Chapter 89.

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Cassandra's POV.

Early mornings suck sometimes. This morning however, I'm excited for. I get to go to my original pack and see my family.

I'm also excited to see how this Alpha meeting goes. Amber's on the right track. She's got a good head on her.

Kurt is packing our bags right now while I go check on his mother. She spends a lot of her time in bed now. I've taken to caring for her. Tasha's mother will be taking over for me while I'm gone. I would hate to leave her without help and as Luna if this pack, I refuse to leave her to fend for herself.

I walk up to her room and gently knock on the door. I hear a small voice telling me to come in. I open to door and walk in, closing it behind me.

There she is on her bed. She has the lamp by her bedside turned on and is looking through an old photo album. I smile softly at her.

I walk up and take a seat on the side of her bed. " How are you this morning?" I ask.

She smiled at me. " I'm decent. I couldn't sleep last night. " she said.

" Nightmares again?" I ask.

She nods. " It's the same one every time. I can feel everything he felt before the bullet hit him. The panic he felt. The shock. Gosh, he was thinking about Kurt and I before it happened. " she said. Tears were already rolling down her face.

" That just proves how much he cared for you two. You were his world. Even thought those memories are hard to see. Take the good out of it. He adored you and even in his last moments all he could think about was you and his son. That's a beautiful thought. " I say.

She smiles sadly at me. " How did you become so wise at such a young age? " she asks fondly.

I lean over and grab a tissue for her and hand it to her. She smiles gratefully and wipes away her tears even though more kept coming. I lean back.

" I have someone bringing you breakfast in a half hour. " I tell her.

She looks a little sick at the thought of food. " Please eat a little bit? I am having them prepare cinnamon toast with light butter. I should sit well on your stomach. " I say.

She sighs and nods in response. I smile at her. I lean forward and give her a hug. " I'll be back tomorrow. I love you. " I say.

She hugs back. " I love you too. Stay safe during your trip and take care of that stubborn son of mine. " she says.

I laugh lightly. " I always will. " I say.

I plant a kiss to her head before saying goodbye and walking out. She's not been eating lately. She just hasn't been hungry.

I understand she's depressed and that can cause loss of appetite. I still make sure she eats some. I'm trying all I can to look after her.

Once I make it back to our room I lean against the door frame and watch as Kurt is running around the room packing. He was so focused that he had no idea I was watching. It's quite adorable to see his face when he's concentrating.

He's grabbing anything he thinks we will need. " Sweetie, we're just staying overnight. Not for a month. " I say with a small laugh.

He jumps when he hears my voice and looks over. He rubs the back of his neck and give a nervous laugh. His cheeks redden in a small embarrassed blush.

" I may have gone overboard. " he says.

I smile sweetly at him and walk over. I grab his hands and hold them to me. I pull him down and kiss him. " I happen to find your blush adorable. " I whisper to him.

His blush darkens and he grins. " You are just too adorable. " I say with a giggle at him.

" Oh hush. I'm nervous today. " he says.

" Kurt, you have nothing to be nervous about. You have done nothing wrong. " I say.

" I'm not nervous about that. I'm nervous about seeing Ronan. Part of me wants to kill him the second I see him now that I know he was involved with killing my father. I know that's not the right thing to do, but I'm just so nervous about seeing him. " he says.

I pull him over to the bed and sit him down. I then sit carefully on his lap and wrap my hands around his neck. I plant a kiss to his neck just under his chin and I can feel him release a small shudder.

" Relax Kurt. I'll be there to protect you and keep you level headed. I know this will be hard, but we will get through this together. " I say.

He nods and I feel him slowly start to relax. I bury my jace in his neck and I feel him let out a long breath and his entire body relaxes. I plant another kiss to his neck.

" I've got you Kurt, and I'm not letting go. " I say.

He hugs me tightly. " How did I get so lucky to have a wonderful mate like you?" He says.

" The same way I got so lucky to have an man like you. " I say.

We sit there for a little while before there's a knock on our door. " Come in. " I say.

A lady walks in. One of our cooks and she's holding a tray. She smiled at us. " I made some food for you two. " she says.

I stand up and walk over to her. I take the tray from her. I can feel Kurt walk up behind me. " Thank you very much. " I say.

" Anytime Luna. I see you two are busy. I wish you a safe trip. " she said before leaving. I smile and look at Kurt. He's smiling as well.

" Well, let's eat and then finish packing. We got a long trip ahead of us. " I say.

He nods and leans down to kiss me once on my forehead and once on my lips. " Yes ma'am. " he says.

They two on us then set to work.

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A/N. Hey guys. I how you enjoyed this chapter. I figured a small sweet moment was needed. The next chapter will be Connor's POV. Until next time guys. :-).

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