Chapter 43.

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Tasha's POV.

After the meeting I contacted my father. He told me that Alpha Lucas has headed back to his pack.

He would be searching for Connor from his pack with his resources. Last night I stayed at the pack house to be near Amber.

However, as she goes to see Connor's old room, I'm heading to Clayton's childhood home.

I've gotten some time to talk with Clayton's father. He loves me. I can see it in his eyes whenever he sees me. All that just makes Clayton so much more happy.

I love seeing him happy. He's been a bit depressed lately since Connor went missing.

The two have been best friends for the longest time. Connor means everything to him and Cassandra.

Connor is like a brother to me already, but Clayton, Cassandra and he practically grew up together. They would do anything for each other and have.

Breaking Connor out of prison was a big step to take and they did it. Heck, of that same thing had happened to either Kurt, Amber or even me, I know we'd do the same for each other.

" Your pack is beautiful. " I say.

" You mean our pack. " says Clayton. I smile at him.

He chuckled. " Well it's as beautiful as I can be right now. Things just haven't felt right at this pack for a long time. I hope amber and you can help us change that. " says Clayton.

" We will do everything in our power to help. " I say.

" I have a little mission I want the two of us to do. Connor and Cassandra would love it if you helped me with it. " says Clayton.

We stopped on the sidewalk about three houses down from his home.

" What would that be?" I ask.

" Can I show you? It's better to do it that way. " he says.

I nod and grin at the huge smile that comes across his face. He grabs my hand and the two of us take off into the woods.

I don't know where he's leading me. I'm looking forward to finding out though.

We run through countless bushes and over a little creek before we make it to one of the biggest trees I have ever seen.

" This is the tree we used to climb as kids. Heck, we still would climb it as teens. " he said.

I looked up and my eyes widened. " Did you build that?" I ask.

" The three of us did. " says Clayton.

Up on the tree is a tree house, made of old wood and sticks and huge leaves and tree branches for the ceiling.

" When things got busy and we didn't have enough time to see each other. We would meet here in the middle of the night for a few hours and just lay down together. Kinda like what we did at Kurt's pack. " says Clayton.

He went to the side and pulled a cone from the tree that had been stuck to it. He followed it down to the ground and ripped it up. He then released it and it acted like a holly and a homemade ladder fell down from way up there.

He grinned at it. " The ladders safe. At least I think it is. I haven't been up there in a few months. " he says.

I look at him. " When Connor was in prison, Cassandra and I would meet up in the tree house to talk over our plans of what to do. How to free Connor. " he says.

He then grabs onto one of the rungs and tears it to see if it still holds his weight. Sure enough it does.

He then starts climbing and in no time makes it to the top. He then sticks his head over the side and looks down at me.

" Come on up. " he says.

I give a small laugh before I start climbing. Once I make it to the top I climb inside and look.

This place definitely needs some fixing. It's clear to tell there are leaks on the ceiling from the smell of mold.

It's a nifty little place they built. Scattered on the ground on the tree house were blue prints.

I picked one of them up that had a small spot circled on it. " That was part of the prisons blue prints. The spot that's circled is the cell Connor was held in. " says Clayton.

I nod. " How did you manage to get your hands on the blue prints?" I ask.

" These aren't the original ones. My dad helped map out the entire pack prison and when he was asleep at night I would sneak into his office and copy down the blue prints the best I could onto paper. My dad was so paranoid about protecting this stuff that it took me 8 months to write this all down. I finally got it here and Cassandra helped me make it more official looking. " says Clayton.

I nod and look closer at it. " We never got to visit Connor. We weren't even able to mind link him. Cassandra figures out which cell Connor was in because of her father. She over heard him one night talking to Alpha Conan. We then planned the rescue which took the rest of the year he was on there. Then we got our opening and took it. " says Clayton.

" You Guys really are the best friends he could ever ask for. " I say smiling at him.

He grins. " What I want us to do is to fix this place up. Use actual boards of wood. Make a real ceiling. A door and a new ladder. Connor and Cassandra would love to see this place fixed up when everything is said and done with and we got Connor back. Will you help me with it?" He Asks.

" Of course I will. Sounds like fun. " I say.

He grins at me and leans over to kiss me. Man I love my mate.

I grin at him when we break away. " Well, when do we start?"

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV will be next. Until then enjoy :-)

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