Chapter 76.

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Cassandra's POV.

We really need some good news soon. All this craziness going on is starting to weigh down on the pack. Kurt is having trouble managing it all.

I'm doing all I can from my side. Because of rogues being around, we aren't letting any kids or teenagers go to school. So instead I help deliver school books for homeschooling and craft supplies they may need.

We even deliver groceries to our elderly pack members that can't step outside. I'm learning the names of my pack and I'm loving it. I manage to put a smile on the face of whoever I see.

Kurt is managing everything else. I am also helping take care of his mother. She's trying to remain strong, but losing a mate can kill you sometimes. I know she's struggling and I wish there was something more I could do to help her.

Last I saw her, she was curled up on her bed cradling on of Alpha George's shirts. I am currently checking over the houses, making sure there are no rogues in sight. After a bit I side down on the curb and close my eyes.

Man, being a Luna is tiring. I knew it would be a hard job. I just didn't ever think I'd be a Luna, let alone have an Alpha for my mate. He's so gentle and kind.

He deserved the world. I manage a small smile. Suddenly a mind link comes in. ' Cassandra, you there. I got huge news to tell you. ' cried Clayton.

My eyes widen. ' Yeah, I'm here. ' I say back.

' We got him. We got Connor. ' he says.

My eyes widen and I can feel tears prickle my eyes. They got him. They finally got him. Clayton sent over images of the fight and what Connor was like now. I couldn't believe it. This is so unlike Connor. I know it's because he was mind controlled.

I close my eyes and can feel tears roll down my cheeks. ' Is he ok?' I ask.

' As far as I can tell, yeah. Aside from being brainwashed. ' says Clayton.

' What about Amber? How is she handling this?' I ask.

' Better then I thought she would be. She hasn't cried. She's real angry though. She's the one who overpowered him so they could capture him. ' says Clayton.

That feels like a punch in the gut to me. Amber shouldn't have to go through all this. None of us should. She's already gone through so much.

' Have you been to see him? ' I ask.

' No, not yet. Cassandra, during our fight, he knew my name, but didn't know who I was. What if his memory is just beyond the surface? ' he asked.

' You could try to send him memories and see if that snaps him out of it.' I suggest.

' I'll try. Man, seeing him like that, it was like he was a completely different person. ' says Clayton.

I run through the memories he sent me and I agree wholeheartedly with him. Connor looks and acts like a completely different person. ' He's calling the Boss Rogue his Alpha. ' he said.

I flinch at that. ' That freak doesn't deserve that title!' I snarl.

' I agree. ' says Clayton.

' I'm going to let Kurt know soon. Tell Amber to expect a mind link from him. ' I say.

' I will. I miss you Cass. ' says Clayton.

I offer a smile. ' I miss you too Clay, more then anything. ' I say.

' Take care of yourself. Ok?' He says.

' I will if you do the same.' I say.

I can feel he laughed at that. ' Deal. ' he said.

Wen then ended the mind link. I open my eyes and stare at the road. I can't believe it. They've got him now.

I just hope they can snap him out of this new Connor persona that he's taken on now that his minds been brainwashed.

I take off running for the pack house as soon as I stand up. I need to tell Kurt. This is some good news we've been needing. Something to lift our spirits a little.

I rush up the steps of the pack house and thought the door. I run as fast as I can up more steps and to Kurt's office. I burst in without a second thought.

Kurt was talking to Bête Rick and Tasha's father. All of whom flinched when I burst in unannounced. " Cassandra, what's wrong?" Asks Kurt standing up.

" They got him. They caught Connor. " I cry.

They were silent at first. Then Bète Rick let out a laugh. " I knew she'd get him. Was it Amber that took him down?"

I nod in reply. He smiles. " Good, I'm glad they got him back. I was worried about him. " he says.

" Where did you hear this?" Asks Kurt.

" Clayton just told me. He said they got him last night. He and a group of rogues tried to attack them and kill Alpha Conan. Amber and Tasha showed up last minute and Amber overpowered him with her Luna power. " I say.

" He's an Alpha's son. Wouldn't he be able to match, if not overpower her?" Asked Tasha's father.

" He has been brainwashed by the Boss Rogue. He doesn't know any of them or that he's meant to be an Alpha. " I say.

" Well good. That definitely gave them an advantage. " says Bète Rick.

" Let's keep this to ourselves for right now. Until we know more, we shouldn't get the packs hopes up. " says Kurt.

" Agreed. " we all say.

" Thank you for telling us this Cassandra. " says Kurt.

I smile warmly at him. " Anytime. I'll leave you guys to it. Come see me downstairs when you're done here." I say.

He grins. " Yes ma'am. " he replies.

I grin, and with that, I turn and walk out of the room. Leaving them to finish talking.

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A/N. Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was more of a filler chapter then anything. I'm doing Amber's POV next. If there's any you want to see after that. Let me know. Until next time. :-).

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