Chapter 63

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You close your eyes trying to concentrate on your happiest memory until someone's wraps their arms around your waist. "I noticed you were struggling love." They whisper in your ear. You smile and bring your wand up. "Expecto Patronum." You say. You open your eyes and see an Albatross flying around the room. "Woah! Y/n's got an Albatross patronus!" Someone shouts. You turn seeing George smiling at you. "You were my memory." You say.

George furrows his eyebrows. "You were the happiest memory I have ever had. You're the reason I could do that." You smile at him. A big smile plasters onto his face as he picks you up and spins you around. "I'm Y/n's happiest memory! I'm Y/n's happiest memory!" He chants. A loud bang occurs at one of the walls. George sets you down and takes his wand out. You do the same and face the wall.

The room shakes as pieces of the ceiling fall and parts of the wall. Harry moves closer to the wall and peeks through a hole. "What is it?" Someone asks. Harry quickly backs away and runs from the wall before it bursts. A cloud of dusts rushes through as it slowly fades away. "Well look at what we have here." You recognize the voice. Umbridge.

She walks in more and takes a look around. Draco walks in grabbing Cho harshly. Umbridge's eyes wander around until they land on your. "Shit. Shit. Shit." You whisper. Umbridge furrows her eyebrows as she walks over to you. She stands in front of you, an evil smirk spreads across her face. "Look who we have here. Y/n Y/l/n." She says. You stand your ground as you look at her. "Let me guess...You only joined my squad to report back to Mr. Potter?" She asks.

You stay quiet. Umbridge nods. "Well, you'll both have to be punished. Crabbe and Goyle, take Potter up to my office. Draco take Y/n up to the topmost cell of the Dark Tower." She says still looking at you.

Draco let's go of Cho and walks over to you. "I'll see you up there." Umbridge says before turning to everyone else. "The rest of you will go to the Great Hall. Now." She says. You look at George who is looking at you sadly. When everyone is gone you turn to Draco. "Just take me up there. She can do whatever she wants. She could bloody kill me." You say.

Draco takes your arm softly and leads you up to the tower. Once you get up there, Umbridge is already there waiting. "Took you long enough." She giggles. Draco let's go of you and stands back. "You really thought you could get away with this, didn't you?" She asks. You remain quiet, just looking at you. Umbridge frowns. "Wand." She says putting her hands out. You look at her hand before you slowly pull your wand out and hand it her.

She tosses it to Draco and grabs your arm, throwing you into the cell. "You'll be here quiet a while Y/n. It's a shame really, I thought you were different from everyone else. Pity." She pouts before giggling again. "Come now Draco." Umbridge slams the door shut and locks it. She walks away back down the tower as Draco lingers. "Sorry Y/n." He whispers. You sit on the ground and turn your back to him. His footsteps disappeared as you stare at the wall. You hum a little tune as you wait in the cell.

Nothing will probably happen. You'll probably stay up there for however many days Umbridge says. "I used to hear a simple song. That was until you came along." You sing quietly looking through the window that was given. "Now in it's place is something new. I hear it when I look at you." You think about George who is probably worried sick about you.

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