Chapter 29.

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Alpha Grace's POV.

John is awake now. Thank goodness for that. I was worried about him.

That was a lot of injuries from silver. I am walking by the room when I hear him ask a question. " Where's Amelia?"

Anger filled me at that. She's his mate. She's a coward. What person just runs off when their mate is hurt?

A very cowardly one. That settles it, I'm going to go find her and see what the heck is wrong with her.

My mate had never been there for me when I was hurt, mainly because he didn't care and he was the one that hurt me in the first place.

She doesn't have any reason to run from this. Sure she's been acting funny these passed few days, but people have their own ways of reacting to things.

I catch her scent once I leave the pack house. I right away follow it. It leads back to John's house and behind it.

I follow it into the woods. Where could this girl have run off to? As I get closer I pick up another scent.

I don't know this scent. I hear talking and I quickly hide behind a tree and listen as closely as I can.

" I can't do this anymore. " that was Amelia.

" You don't have a choice Spark!! " snapped the other voice.

He sounded dangerous. Just his voice sent chills down my spine. " Please? I can't do this anymore. Because of your stupid plan my mate is hurt. " says Amelia.

" My plan? I didn't tell you to go and recruit humans. I told you to find a way to distract them, to get them off my trail. " says the guys voice.

" They aren't even close to figuring it out. Amber is leaving the pack for Pete sake. She wouldn't leave if she knew who really did this." Says Amelia.

" Oh really? Tell me Spark, where is she going?" Says the guy. He had amusement in his voice.

" She's going to Alpha Conan's pack to become Luna when he steps down as Alpha." Says Amelia.

" Really now? " he then laughs and I can't help the shiver that goes through me.

" This is to great. " he says.

" We shouldn't even be meeting here like this. What if we're caught?" Says Amelia.

" This was your idea to meet here. You know you can't contact me where I am. " says the guy.

" Yeah, because of the Wolf Bane stuff you use. " says Amelia. She sounded ticked off.

" What, don't approve?" Says the guy.

" No, I don't. Not anymore. You almost killed my mates sister with that crap and now you have her mate. Gosh!! Why did I even help you with that?!" She Cried.

I cover my mouth at this revelation. She's the spy. She's the one that helped kidnap Connor and kill Alpha George.

" You helped because I'm the only Alpha that's treats you fairly. The first one that ever took you in. I'm the only one who's ever cared for you even the slightest. " he says.

" Your not my Alpha anymore Fenris. Alpha Kurt is. " she said.

Fenris? I've heard that name before. I don't know this guy. Whoever this Fenris is? He needs to be arrested right away.

" Oh, getting brave now are we? " he said.

I peek my head around the tree. That's when I see him. My eyes widen as I take in his features. Even in human form he looks evil.

She's not afraid of him though. " I'm done helping you." She said.

" Then what do you plan on doing now? Running off and telling them who really kidnapped the pup and killed that Alpha. They'll know you were a part of it. Your mate will reject you, just like everyone in your life already has. " says Fenris.

" I'll figure something out. Anything's better then helping you anymore. " says Amelia.

" Your all brace now Spark. Guess that stupid mate of yours actually did something for you. " he said.

" His name is John. I didn't expect him to be my mate. It just happened. " says Amelia.

" I know. That's the way it always is. It just happens. " he the turned and started to walk away.

" Wait, what am I supposed to do?!" Cried Amelia.

" Why are you asking me? I'm not your Alpha anymore. " he then shifted and ran off.

She screamed and started to cry once the scream faded. I then pick that time to walk out from behind the tree.

Her entire body stiffens. She flips around and gasps. " Your the traitor!" I snarl.

John deserves better then her. " No I'm not!" She cried.

" Don't even try to lie!!" I shout. I walk closer to her. " I heard everything. How could you do this to John?!" I cry.

" I didn't know what was going to happen! " she cried. " I didn't know he was going to do what he did. " tears were pouring from her eyes now.

" You knee he was going to do something like this. " I say.

" He's asked me to bury the gun by the pack house. I didn't know he'd kill Alpha George. " she cried. She was hugging her arms to her.

" Yet you know he was going to kidnap Connor. " I said.

She nodded. " He's very powerful. I was just told to find a way into the pack. To place the gun where it needed to be. I didn't know I'd find my mate. I swear I didn't know. " she cried.

" You are coming back with me now. Your going to spill to them everything you know. Amber deserves the truth about who has her mate. John deserves the truth as well. " I say.

She lets out another sob and nods. I grab her arm and start to yank her out of the woods.

This is insane, so insane. John's going to be devastated. I feel like I should have gone after this Fenris guy, but his power was so great. I wouldn't have stood a chance.

I'm not as powerful as he was. I'll need help. I yank her towards the pack house and up the steps once we make it there.

I walk inside and straight to where the others are. John's asleep again. Good, he doesn't need to see this.

Everyone's looking at me. " Alpha Grace, what's going on?" Says Alpha Kurt. He's back downstairs talking to them.

The others have their bags out, their getting ready to leave. I shove Amelia forward. " I found your spy. Meet Amelia, or should I say Spark. " I spat.

All that remains after I say that is silence. They know something I don't. I can tell by the look in their eyes. Uh oh, this can't be good.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not who's POV I'm doing next. Until then enjoy :-)

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