Chapter 60.

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Connor's POV.

Alpha Ronan is doing better. I found out that he accidentally drank some of the Wolf Bane that Alpha had left sitting out in a cup.

It's a clear liquid so I guess he thought it was water. I healed him though and now he's back to doing what he does every day.

Alpha has been rather tense around me lately. I am not sure why though. Today we're going to do some training.

Alpha wants to see if my training has improved for our final mission. I'll be going against him today since I've beaten everyone else.

I've never gone up against Alpha before, but I've seen him fight. He's so strong and powerful. I'm actually a bit nervous.

Normally the wolves that go up against him come out of the fight either injured or dead. He doesn't even shift into his wolf to fight. He beats them with his bare hands. It's pretty brutal.

The fight is in 20 minutes and I am currently in the training room. I'm trying to take out my nervousness on the punching bag, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

I stop punching after 15 minutes and start to make my way to the little fighting arena we made. Which is basically just a huge circle dug into the dirt.

When I arrive almost every rogue is there. They make room so I can walk into the arena. Once I'm there at the middle I see Alpha is already waiting there for me.

" Hello Connor. Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod. " Yes Alpha. " I say.

" The rules of this fight is simple. You land a hit that's a point, you pin me down for five seconds, you win. You make it to ten points before then and you win. Same goes for me. No weapons, only shifting. Understood?" He said.

I nod again. " Yes Alpha. " I say.

" Ok, the fight starts in two minutes. Ready yourself. " he said before turning around to Alpha Ronan who was also here to watch and Lauren who was here in case of injury.

I've seen so many fight between Alpha and others. They go straight for lunging at him. I'm going to dodge. I'm going to let him make the first move. I'm fast as my wolf.

As the time ticks down my heart rate goes up. I'm very nervous right now. Finally he turns back around and looks at me. " The fight begins now. " he says.

We right away take to walking around the circle of the arena. Circling each other waiting for the other to move.

I see a slight glint in his eyes. The same one I see every time he fights. That means he's about to attack.

He lunges forward with his hand outstretched. I dive to the side at the last second and his hands grab air.

He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I'm guessing he wasn't expecting for me to dodge that fast. I'm currently a bit crouch down as I'm circling away from him.

He dives for me again and I dodge, only he was expecting that this time and flips around. His hands were halfway shifted, meaning the nails had turned into claws.

His claws catch me on my side just below the rib cage. Thankfully not too deep, but still painful.

I'm fast though, so I flip around and land a lunch to his jaw. He stumbles back and a hand grabs his chin. He then looks at me and laughs. " That's one point to you. " he said.

" Nine to go. " I growled back.

" If you last that long. " he says. Oh he's being smug now. Good, he assumes he's going to win. That means he will hopefully let his guard down some.

We stare at each other before I finally make a move. I dive at him and catch him around the waist. He rams his elbow down into my back over and over, but I can take it. A lot of rogues do that same move.

I put a lot of my werewolf strength into this and I lift him up and slam him into the ground.

He lets out a loud grunt. I must have shocked him. I quickly shift into my wolf and bite into his left forearm.

He growls in anger and pain at that. I twist my head and try to pin his arm down. All he does is fling me off his arm. I hit the ground and Yelp, but I am right back in my feet and lunge at him again.

I manage to claw the side of his leg on the thigh. Digging deep and tearing tendons.

He cried out in pain at that one and tries to grab me. I've now rendered one of his legs useless. Good.

That's three hits. That's more then any wolf has ever managed to land. He's getting angry now though. His anger tends to give him strength.

I was running and dodging hits. I managed to land at least two more before I felt his hand grab the back of my neck. Mainly the skin there, and yank me off the ground.

He threw me away and I hit the ground hard. Seconds later his wolf has me pinned.

I never even had the chance to get up. I snarl in anger. His wolf roars in my face and the power that comes with it. I can't help, but to cower down at the power.

He steps away and shifts back. " Very impressive Connor. No one has ever landed that many hits on me. " he says.

I shift back and slowly rise to my feet. " Thank you Alpha. " I say.

" You did well. Keep your training up and we will fight again in three days. Tonight I want to see you at my tent. We have something important to discuss. " he says.

" Yes Alpha. " I say.

He turns and walks away, leaving me standing there watching as he walks away.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know who's you want. Until then. :-).

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