Chapter 96.

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Alpha Ronan's POV.

I really don't want to do this meeting. I have no other choice though. Fenris won't let me miss this. One slip up and everything will be ruined. I can't afford that. My pack can't afford that. Gosh, what am I going to do?!

I can't keep going on like this. He's taken full control over my pack. He's treating me like an animal. It's like I'm a rug that he can walk all over. I'm powerless to stop him.

I never should have agreed to the deal I made with him. I never should have helped him in kidnapping Connor. Now thanks to my stupid mistake, Connor's missing and has had his mind wiped, Alpha George is dead and now so is my Bète.

I haven't slept since he was killed. I had to tell his wife and kids. She was a mess when I got to her. It's all my fault. I feel so bad right now, emotionally and physically.

The moment I showed up here I could tell they sensed something was off with me. My appearance must show exactly how I'm feeling. I just want this to end.

Luna Amber led us into their packs meeting room. In front of the Alpha and Luna's chair, down n the ground away from the stands, was a seat where each Alpha will sit for their questioning. In the far back of the room as a new guy I had never seen before. That's rather strange. Amber walked up to her seat and sits down.

Tasha sat to her left where the Third in commands usually sits. Alpha Conan sat in the Alpha chair. He must be filling in for Connor. Amber looks so serious and more grown up already. This must all be so hard for her.

" Please pick out a seat for yourself. I will be establishing a mind link between all of us and the two that were unable to join us today. Alpha Conan will be sitting in on this meeting with us today. He will be filling the spot of Alpha until Connor gets back. I am ultimately in charge and he has agreed to listen to what I say. " says Amber.

We all nodded nod went to take a seat. Once we were all seated, a mind link was created and we felt the presence of each other. I'll have to be careful why I say and think from here on out.

" First I would like to thank you all for putting down your important business at your packs and allowing me to question you about all that's happened. " says Amber.

" We would never abandon you in your time of need Luna Amber. " says Kurt.

Everyone said words of agreement. " Thank you. " she says.

We all bowed our heads in respect to her. " Todays questioning will consist of specific question. I want you to give detailed answers. Do not leave anything out. I have with us today someone who has stood in on investigations here. His name is Phillip and he is able to tell if someone is lying. So please, do not lie and just tell the truth. I have nothing to hide and I hope neither of you do either. " says Amber.

We nod in response. So that's who the strange guy in the corner is. Well crap, this just got harder. " We will start the questioning with the two that could not join us here today. Alpha Anthony. Are you ready? " asks Amber.

' Yes Luna Amber. ' replied Alpha Anthony over mind link.

' Excellent. On the night when Alpha George was murdered, Where were you? ' she asked.

' I was walking down the stairs after having just left my room that Alpha George gave me. I had just taken a shower and was heading down to grab a small snack. ' says Alpha Anthony.

' Where was your Bète and guards at the time of the murder?' She asked.

' They we're at the training grounds. They find training relaxing, so after the pack war, they went to go cool down. ' says Alpha Anthony.

' What made you want to join us in the pack war after you had said no?' She asked.

Hmm, that is rather curious. ' After you all had left, I went to my parents grave to visit them. I pondered over what you all said and I couldn't stop thinking about it. My parents would have helped you without question nod as their son, I couldn't let them down. So I gathered up my men and we rushed to help the first chance we got. ' says Alpha Anthony.

A small smile came across Amber's face. ' After the gun went off, what was the first thing you did?'

' After we heard the gun shot. I heard a scream come from a room on the ground floor. It was a heartbreaking scream. I then heard running and I spotted Alpha Kurt running through the door, followed by you. I rushed down the rest of the steps and followed the other Alpha's outside. Once we found Alpha Kurt next to the body, only then did I realize what had happened. ' says Alpha Anthony.

' Did you see anything weird or suspicious before the murder?' She asked.

' No Luna Amber. Everything seemed normal to me. A lot of celebrating was happening and everyone seemed normal. ' says Alpha Anthony.

' Do you think anyone here could be involved in what happened? ' she asked. Oh crap!

' No Luna Amber. Every Alpha here are highly respected. I don't think any of them would ally themselves with the monsters that did this. ' says Alpha Anthony.

' Last question. We're you 100 percent honest with me?' She said.

' Yes Luna Amber. ' replied Alpha Anthony.

Amber looks at Phillip. " He told the truth. " says Phillip.

' Thank you for your time Alpha Anthony. ' says Amber.

I'll have to be smart on how I answer these questions. This is going to be more difficult then I thought. For the sake of my pack, I have to pass this.

'Alpha Grace, Are you ready?' Asks Amber.

' Yes Luna.  ' came Alpha Grace's response.

' Good, then let's begin. ' says Amber.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update again soon. Next is Amber's pov. Until next time guys. Bye :-)

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