Chapter 34.

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Amber's POV.

Leaving the pack you grew up in is not an easy thing to do. It's hard to say goodbye to the people who have known me since I could barely walk.

It's hard to leave my parents, to leave my brother, but I got a mate and a pack who needs me.

My parents are meeting up outside so we can say good bye. I wish I could be there for when they tell John about Amelia. He's in good hands though.

My father said he would be the one to tell him. My mother hasn't been handling this well.

I haven't either, but there's not anything I can do about it right now. It's for John to sort out with Amelia. I will support him no matter what, always!

It's going to be a long journey and we won't arrive at the pack until nightfall.

We leave the pack house and turn to the ones that are staying. I walk up to my parents and hug them tight.

They hug me back and both kiss the top of my head. Tasha is saying bye to her parents and Clayton is hugging Cassandra.

" Stay safe Amber." Says my father.

" I will dad. " I say.

" I'll give John a hug for you. " says my mother.

" Thank you mom. I love you guys. So much!" I say.

" We love you too Amber. We're so proud of you. " they both say.

I give them one last squeeze before I let go. I then look at Tasha. We both nod and at the same time we run at Kurt.

His eyes widen right away and before he can say or do anything the two of us have tackled him and we all hit the ground on top of Kurt.

Kurt just starts laughing. He hugs us. " I'll miss you too. " he says in between his laughs.

We're laughing too, everyone else has a smile on their face. Once we get up we finish the last of our goodbyes and with that we start to leave.

Everyone watching as we go. The second we make it to the woods we shift into our wolves and take off running.

Bète Marcus is with us as well. He and Alpha Conan have made up fully since everything happened.

I feel a great sadness for leaving my home pack, but also a lot of excitement for getting to start new.

I have many things I want to do when I'm there. Things to make the pack better and greater then it ever has been before. I just hope the rest of the pack will be accepting of me.

I know it's going to be a shock for them when Alpha Conan steps down and for someone they don't even know to take his place, but I will do everything I can to earn their trust and respect.

I won't be the person who pulls the Luna card and gets the respect out of fear. I want to be the one they trust to protect them and love them. I want to be the one they willingly give respect to. I want to earn it.

I'm going to treat this pack to everything it deserves. Connor would like that.

Sure enough we get to the pack territory line as the sun is setting. Alpha Conan stopped us.

We all shifted back. " There are silver bear traps laid randomly for others packs and rogues. Your brother John got hurt on one once before. " says Alpha Conan.

I grow angry at that. " I know it's bad. We will walk on foot from here. I know the clear path. Follow me. " he says.

That we do. As we walk I put that in my mind that I will have these traps removed. No one needs to get hurt like that. Not even a member from another pack. If it was an Alpha, that could lead to war. Especially depending on if that Alpha is short tempered and just doesn't care who he hurts until he gets the revenge he wants.

Finally after what feels like forever we clear the booby trapped field and make it to his packs territory.

The second we cross we are met by a wolf. He right away bowed in respect to Alpha Conan. Even as his wolf.

We shifted again and followed him through the pack to the pack house. The packs atmosphere is dreary around here.

The ground looks like it's just been raining, and it just looks plain spooky walking through the town he had here.

As we walk I can see the houses around here are cracked and have chipped paint all over them, very unkept.

The shops around town were mostly abandoned aside from the main grocery store.

What happened here?

As we continue walking a few heads poke out of windows to see who's there, but they right away go back into hiding the second after they see Alpha Conan.

Man, what did he do to these people when he was under the control of the Wolf Bane?

It's like his entire pack is terrified of him. Jeez, I guess I can see now that this is part of the reason he wants to step down as Alpha.

We shift back once we make it to the steps of the pack house. The guy who showed us the way was the main guard.

" Welcome back Alpha Conan. " he then looked and saw us. " You brought guests. "

" Yes I did. This is Amber. My sons mate. " says Alpha Conan.

The guards eyes widened. " Connor found his mate. Where is he though?" Says the guard. He had always liked Connor.

" He's been kidnapped by Fenris. " says Alpha Conan.

The guard doesn't say anything, but his jaw drops. " Let's get inside. We have a lot to discuss and we need to hold a pack meeting tomorrow to make an announcement to the pack. " says Alpha Conan.

" Yes Alpha. " says the guard.

With that we walked inside. Time to start a new chapter in my life.

I sigh and look at the night sky before walking in.

Where are you Connor?

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be in John's POV. Until then guys :-)

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