Chapter 69.

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Tasha's POV.

Man, that work was exhausting today. It was fun though. I'm so glad I found Amber when I did. That room would have taken her all night by herself.

Helping is what a bestie does! I will always be there when she needs me. I plan on staying with her tonight.

Clayton is gone searching the woods with Alpha Conan and some other pack members. I know he can handle himself, but I can't help it. I worry.

Amber and I need each other right now more then even. I know I could stay with Clayton's family, only thing is, they are still warming up to me and it's taking a little bit.

We haven't argued or anything, I think they are just shocked Clayton found a mate as hyper and happy as he is all the time. What can I say, I a happy person.

They were probably hoping him finding a mate would calm him down some. It will over time, they just have to be patient. I mean come on, we're not even twenty yet.

Man, I say that now, but with everything going on, I feel like I'm 50. To much stress going around.

Amber and I as sitting in the little kitchen they have. I turn to look at her as she turns around from the over after having out something in there.

" You mind if I stay with you tonight?" I ask.

" Sure, you are always welcome." Says Amber. She had already sent out the message to the entire pack about the pack dinner tomorrow night.

I smile at her. " Thanks girl." I say.

She sit across from me and sighs, resting her chin on her hands. " Sometimes I miss the old days when we were kids. " says Amber.

" I hear ya." I respond.

" I only wish I knew Connor around that time as well. Oh, imagine what it would have been like if the Alpha's were friends and we all got to grow up together!" Says Amber. Her eyes widening in amusement and fascination.

I end up laughing out loud. " J-Just the image of you... a-and a kid Connor trying to climb trees... cracks me up Amber. " I say between my laughs.

She starts to giggle as well. That's just a funny picture. Man Clayton would have been adorable if we had known him when we were kids.

I so wish that were true. " This is what I miss. " I say.

She looks up at me. " Our girl night. Random sleep overs for absolutely no reason. Staying up all night on a school night just because we could, even though we had your parents and mine telling us to sleep multiple times. Watching horror movies at 3AM. I miss that. " I say.

She grins. " Who says we have to stop. " she says.

My eyes widened. " I found a small stash of old movies in a room back there. What would you say to an old horror movie marathon?" She asks.

" How old are we talking about? IT Chapter two old, cause that's been out a good while, or Micheal Myers old?" I ask.

She gets this mischievous look in her eyes that I love. " I'm talking Jason, I'm talking Michel Myers, I'm talking SCREAM. " she says.

My jaw drops. I love those old cheesy horror movies. " Oh oh oh, does that include the old Pet Sematary movie?" I ask.

" That and more." She says.

I squeal with excitement and I'm practically jumping in my seat. My hands clapping together in joy.

" Yes yes yes. I'm so down for this. Let's do it!!! Let's do it!!! Let's do it!!!" I cry in joy.

She laughs at my antics. " Well come on. The food won't be done for 25 more minutes. Let's go get the drinks and snacks and get the room ready for the movies. " she says.

In seconds were yo and grabbing all the drinks we want from the fridge. We then grab what snacks we want for later so we don't have to rush back here and miss some of the movies.

We rush to the room and set everything up the way we want it. We then get the movies and set up Halloween first. As it's loading and setting up, we rush upstairs to get into pajamas. Thankfully Amber is letting me use a pair of hers.

We grab blankets and fuzzy socks and then rush back downstairs. Sliding on the floor as we ran, laughing the entire time.

We make it to the kitchen again with ten minutes to spare. Man we moved quick. The two of us simply look at each other before we burst out laughing.

" This is going to be so much fun. " I cry. Amber and I have never been scared by horror movies. We are more like the people who scream at the characters when they make the wrong moves or laugh our heads off at how stupid the kills are.

We have gotten some weird looks before when we laughed at a scary movie. I could care less about what other people think. I'll laugh if I think it's funny. I'm so down for this.

Finally the food is done and Amber pulls it out. She made us a home made pizza. New dough, thicker then usual which is why it took longer to cook.

I don't care, she makes some of the best home made pizza anyway. It's just so good. We don't bother to get plates, we simply take hot pads, the cutter and the entire pan of pizza to the room and set it of the coffee table.

I turn and grin at her before tackling her into a hug. She laughed. " I love you Amber. You're my best friend ever. Never change. " I say.

" Love you too Tasha. The same goes for you ok!" She respond.

" You can count on me!" I say doing a small two finger salute. She laughs. The two of us help ourselves to the food, sit back and press play on the first movie.

This is going to be a night so very much needed. I'm so ready. Let's get it done.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one will be in Connor's POV. Sorry it took to long to post the new chapter. I've been dealing with really bad anxiety troubles and I've been feeling down lately. I've been doing a bit better so I finally managed to get this chapter out. I hope it was worth it. Thanks for your comments and vote. Means a lot. Until the next time guys.:-)

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