Chapter 67.

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Alpha Grace's POV.

It's early morning and I am currently on my way to the packs infirmary. I'm going to have the doctor teach me everything I need to know to take care of John's wounds.

Since the injuries were made by silver, his healing rate is that of a human. Therefore, I need to know how to keep it from getting infected and what to do in case the stitches tear during our run back to my pack.

I also will have to start some physical therapy for John with his hand soon enough. He hasn't been able to move it much and hopefully this will help him regain some of the movement back.

I walk in and the doctor smiles at me. I stay there for about a hour learning everything I need to before finally making my way to get some breakfast and grab my bags.

Once I've finished eating and grabbed my bags I make my way to John's house to pick him up.

He will be riding on my wolf on the way there. I know this will be hard on him, leaving his family. He's been through so much more then any young adult should have.

This pack must bring up to many horrible memories for him at the moment. That's why I offered for him to join me to my pack.

I know the feeling. Having to leave ones home because of bad things that happened. I'm going to make sure he feels at home in my pack.

Whatever he wants he can have. He will not just be a guest. My pack will be his pack. If he wants to help with anything, he can. So long as it doesn't injure him anymore then he is now.

Once I make it to his door I lift my hand and knock three times. A few seconds passed before the door opened and John's father stood there.

" Alpha Grace, please come in. " he said. I nodded and walked into the house.

John was up and his mother was talking to him. He was nodded at them and smiling. I stood off to the side and waited as he said his goodbyes to them.

John soon walked up to me. " Don't worry. I'll take care of him. Your son is safe with me. " I say.

" We know. If you could give us an update every few days, that would be wonderful. " says John's mother.

" Yes ma'am. " I say.

They say bye to John and hug him once more before John follows me outside and we walk over to the rest of my pack members that joined me here.

" Are you ready John?" I ask. He nods at me. Still not speaking I see, that's ok. It will take time.

I've had some people from my pack come to me. They were mute for months and sometimes a year before they felt comfortable enough to speak.

John will warm up soon. I just know it. We start walking. I said goodbye to the other Alpha's last night. They understood.

I took John to a field. Once we made it there we shifted. All aside from John. Once we were shifted I lowered myself down for John to get on my wolfs back.

I see him turn his head to look at the place he grew up before turning back to me. I could see a tear rolling down his face.

He the steps forward and get onto my wolf. His bag are secure to his back and I feel his fingers grip onto my wolfs fur.

With that we take off. It's a long way back to my pack and we will have to take breaks in order to get there in one piece.

I focus on running for hours before John motions for me to stop. I send a mind link out and we all stop.

John hops off and crouches low. A hand gripping his side where the stitches were. All this running must have bothered it.

I shift back and crouch down by him. " Can I check them?" I ask.

He motions for me to wait for a second. I simply nod and go to gather a water bottle and some snacks before walking back over to him.

This time he's sitting fully and he's lifted up part of his shirt so I can check the wound.

I pass him the water and get to work checking the stitches. There doesn't seem to be any blood coming out, which means the stitches didn't tear. Thank goodness for that.

It does look really red and irritated. Must have pulled a few times while we were running.

I'll have to be more careful from now on. I do have some numbing cream the doctor gave me.

I show it to him and he nods. I smile and open the tube. I squeezed some out and gently smeared it along the wound and stitches.

Once I've secured his bandages back on I lower his shirt and then spot his hand trembling.

It must have been hard for him to hold on with just one hand. No, that will not do. " I'm good to ride with you the rest of the way John. " I say.

He looks at me confused. " Why?" He whispers.

Good, he still decides to talk to me. I smile at him. " It's hard for you to keep yourself comfortable on the ride without jarring your side wounds. The reason for that is you don't have control of both your hands to hold on and keep yourself steady. " I say.

He nods. " I am going to ride with you in order to keep you steady and comfortable. " I finish.

He nods in acceptance. We all sit down and drink some water and eat our snacks. After about a hour they all shift.

The biggest wolf gets down by up and I help John on fist. He then holds his hand out for me. I smile and take the offered hand, allowing him to pull me up to where I am sitting behind him.

We then take off again. One of my hands remains on his waist to keep him steady while my other holds onto the wolfs fur.

We just continue running, listening to nothing, but the breathing of the running wolves.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I plan to update again some time soon. Not sure who's POV. Hope you liked Alpha Grace's. Until next time. :-)

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