Chapter 55.

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Connor's POV.

I feel giddy. That pack raid we did was so much fun. Those humans didn't even know what hit them.

We've been back a few hours and it's now nearing nightfall. I've been waiting for the return of my Alpha to tell him all we did and that it went well.

It was almost ten at night when I got word that Alpha has returned. I got excited and quickly left my room to go find him.

However when I came across the room he was in I froze by the door. He already had someone on there with him.

Alpha Ronan I think, the one who runs this pack. I know not to interrupt them so I sit on the bench just outside the door.

I try not to listen to what's being said because I know it's not my business, but I start to listen when I hear my name brought into the conversation.

" This has gone to far Fenris. You said you just wanted Connor and the revenge against Rick and Conan. You said that would be all. " Cried Ronan.

" That is all. " says Alpha calmly.

" Then why did I get a message this morning from Alpha Lucas about a massive rogue attack that killed so many humans?!" Growled Ronan.

" That was a test run, to see if he would continue to follow orders. " says Alpha.

" No, you can't just massacre one of our fellow packs. " Cried Ronan.

" Be glad I didn't run the test on your pack Ronan. " growled Alpha.

" Gosh, sometimes I wonder why I let you in my pack at all. You shouldn't be here to begin with. " says Ronan.

" Yet here we are, and there's nothing you can do or say about it because I am more powerful then you. " growled Alpha.

I'm to curious now. The door is cracked open and I peek my head around the corner to listen. " You are not. You're simply a worthless excuse of a third in command mutt! " growled Ronan.

I could see them now. Seconds later Alpha has Ronan pinned to the wall by his neck. The look of pure anger he had was frightening.

Ronan could sense it. I know he could because I could. " Don't say things you don't mean Ronan. They just might be the death of you. " says Alpha.

" I want you out of my pack. By morning. " growled Ronan. Ok, so Alpha wasn't constricting his Sir way. I guess it's more of a frightening tool used to just inflict his warning.

" Never going to happen Ronan. You let us in. We're going to stay as long as we need to and there is nothing you can do about it except go about your day. " says Alpha.

" I could tell Conan where he can find his son. " says Ronan.

" Giving yourself away in the process. You would never risk your reputation like that. You would be a mockery forever. Your pack would shun you. You might even be banished from your pack, if not executed. " says Alpha.

" I never should have helped you kidnap Connor. " growled Ronan.

Wait, what? Kidnap me? I thought I was always here. This doesn't make sense.

" A little late to grow a conscience isn't it Alpha. You take orders from me now pup. " growled Alpha.

Alpha had leaned in and was growling his words in his ear. " What you did to Connor will not last. Not with his healing abilities. What do you plan to do about it?" Says Ronan.

" I plan on doing weekly checks and when he shows signs of healing I'll start the process over again. The pup will be mine forever. " growled Alpha.

" You won't get away with this. " says Ronan.

" That's what they all say. " he then backed away and tossed Ronan back.

Ronan looked at Alpha with rage. His eyes then shifted to me and I froze. He smirked.

Suddenly something flashed before my eyes. A memory. I knew Alpha Ronan. He helped with a pack war.

What was the pack war for though?  I can't remember. I look and see Alpha looking at me. All I can feel is fear.

" Did you just get a memory?" He Asks. I nod, knowing I have no choice.

He growls. " This isn't over Ronan. " he then walks forward and grabs my upper arm and drags me away.

His grip is bruising. It hurts. " What do you remember? Tell me!!  NOW!!" He yelled dragging me into another building.

" I d-don't know. Something about a pack war and Alpha Ronan helloing. That's all I remember. " I said.

He dragged my down a long hall says passed so many different cells. We were heading to the room at the end of the hall.

" How did you get those memories back?" He growled.

My eyes widen. He did kidnap me. That's when I start fighting. Panic sets in and I go into fight mode.

I do the first thing that comes to mind and I bite his arm that's gripping mine. It must of shocked him because he yelled and let go.

I took off running down the hall. Only for them to be blocked by rogues. I look back and there he is. Fury on his face.

He grabs my neck and slams me into the wall. " Answer my question boy. " he growled.

" I overheard you talking. I got to thinking and when he looked me in the eyes I remembered. " I say.

" Then we will avoid that next time. " he drops me and the rogues drag me to that room.

When we walk in there's a chair and that chair brings up memories of pain.

I start to thrash in their grip. They didn't budge though. They got me in the chair and started to strap me down.

I thrashed and screamed, but nothing worked. Alpha grabbed a gag and put it around my mouth.

He then grabbed a metal collar and hooked it around my neck once they strapped me down.

" Sorry to have to do this again Connor. Don't worry. We'll get it right this time. " he then pressed a button and the collar burst into shocks.

I scream and arch my back as much as I could. My head went back and I screamed in agony.

" We won't make this mistake again pup. You will forever been my Healer. " he said. Then all I remember is pain.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are sorta getting better so let just hope for the best lol. Not sure who's POV to do next. If there's one you want to see let me know. Until then guys. :-).

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