Chapter 7.

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Connor's POV.

He knows, holy crap he knows. This is so bad. I'm in deep trouble right now.

The Boss Rogue left after announcing he knew I was a Blue Eyed Healer. I'm panicking about it. I know I am, but I can't help it.

I don't know what he's going to do to me and that scares me even more. He said he'd be back later, but he has yet to return and it's been I don't know how long since then.

I tried to lay down and get some sleep, but I just couldn't sleep. My mind was racing to much. I'm laying on my back though, not much else to do.

It's a few hours later when I hear footsteps coming to the door. It opens and in comes the Boss Rogue.

He smiled at me. " I brought you some food. " he stated before setting it down in front of me as I sat up and looked at him in confusion.

I then scowl at him. Anger and hatred seeping into my facial features. I cross my arms over my chest. " Not hungry. " I say.

" I didn't ask if you were. " says the Boss Rogue. I growl in anger at that. I refuse to say another word.

He sets the food down in front of me. I don't even look at it, instead I keep my glare focused on him.

He then sits down in front of me. " Your going to need to keep your energy up for what I have planned for you. " he states, an evil smirk making it way across his face.

I would be lying if I said those words didn't send panic flaring through my chest. I don't let it show though.

I just keep glaring at him. " Ah so your trying the silent treatment now. Doesn't matter to me. " he said.

He then reached for the plate of food and grabbed a fry that was on it. He then ate it.

" There, it's not poisoned in case you were wondering. " he said.

I still don't move or say a word. He grins. " Very well then. I'll just explain my plans I have you you. " he said.

He sits back and takes a deep breath. " So we both know now that your a Blue Eyed Healer. A very rare one indeed. I haven't seen one since I killed your mother. " he said.

I growled in anger. He laughs. " That got something out of you. " he said.

" I'm going to perform some experiments on you. Test your powers and use some Wolf Bane on your mind. I won't kill you with it, at least not yet. No, I have major plans for you. " he says.

The panic in my chest builds and my anger look falters for a mere second. If he noticed, he didn't respond.

" I've mastered mind control with Wolf Bane. " he said.

" I thought you said it would be pointless to turn me against them with Wolf Bane. " I say.

" Yes, I did say that and it would be pointless, but that's not what I'm doing with Wolf Bane. " he says.

" What do you mean?" I ask.

" Have you ever wondered why you can never mind link anyone when your around me or when your around one of my rogues?" He asked.

I give him a angry, but confused look. " Around your cell are gems I've embedded in the wall. Each of these gems contains Wolf Bane. It prevents any type of mind link or mate bond. " says the Boss Rogue. My eyes widen.

" That's why at the beginning of all this Amber couldn't contact her father. " I say.

" True. She was only able to contact the closest person to her which was her friend. Those rogues were injected with a gem containing Wolf Bane. Not enough to kill them, but enough to keep them under my control and prevent others from contacting anyone. I have this around my neck. " he says showing me a necklace that I didn't see before. The gem was silver. Why is everything with this guy silver?

" That's why I couldn't contact Amber when you kidnapped me." I said.

He nodded. " Now your getting it. "

" That's how the rogues is whatever you want. Your mind controlling them. " I say.

" Not all of them. Just those who are against my methods of doing things. " he says.

" That's not right, none of this is right!? Your freakin' insane!!! " I cry.

He growls and the neck thing I know I'm pinned against the wall with his hand around my neck. He lifts up to the point we're both standing, but my feet aren't touching the ground anymore. I can't breath anymore.

" You don't know the meaning of that word boy. You will soon though. Your going to be part of my rogues. You will do everything I tell you. You won't have a choice. Nod if you understand. " he growled.

I have no choice. I nod. " You will be my creation, I'm going to make you my healer and if you decide to go against my orders and don't heal anyone I tell you to. I'll take away your healing powers and I kill you. Got it!!" He snarled.

Fear flares through me and I know it shows in my eyes. He grins when I nod. " Good, now eat your food. We start experimenting tomorrow. " he snarled before dropping me and walking out of the room.

I hit the ground and gasp in deeply before I start coughing. Crap this is so bad. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. I need to stay strong for Amber. I won't let him control me.

I won't. He will have to try harder then he ever has before. With that last thought I try and rid the bad thoughts in my head and look down at the plate of food. It's just done chicken and fries. I sigh in anger and then do what he told me. I then start eating.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll get another one up as soon as I can. Finally got s day off lol. Let me know a POV you want to see next. Until next time :-)

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