Chapter 116.

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Tasha's POV.

It's been a week since the battle between us and the Boss Rogue. Things are settling down and all Alpha's have returned to their packs. I'm excited today.

Clayton's returning home. I've missed him so much. We have a small mind link, but I want the full one. I want Clayton to mark me. I'm ready for it, I just hope he is as well.

With the help of Amber, I've set up a nice meal for Clayton and into enjoy our reunion. If this is what Amber felt, plus more with missing Connor. Man, I would have gone crazy with desperation.

Connor's doing better. No new memories have surfaced and he still struggles with the pack members, but he's making progress. The pack is happy to have him back. Memories or not.

Alpha Conan has been down lately. He spends two hours each day at his mates grave site. He has taken to cleaning all the gravesites while he's there.

He has restored them to perfection. Some of the pack members saw what he was doing and went to help without having been asked. Property was rebuilt, the rogues as in prison and Amber wants to hold meetings to decide if they should stay in prison or deserve a chance in the pack.

It's amazing she's willing to put trust into rogues that don't deserve it. I know she's very hesitant wafted the whole Amelia thing, but either way, she's doing what a great pack leader does.

I suddenly gasp with joy when I feel my mate bond flare. My wolf urging me forward. I rush out of the pack house and down the steps. There he is.

Clayton grins when he sees me and drops the bag he was holding. He catches me as I jump at him. He laughs and spins me around as I giggle with excitement. Our wolves howling in joy at being together again.

" It's so good to see you. " I cry.

" Right back atcha. I missed you so much. " says Clayton as he buries his face in my hair.

I can't help the giggle that leaves me then. " Are you hungry?" I ask.

" Starved. " he said.

It's around lunch time here. Amber walks into the steps then. Connor right behind her. " Clayton. Good to have you back. " says Amber.

Clayton looks at Connor and Amber as he gently sets me down. He bows his head in respect towards her. Amber growls a little.

He looks up confused. " Come on, none of that. We're friends. No need for formality. Where's my hug?" Says Amber.

I snort in amusement at that. Clayton grins wide and hugs Amber before coming back to stand at my side. He takes my hand.

Connor walked up to him. His arms were crossed. He settled a bit and stuck out his hand. " I still don't like you, but I want to thank you for showing me those memories. You helped me see who the real villain was. Truce?" Says Connor.

Clayton grins again and shakes Connor's offered hand. " Truce. It's good to see you Connor. "

Connor nods and goes to stand by Amber's side again. Amber smiled and grabbed his hand. Connor seemed to relax when she touched him. Amber's eyes held such love and fondness for him.

He is one lucky man. " Well come on you two. There's a dinner ready for you. " says Amber.

I pull Clayton into the pack house and to a private room. We had it cleared out and decorated for a date room. Clayton laughs. " This is amazing and man, does that food smell good. " he says.

We take a seat and together we start eating. The meal consisted of a nicely seasoned pork roast, green beans, mashed potatoes and rice. There's also a little pot of gravy for everything if needed. I prefer not to use gravy.

Meanwhile, Clayton is drowning his food in it. I giggle at him and we enjoy our food. I look at Clayton. " You know Amber is going to apologize in person for overwhelming you with her Luna power?" I say.

He laughs. " She doesn't have to. I understand. " says Clayton.

" Try telling her that. She's a stubborn one. " I say. We laugh together at that.

I then settle down and my face takes a serious look. He notices and sets his fork down. He sits forward a little. " What's wrong?" He asks.

" I love you so much. It was hard being  away from you and not having the true connection. I feel ready and I...." I start.

" You want me to mark you?" He asks.

I smile shyly and nod in response. He gets up and walks around the table to my side. He kneels next to me and takes my hand. " I would be honored to start that connection with you. Are you sure you're ready for this? We don't have to do it now, we can..." I stop him by pressing a finger to his lips.

" I'm ready. Let's do this. " I say.

His eyes narrow and he smile a little. He moves up and catches my lips in a kiss. I kiss back and it feels like my body has come to life.

He then breaks the kiss and trails kisses down my neck to the marking spot. He hesitates. I feel his teeth at my neck. " Do it. " I say.

His K9 teeth enters my skin and goes deep. The feeling is so hard to describe. It's painful, and exhilarating at the same time. My body is buzzing and it feels like sparks are flying.

I let out a small whine at the feeling. He gently removes himself from my neck and gently wiped the last traces of blood away from my neck. ' I love you so much Tasha. Never change. ' he says over our mind link. Our new private mind link.

I feel more connected to him now then I have been to anyone in my life. I love it so much. I grin at him. ' I love you too. ' I say as I catch his lips in a another kiss.

This night has been so much needed. I have my mate back and we are now connected deeper then we were before. All I feel for the rest of the night is true happiness, what could be better then that?!

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Last chapter will be in Amber's POV. I will be making a very special announcement at the end of the last chapter. Until then guys I hope you enjoyed this :-)

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