Chapter 45.

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Connor's POV.

Training how to fight with silver daggers is some of the best training I've ever done.

Alpha is awesome. He's been kind enough to train me and teach me all I need to know. He said my memory was blocked and wiped by my former family.

Apparently they hated me and wanted me dead. Whatever, I will fight with my new pack and they will pay for all they have done to me.

What I was strapped to when I became aware was something that helped restore my mind. I had gone insane because of what they did.

No matter, I am growing every day in power and I will fight by my Alpha's side until the day I die.

I am also the packs healer. I heal whoever is brought to me hurt. My powers are strong. They will remain that way.

As o am fighting against another wolf I hear the door open and sense the power of my Alpha.

We both stop training and turn towards him. We bow our heads in respect towards him.

He smirks. " You, leave. I wish to talk to Connor alone. " says Alpha.

" Yes sir. " the wolf then leaves the building.

" You wish to speak with me?" I ask.

" Yes, I have a mission for you. " he says.

My eyes light up at that. A mission sounds awesome. " What is this mission?"

" I have word about a pack that harbors humans. " says Alpha.

I snarl in anger at that. Humans!! Gosh I can't stand them. He's told me so many stories of what these humans did.

They stormed my first pack and killed my mother right in front of me. I will kill every last human I see.

" I want you to take a team of wolves and kill every last human you can find. You think you can do that?" He Asks.

" Nothing would make me happier Alpha. I will gladly rip out their throats with my teeth. " I snarl.

He laughs. " Good, you have to be aware though. Their Alpha is on his way back to the pack. He's very powerful. I want you in and out before he arrives. Understood. " says Alpha.

" Yes Sir. " I say.

" Good. Your team will be sent to you in one hour. Be ready to move. " he then turned and left.

Humans!!  I can't even stand the word!! I will rip out their throats and watch as they die. They will pay dearly for killing my mother.

I turn and leave the building. I leave down the road towards the house I'm staying in.

I make it inside and up the stairs. I don't even bother packing a back. I won't be gone long.

I do however, strap my elastic knife holder around my waist. It can stretch when I'm in wolf form and keep my knives on me.

( Warning for gruesome death. Not to bad. )

As I leave the house I'm suddenly tackled by a wolf. This wolf has glowing red eyes and he was huge.

No matter. He's no match for me. I grab his snout in my hands and squeeze it as tight as I can.

That earns and yelp from the wolf. I stand talked and snarl at it. The power I'm feeling makes the wolf start to cower down.

" SHIFT!" I yell.

The wolf has no choice. He shifts and is now there on the ground cowering before me.

" What is your reasonings for attacking me?!" I snarl.

" You don't deserve the power you got. It was given to you. You didn't earn it. That's not the Rogue way. " he snapped.

" It is now bud. Guess what though?" I say.

He looks up confused. " You ain't have to deal with it any longer. " his eyes widen and before he can do anything.

I've taken out my silver dagger and I've sliced it along the length of his throat. His hands shoot up and grip his throat as blood pours out over it.

He's making chocking sounds and looks at me in shock. Blood dribbling out of his mouth.

I simply smirk and stare into his eyes as I watch the life drain out of him. He then falls to his side and makes no others moves to get up.

His chest stops moving and he is now dead at my feet. I look around at the people staring at me.

" We may be a pack a pack of rogues, but even rogues have rules. You attack someone you better kill them. If you fail your life is up. Is that understood!!" I yelled.

They all nodded fast and the crowd dispersed. There was my Alpha staring at me with a shocked yet happy look.

" Alpha. " I say.

" I saw the whole thing. He attacked first for a selfish reason. You had every right to do what you did. Good work Connor. You really are fit to be a rogue. " he says.

I smirk evilly. " Thank you Alpha. " I say.

He laughs. " Your group is waiting by the south exit. The Alpha's name is Lucas. If he shows up, you bail. Understood. " he says.

I nod. " Yes Alpha. " I say.

He nods. " Good. You get moving. I got him. " says Alpha.

I nod and start running towards where my group was. As I run I get more excited for this.

I finally get to have some really action. Killing humans. This is going to be a lot of fun.

I make it to the men and women who are standing there waiting. " What are you standing around for? Shift. Let's get a move on. " I say.

They grin and we all switch to our wolves. We then take off running in the directions of the pack. All that could be heard is the thundering footsteps of all the rogues I have with me.

If these rogues try to kill me, I won't hesitate to end their lives. No one seems like they are going to make that move.

I shake that thought from my head and together we all just keep running to that pack to get rid of their human infestation.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know, evil Connor. I hate writing him like that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. Next POV will be Kurt's. Until then. :-)

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