y/n thinks I'm hot hitting Bludgers at people." He teases. Your face burns and you bite you lip. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. You'll never know." You say walking away. George comes up and throws over his shoulder. "I honestly do give up." You hit his back.

"Want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" He asks. You stay silent for a moment before answering. "I would love to." You smile. "Great! It's a date then." He says. You blush and start groaning. "Damn you." You smile big. George sets you down and looks at you. " I make you blush a lot. It's cute." He says placing his hand on your cheek. 

George takes you down to Hogsmeade and into the Three Broomsticks. "After we get Butter Beer here, I'm taking you to Zonko's Joke Shop to get Dungbombs so we can put them in Filch's office." He says as you both sit down at a table. "Sounds like a plan." You smile. You order some Butter Beer and talk about random stuff. "I think my mother is mad at me." You say looking out the window. "And why is that?" George asks grabbing your hand. "She hasn't sent me mail these past few weeks. Usually she does that when she's mad at me." You look back at him.

 "Let's not worry about that right now love. We're having fun together." He smiles. Your return a smile and drink your Butter Beer. George reaches over and wipes some of of the top of your lip. You blush. "And you guessed it. Y/n blushed once more." George announces playfully. You take your hand away from his and sit back in your chair. "You're making fun of me." You pout looking down at the ground. "Aw come onnn, I'm not making fun of you love. I find it cute how I make you blush so often." He laughs.

You down the rest of your Butter Beer and wait for George. "Damn girl. Okay I see you." He says in a girly voice. You hit him and stand up, walking out the door. George quickly follows behind you holding you close to him by your waist. He takes you into Zonko's and buys some Dungbombs. You're looking at some Puking Pastilles on the shelf when you hear whispering.

George comes over to you and puts his arm around your waist again bringing you closer. "What?" You ask looking up at him. You follow where his eyes are and land on a group of guys checking you out. You smile up George. "Protective now are we?" You tease grabbing his face to look at you. "I don't like them checking you out." He says sending daggers at the group again. You laugh and continue looking at the items on the shelves in front of you. "We're leaving now. I have the Dungbombs already." George says grabbing your hand dragging you out of Zonko's.

"Jealous George?" You snicker. He glares at you. "It's cute though! I promise." You say. You both get back up to the castle and hang out in the Gryffindor common room for the rest of the day. 

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