Chapter 99.

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Clayton's POV.

I don't know where to start. Ever since I was little, Connor has always been there for me. He's always been the light when everything seemed dark.

Those childish fears were nothing to him. Afraid of the dark, a monster in your closet. None of that scared him. At least not from what I've seen. Connor has always been an inspiration to me.

Now it's my turn to give something back. Seeing him here, confused, angry, just a mere shadow of his old self. It hurts me to see him like this. Sometimes I wish I was a healer so I could heal him. He's gone through so much.

" You going to speak or what?" Connor asks.

I look at him. I must have been gazing off into nowhere. I offer a shy smile. " Sorry, got lost in my thoughts. " I say.

He merely grunts in acknowledgment. " Man, I'm not sure where to start." I admit.

" There's that much?" He asks he has a small bored look on his face.

I nod in reply. " I guess I'll start with his past. " I say. He nods. I don't plan on giving away any names. He needs to remember on his own as his mind heals.

" Many years ago, when your Alpha was a teenager like yourself. He was the son of the third in command of his pack. His friends were the sons of the Bète and Alpha. They were close, fought together, they were raised together. Went to school together. That all changed when the pack was attacked by a large group of rouges who's only goal was to completely decimate thy pack and everyone in it. They succeeded and only three survived by playing dead. " I told him.

His eyes had widened. " Alpha and his friends. " he said.

I nod. " Yes, they knew they were no match for that large number of rogues. So they played dead until the rogues were gone. From then on they were a pack of three. They became the three in command. They traveled to the next pack over and were shocked and horrified to see it had been wiped out as well. However, there as a group of pack members who had his in an underground bunker and survived. There were men and women, children and the elderly. The Alpha took them in and they started to grow. They found land and started to make their own pack. Gathering more people from others packs as well. " I said. The only reason I know all this is because I asked Alpha Conan himself and he told me.

Connor nodded again. " The Bète found his mate and went to be with her in her pack. The Alpha found his mate and the Bète from another pack took over for him. The third in command, your Alpha, found his mate. Only problem was that she was a rogue. " I say.

Connor didn't know how to feel about this. I could tell be the uncertainty on his face. He looks at me. " If she was a rogue, why didn't he kill her?Rogues wiped out his pack, shouldn't he hate all rogues?" He asked.

" You would expect that, only that's not how mates work. He knew she was the one. She wasn't like other rogues. She loved him and he adored her. " I say. Connor nods.

" What happened to her? " he asked.

" The Alpha didn't like her, but he tolerated her for the sake of his friend, up until the point a few months later there was a rogue attack. " I said.

" She wouldn't have betrayed them right?" He asks.

I shake my head. " No, I don't believe she was." I say.

" Then what happened?" He asked.

" The Alpha confronted her. He blamed her for it and no matter what she said, he just didn't trust her. Unknown to any of them, aside from her mate of course, she was pregnant at the time. The Alpha killed her without hesitation. " I say. Connor practically snarls at that.

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