Chapter 19.

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Amber's POV.

It's been a week now. Still nothing, I haven't felt anything from Connor.

I'm leaving tomorrow to head to Alpha Conan's pack to become Luna. I'm not nervous about it. I know it will be a big job, but I'm ready for it.

Today we're holding an assembly in the pack meeting room where it will be announced to the pack that I'm leaving.

Alpha Grace has decided to stay another week to help in the search. Alpha Benjamin left about three days ago to be with his mate.

I am currently in the woods at Connor's spot again. His scent still lingers. You'd think it would fade after a while, but no. It's still all over the ground where he slept.

Tasha and Kurt know I'm leaving. Their a bit sad about it, but they know it's for the best.

" Don't worry Amber. They'll be just fine. " says my wolf.

She hasn't spoken to me much since Connor went missing. " I know they will be. Their strong. " I say.

She doesn't reply, but I can feel as if she's smiling. I stand up and start to walk through the woods.

I want to search on my own for a bit. See if I can somehow find something before I leave.

As I walk I think back to when Connor and I would roam the woods at night. He's always want me to ride in his back when he was as his wolf.

I was quite adorable. As I'm walking I slowly make it to the pond we found deep in the woods.

Last time I was here we fought rogues. It feels like it was so long ago. The pond is still so pretty. Even if it doesn't have the moon light shinning off of it now.

The sun makes it sparkle. The wind moved the water a bit and I can just barely see a turtle peaking it's head up out of the water.

I giggle at that. It looks so cute. I walk closer. I'd never seen this pond before until I was with Connor.

I wonder if Alpha George has know anything about it. I'm actually curious if anyone ever swam in this pond before.

I'm tempted to go swimming in it now. My wolf then starts to become restless, meaning she wants out now.

I sigh and allow the shift to happen. Once I become my wolf the scent of something awful comes across my senses.

It smells like death. I put my nose to the ground and start to sniff to find my way to it. I find the scent and follow it.

This must be why my wolf wanted out. She could sense something was wrong.

As I walk to where the scent was I can hear flies and bugs around. So many of them.

I make it to the scent and see there's leaves and dirt covering it. I move it as best as I can with my paw.

I uncover the top of it and jump back and stare. I'm met with the face of a dead body. I don't know how o didn't smell this earlier. I have good senses even without shifting.

It's them explained when I see a bullet hole on the forehead. This person was shot as well. I slowly stick my head closer and sniff near the bullet hole and catch traces of silver.

This person must have been shot with the same gun that killed Alpha George. We never did find the weapon. Only the bullet that was in Alpha George's head.

This person must have found out who had the gun and confronted them, only to be shot and killed instead.

I can't tell who the person it now, I don't recognize them. I need to call Alpha Kurt and get him over here.

We've got another body on our hands now. I then hear a noise and turn around. I'm lead back to the pond.

Must be that turtle, I walk over to the pond anyway and look. I first see my reflection in the water.

My white wolf stared back at me. Why am I here? What brought me to be in this place to find this body? Why me?

I don't understand it. This entire week has been nothing, but confusing and horrible. I see the blue in my eye.

It's beautiful and reminds me so much of Connor's blue eyes. Even his wolf had the same color eyes.

That's one thing I love about our wolves. You get to keep your regular eye color. So even if you had solid green eyes, your wolf would have them too.

That'd be a sight to see. Blue eyes were a first for me too until I met Connor. I focus my hearing on this around me so I don't get surprised by anyone.

This place feels eerie now. Not at all beautiful and peaceful like it was a few minutes ago.

Then the sun shifted and something very bright shined against my eyes. I blink back against it. I then look closer into the water.

That's where it came from. Instead of it just being the water I see something shinning at the bottom of the pond.

Not to deep. Hope fills my chest. Maybe this is what I think it is. I dive into the water without a second thought.

I swim to the bottom as fast as I can and when I get close enough I can't believe what I'm seeing.

I use only my teeth to bite onto it before swimming hard back to the surface.

Once I'm there I drop it and shift back right away. I can't believe my eyes. I cover my mouth with both hands and feel tears well up in my eyes.

' KURT COME TO THE WOODS NOW!!' I yell as loud as I can in the mind link.

' Amber what's wrong?!' He says back. Concern in his voice.

' Your going to want to see this. I found a body in the woods. Shot in the head with a silver bullet. ' I say.

' There's something else. ' he says.

I take a deep breath and just stare at what's before me. ' Kurt, I found the weapon the killed your father. '

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I did skip forward a few days. Nothing to big, but I hope this was good. Let me know who's POV you want next. Until next time :-)

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