Chapter 24.

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John's POV.

After a while of sitting there everyone falls asleep. I am wide awake though, o know I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

I hate my sister is having to go through this. Connor is a good man. He's perfect for her.

On top of all of this, Amelia has been acting weird. She hasn't been herself. Every time I ask she just brushes me off.

I took it as she's grieving for Alpha George, but she didn't know him well. Yes she has the right to grieve. Everyone does, but this doesn't seem like grieving.

It seems like she's hiding something. She's disappeared multiple times for hours at a time. I slowly pull away from everyone. I need to go clear my head.

I slowly walk away and once I'm far enough away I shift into my wolf and take off running.

I make it to the pond where the weapon was found. I sniff around, but I don't sense anything.

I turn and start walking around the pond. I smell traces of silver left over from the gun. I also smell multiple different scents.

There are many here. I smell Kurt, Amber, and a few others. There's also one I can't place, but I think it's because the persons scent is masked by the silver.

I figure it out soon. I then hear a twig snap. My eyes widen hugely and I look into the woods, only to see a pair of eyes staring back at me.

I took off running after them. The person took off running into the woods. This person was fast.

I'll catch them though. I'm a fast runner as well. I ran further and further, faster and faster until I'm deeper in the woods then I have ever been before.

I make it further and then something unexpected happens. I plant my paw on the ground only to have a silver bear trap snap around my paw.

Pain shoots through my leg and up my body. I yelp out in pain. Oh come on, not again!!

I then heard snarled and panic shoots through me. Whoever this is, is dangerous and I don't want to know right now.

I start to jerk against the bear trap. Crap this hurts, but I don't really have a choice.

I freeze though when I hear laughing. " Well well, look at this. We caught ourselves a wolf. I told you guys we could do it. " says this guy.

He shows himself and three more people walk around. They were humans. Heavily armed humans.

What were they doing on our pack grounds?! I snarl and crouch down as they got closer.

One guy was decked out with silver daggers and another had silver spikes. The girl that was there had her hands and arms coated in silver paint. I didn't even know that was a thing.

She also held a silver chain. This last guy, the one clearly in charge, held a gun.

One like the gun Alpha George was killed with. I snarl louder in anger.

" Huh, the letter we got was right. This is a pack for werewolves. We can finally prove their real. " says the girl.

" Are you sure? This could just be an actual wolf." Says the guy with the spikes.

" Oh it's a werewolf. I can smell it. " says the head guy.

I need to get out of these chains, NOW!! I start fighting more and more. That only brought laughter from the four humans.

" What are you waiting for? Get that chain around his neck!!" Snarled the head guy.

The girl sighed and walked forward. She got closer to me. I Snarled viciously at her and bare my teeth.

She just giggle like a school girl and walked closer. I tried hard to jerk away, but the chain was forced around my neck.

I cry out and try to jerk away. This can not be happening!! It just can't!!

I snarl and swipe my other front paw at her and catch her on her shoulder. She yells out in pain and snarls.

She suddenly grabs my face. The silver paint she has on burns my skin. I try to jerk back. " Oh yeah, it's a werewolf alright." Says the girl.

" Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Asked one of the guys.

" Don't know and don't care. We need to get this wolf back to our base and get it ready for people to see. Someone grab the chain with the bear trap. " says the head guy.

One guy did. He and the girl started to yank me in the direction out of the pack. The end of our territory was about twenty feet from us.

They are trying to kidnap me. No!! Amber has already had to deal with Connor being kidnapped. She can't deal with the same happening to me.

Wait, what if these people were the ones that took Connor!! A new found energy fills me and I rear up.

I yank the boy and girl towards me. I bring my claws down and hit the vein on the guys neck.

It starts gushing blood and he cry's our in pain and falls to the ground. That wound will kill him.

The girl drops the chain and runs. Good, she has some smarts. Not enough apparently. The head guy puts her behind him.

I roar in fury at them. The other guy comes running at me. Bad move when I'm angry.

I tackle him and bite his arm. He stabs his silver dagger into my side. I whine, but I don't let him go.

The guy is screaming for help. The two take off running. " NO, DON'T LEAVE ME!! HELP ME!!" Cried the guy.

" WE WILL COME BACK FOR YOU!!" The guy and girl disappeared over the territory line.

With this guy in my grip I take off running towards the pack house. I make it to the yard of the pack house before I drop him and pin him to the ground with my paws.

I look up at the sky and let out the loudest howl I could. Loud enough to wake everyone in the pack.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Alpha Conan, Alpha Lucas and Alpha grace run out of the pack house.

They see the silver all over me, the blood. Then they see the guy I have pinned down and the silver he's holding.

They rush forward and take him from me. Alpha Grace starts to work on me. Her eyes are soft and her hands are gently. " It's ok. Shift back John. You did great. " she says.

I can't really say anything. My vision is fading. I quickly send everything that happened to me to her over mind link.

After that I proceed to shift back. The energy to shift took the last bit of energy from me and everything goes black before I hit the ground.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know who's POV you want next time. Until then :-).

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