Chapter 82.

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Alpha Grace's POV.

I'm still in shock over what I've just found out. How could a Alpha like Ronan just betray everything he knows? It makes no sense.

I would never go against what I know. I've already proven myself with that. I will do whatever it takes to keep myself and my pack safe and I would never stoop so low as to house rogues in my pack.

Whatever was his reasons, they are border line stupid. If he needed help and had no choice, fine, I understand that. He could have just come to one of us for help.

I would have gladly helped him. I don't know if Ronan just did it for the heck of it, or did it because he had no choice. I just don't understand it.

I should let John know that Connor's been found though. I feel it's something he'd want to know. John is currently in his room. He has a few days left before we can start some physical therapy for his hand. I know he will feel a bit better once he starts to heal more.

What those humans did to him was just awful. He didn't deserve that and he sure as heck didn't deserve for his mate to betray him like that. He's such a sweet boy and he deserves the world.

I just hope I can give him a sense of peace and safety here in my pack. I hope he can soon feel like this pack is him some as well. I will do whatever I can to help him.

I start to head over to his room. He still doesn't talk very much. I'm the only one he will talk to. I'm not sure why he picked me as the person he feels comfortable talking too, but either way, I'm just glad I can help him.

Once I get up to his room I gently knock on the door. A few seconds later it opens to reveal John. He's dressed in only pajama pants. His bandage is off his side. He must be cleaning it.

" Hey." He mumbled with a small smile.

I offer what I hope is a reassuring smile in return. " Hey John, may I come in? I have some news to tell you. " I say.

He nods and moves to the side to let me in. With that I walk in and he walks back to the bed where he has a few things set out. Just a bit of medical supplies to clean and wrap up the wound again.

He sits down as I walk up. " May I take a look?" I ask.

He nods again. I can't down by him and take a look at the wound. It's healing up nicely now thanks to the pack doctors help. It'll still take a while because of the silver that made the wound. However, everything inside from the surgery he had should be almost healed.

Our wounds heal really fast, so the tools used for surgery on a werewolf have a bit of silver lined up in it. Not enough to really do damage l, but enough so the wound didn't close up on us while we are fixing it.

It heals rather fast. " It's looking a lot better. " I say.

He nods again. I quickly help him wrap it back up and he then slips on his shirt that was laying next to him. He pats the side of the bed. I take that as an invitation to sit with him.

I sit down and look at him. " Ok, so the good news. Connor has been found and captured. He is at Amber's pack in a cell. " I say.

His eyes widen and I see hope in his eyes. " Sadly, he doesn't know any of them. It's like his mind has been wiped completely. He's essentially a rogue now. " I say.

The hope doesn't leave his eyes. " Connor is strong. If anyone can beat this. It's him. " says John.

I give a smile. " There's more to it. We found out where the rogues are being housed and where Connor was kept captive. " I say.

His eyes widen again. " Where?" He asks.

" At Alpha Ronan's pack. " I say.

" He's housing rogues!!" Cried John. His voice riding in pitch a little. This is the most vocal I've heard him in a long time.

" Yes. He's going against everything an Alpha stands for. " I say.

He slowly calms down and closes his eyes to think. I can almost see the gears turning in his head. He looks at me finally. " What do they plan to do?" He asks.

" I'm not sure. They only found out about this a few minutes ago. Clayton talked to Connor and got the. And from him. " I say.

" They need to be careful about how they approach this. Any wrong move will let them know that we know. " says John.

I nod. " The Boss Rogue is going to come for him. If they aren't prepared. It's going to be a blood bath. " says John.

" He won't know where Connor is though. " I say.

" Yes he will. With all he's done to him, he probably has a way to track him. The Boss Rogue is deadly smart. We need to be prepared. " says John.

" Them how do you suggest we go about this?" I ask.

" Connor needs to be transferred to another pack. I suggest Alpha Anthony's pack. It'll be the last place he would think to look. We also need to find a way to get rid of Connor's scent. He can't catch even the slightest whiff of it. If he does. It's all over. " says John.

" So a prison transfer?" I say.

He nods. " Packs used to do it all the time when someone would try to go after another. I read up on it with my dad a while back. " says John.

I smile proudly at him and he grins back. " You are one smart man. " I say.

He just chuckles in response. " Well come on. Let's go make a plan and then tell Amber. " I say.

He nods and together the two of us head to my office to finalize this plan. Hopefully this will work. I have faith in John's plan.

He's a Bète's son. He's a smart man. His father definitely raised him right. With this plan, we can hopefully get Connor back to full health again. Only time will tell.

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A/N. Hey guys. Ok so this chapter is dedicated to hispoeticprincess

Thank you for all your support and comments. It means a lot.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Let me know who's POV you want next. Also, I do plan on continuing this series. There will be a few more books after this one. Plus a spin off series I will be starting soon. Until then guys. :-)

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