Chapter 110.

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Amber's POV.

He's here, he's finally here. Feeling him brush up against me sent the tingles I so badly missed through me. Hearing his voice in my mind declaring how He'd always protect me.

I couldn't help the whine that left me. I've missed him so much and now he's here. I'm so happy to see him again.

He and Fenris are slowly circling each other. They are privately talking to each other. Connor must have a lot to say to him.

Suddenly the two lunge at each other and start fighting. Connor bites into the skin just below the neck of Fenris. He then twists, forcing Fenris to go rolling with him to the ground.

He rolls off of him and lunges forward with his claw outstretched. Fenris is quick to get up and move out of the way. The two moves fast around each other.

Attacking and dodging. They must have trained with each other before. I've seen Connor fight before, but never like this. He's learned new moves. I wonder why Fenris taught Connor how to fight him if he knew that this was a possibility?

It doesn't make any sense really. Alpha Conan looks angry and worried for his son. I wish we could jump in and help.

Connor said we would know the opening when we see it. They are growling and snarling at each other. Fighting as hard as they could.

Connor was fast and small enough to dodge each and every one of Fenris's attacks. Connor's wolf is big, but Fenris is almost double in size. Connor latches on to one of the hurt front paws of Fenris and bites down as hard as he can.

Fenris howls in pain and jerks back. A chunk is missing from the back of his right front paw. He growls and their fight continues.

Connor gets batted to the side and goes rolling. He's right back on his feet though and rushes at Fenris again. This fight keeps on for a good bit.

Finally, Connor lands a major hit to the side of Fenris's neck and blood starts to pour down and soak his fur. Fenris tries to keep fighting. Only the cut is too deep and he's slowly growing weaker.

He's not giving up though he bits the back of Connor's neck and looks like he's about to kill Connor. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.

I take this as my cue. Connor is struggling to get free. I rush in and launch myself into the back of Fenris. I sink my teeth into the back of his neck, forcing the cuts to leak even more blood

Fenris let's Connor go and tears back as he howls in pain. ' Connor!' Called Alpha Conan.

Connor looks over. ' Heal him and then you can kill him. You can get rid of the Wolf Bane in his system. Do that and you can over power him. Trust me on this. ' says Alpha Conan.

Connor turns back and rushed at Fenris as he's pretty much bucking to try and knock me off. I have me claws and teeth in way to deep and I have no intention of letting go anytime soon. Not until he's just a corpse on the ground.

Connor rushed into front of Fenris and looks him dead in the eyes. ' Heal!' He orders.

It isn't powerful yet, but Fenris's flinched and tries harder to knock me off. ' It's going to work Connor. Do it again. Keep trying. ' I say.

He keeps running in front of Fenris and every time they lock eyes, he orders him to heal. Each order getting stronger and stronger. Fenris's flinched we're getting worse and worse.

Connor must be doing it right now. He finally rushed in front of him one last time and orders in his most powerful voice that now holds his Alpha Power. ' HEAL!!! '

Fenris howls loudly in pain and his jerk finally sends me flying off of him. He turns and bats me aside with his paw. His claws slicing across my rib cage.

I Yelp in pain and go rolling. I'm brought to a stop by Alpha Benjamin. Fenris is practically convulsing on the ground his eyes glowing solid blue. He's howling and whining.

If it wasn't Fenris, this would be hard to watch. Fenris is clearly trying to fight it with all the power he's has. Only it's not enough to surpass Connor's healing abilities.

Connor is standing strong, chest puffed out and his look is one of a truly powerful Alpha. I am not sure how long it takes before Fenris stops moving. He's now in his human form and is breathing heavily. His eyes are closed.

Connor growls and looks at me. ' Together. ' I nod and we get closer and growl at him.

Fenris opens his eyes. He spots the two of us and let's put a small laugh. He then groans. " So this is it huh. You know Connor, I had big plans for you. You were the only one that truly intimidated me. " he admits as he sits up. A small smile on his face.

' That's why you kidnapped me. ' says Connor.

' Yes, once I knew of your power, I had to protect myself. So I came up with the plan to kidnap you. That bullet was insurance in case you put up a fight. I couldn't have any witnesses though. So dear Alpha George had to die. Oh well. It is what it is. ' says Fenris.

Connor looks at me and nods. We get ready to attack. Fenris looks at Conan. ' It was nice knowing you Conan. Just know, I had pleasure in killing your mate and framing your son. ' he said.

Conan growls at him. ' Amber, you have grown so much. I...' he starts.

Only Connor and I don't wolf him finish. We dive for him and I sink my teeth into Fenris's neck and Connor bites the spot between the shoulder and neck.

We tear out a chunk of flesh on earthed side and Fenris falls limp to the ground. His eyes open wide and blood flowing to the ground. Two breaths later, he stops breathing.

It's over. It's finally over. Fenris, The Boss Rogue is finally dead.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this. I have a few more chapters left until the end of this book. Let me know who's POV you want next. Until then guys :-)

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