Chapter 30.

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Cassandra's POV.

The entire room is silent, no one says a word. The only noise you can hear is the sniffles that Amelia makes.

She's crying. " Your the spy?" I ask.

She lets out a sob and nods. " Why? Why would you do this to us?" I ask.

" He's didn't give me a choice. " she said weakly.

At that we all know exactly who is behind this. Amber drops everything she's holding. " No, no NO NO!! " she cried, her hands go over her mouth.

She's crying now. " It's the Boss Rogue? Isn't it?" Asks Kurt.

Oh gosh no!! " Yes." Says Amelia.

Amber lets out a wail and starts to sob harder then I've ever seen her cry. Alpha Conan sets his stuff down and sits on the steps.

Amber's father is just staring in horror. " You've been helping him all this time?" I say.

Alpha Grace looks shocked by everything, mainly the reactions of those here.

" Yes, I didn't know he'd kill Alpha George. I swear it. " she cried.

Rage has been slowly filling me. " I knew it. " I say. I always knew I couldn't trust her.

Kurt looks over at me. " What?"

" I knew something was up with her. From the moment she joined us she's been acting weird. I saw her in the exact spot your father was killed days before it happened. I never thought to piece it together. I knew something was wrong with her!!" I cry.

Amelia looks horrified. " You sent the humans to us too?" Asks Amber's father.

" Yes. I didn't know John would get hurt. I just needed to get you off his trail. He told me to do something. " she said.

" So you thought outing us to humans was the best idea?" Spat Kurt.

" I'm sorry. " she cried.

Amber's mother is hugging Amber to her now. Amber can barely hold herself up anymore. She crying to hard.

" The Boss Rogue has Connor then?" Says Amber's father.

" Yes. " says Amelia.

Amber heard enough. She took off out of the room and was gone. Tasha looked torn. She looked at Clayton. He nodded at her and she took off after Amber.

" Fenris has my son. Hasn't he already taken enough from me?!" Snarled Alpha Conan.

" Why did he take him?" Says Kurt.

" He wasn't planning on it. He was planning on taking Amber again and finishing his plan, but then some of the rogues went crazy when you were recruiting packs. They hated humans and went after Matt. That's when he found out about Connor's healing abilities. He decided to kidnap him instead. " says Amelia.

" Oh gosh, he knows. " I say.

Clayton sat down next to Alpha Conan. " What's he going to do to him?" Whimpered Clayton.

" I don't know. He never told me his plan. " says Amelia.

" Do you know where they are?" I ask.

" No I don't. If I knew I would tell you. " she said.

Kurt just shook his head. Seconds later guards walked in. " Take her to the pack prison. Level three. " says Kurt.

They did as told and took her away. Kurt then runs a hand through his hair. " Gosh this is so messed up. " says Kurt.

" What do we do now?" Says Clayton.

" We continue our plans. I still want to do the pack wide interrogation. See if anyone else knew anything about this. " says Kurt.

" Amber's not going to stop until he's found. " I say.

" Good. She shouldn't ever stop. I have a feeling that this new information about who has her mate is going to give her new found strength to carry on. She will lead that pack with strength and courage. She will be a strong leader. " says Amber's father.

" You're right. If anyone can pull through this, it's her. " says Kurt.

" So we still go to our packs as planned?" Says Alpha Conan.

" Yes. Now that we know who is behind this we know what to expect. You know a lot about him Alpha Conan. You and amber guard your pack. Alpha Lucas, we can tell you everything you need to know about him to protect your pack against him if he were to come near. As for us, we have Bète Rick. He can help us prepare. We continue as planned. " says Kurt.

Alpha Conan sighed. He buried his face in his hands. " This is all my fault. " he said.

We all looked at him. Some confused. " When we were part of a pack he found his mate. She was kind and brave. I didn't trust her though, she was a rogue. They got married and she ended up pregnant. Half way through the pregnancy a rogue attack happened and I assumed right away it was her and I killed her without a second thought, in turn killing his child as well. " says Alpha Conan.

We all stared at him in horror. I knew something had happened, but I never thought it was this.

" He killed my wife and turned me against my son as payback for it. He went after ricks daughter because he wanted revenge on him for not doing anything about it. Now he's got my son. If I could take it back I would. " he said.

" We're you controlled by something?" Says Clayton.

" No, I was fully aware of my actions. I just... hated rogues because that's what wiped out our first pack. I didn't trust them. I still don't, but she was part of the pack and I didn't give her a chance to talk. I just went for the kill. " says Alpha Conan.

" You regret your choice?" Asks Alpha Grace.

" Of course I do. I did the second after I did it. Seeing my life long friend broken down to tears at the sight of his dead mate and child. I got an ear full from my mate that night though. " he chuckled dryly, no humor in his voice at all. " I made a terrible mistake. I caused all this. I'm so sorry. "

Everyone stayed silent for a while, no one sure what to do or say. I stepped forward and crouched down in front of him.

" Did you ever try to make up for it, or even apologize?" I ask.

He shakes his head. " Maybe you should start there. We still trust you Alpha. We always have and that won't change. You made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but your willing to make up for what you did and that's something. In my eyes Alpha Conan, you are forgiven." I say.

He looks around and everyone nods. " Thank you. I'll make this right. I'll do what I have to. " he says.

He then looks at me. " I knew you were meant for so much more. Being Luna suits you. " he said.

I smiled at him. " Thank you. " I say.

I stand up and sigh. Mistakes have been made, Yes. These mistakes will be made right. That's all we can hope for.

I turn and look at Kurt. Welp, back to business.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again soon. Not sure who's POV. I hope you enjoyed finding out who's the spy. Until next time guys, bye :-)

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