Chapter 48.

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Alpha Lucas's POV.

I decided to take my time getting back to my pack. Since we had just finished a pack war and done nothing aside from helping find who killed Alpha George,  we were all so exhausted.

We were allowed to spend as long as we needed at the packs we arrived to before we made it to ours.

We even helped Alpha Benjamin with a few things in his pack. Since he is still with them at Alpha Kurt's pack. I helped get his pack in order for him.

Gave him an update of his mate and finally after three days we made the rest of our run on the last. By the time we arrived all I could do was stand there looking in horror.

Rogues were all over the place. Humans, my pack members were either running from them or were dead on the floor.

My pack was under attack and no one alerted me. Pure rage filled me. I roared loud in anger and my pack members followed.

We took off running and started to fight off the rogues. Some wolves were already trying to do that with little success until now.

As they spotted me they started to run off and even drag some humans with them.

Not on my watch. I ran after those wolves and mowed them down. I didn't care how I was killing them.

They didn't deserve anything nice for attack innocent humans. They don't walk into my pack and do that.

No, they will pay for this. I got the humans free from the rogues and stood protectively over the ones I freed.

They ran off. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of light grey fur. Something a rogue never is.

I looked and what I saw mace terror flash through me. There staring at me was a wolf with light grey fur with spots of brown and dark grey in it and the brightest solid blue eyes.

I've seen this wolf before. Connor. What is he doing here?  Then I see he had blood all over his mouth and is staring at me like he doesn't know me.

They turned him against us. Oh no!

Connor roared in anger. He backed up and took off running. The rogues not far behind.

They left my pack and were finally gone. I can't believe this. Connor has been turned against us.

Amber's going to be so upset. I shake my head and quickly shift back to human form.

I start to tend to the humans here with me. They were crying and clearly terrified.

" It'll  be ok. I'll get you help. " I say.

They nod. Soon hours passed. Every injured human was in the packs infirmary and the dead were lined up outside.

" How many are dead?" I ask.

" All together we have 25 injured. Four of those very critical. Thirty humans are dead. " says my Bète.

I feel anger and despair. I was to late to protect my pack members. So many wolves lost their mates today. Some of my pack members are dead too. The ones who fought back to protect their human loved ones.

Some of these human were kids. Harmless kids. The family members were able to come up and claim the bodies.

There were men, women and children weeping and some practically wailing over the bodies of their loved ones. 

It was such a hard thing to see. " I want around the clock guard on border peril. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. You kill any wolf on sight. They have to contact me to get in. If not you kill them. Am I understood?!" I growl.

" Yes sir. I'll get right on it. " my Bète then ran off.

I walked down into the field and started to do my best to talk and comfort the ones who were crying.

I have hugs and promised so many times that we would find the ones responsible for this and bring them to justice for their crimes.

This cannot go unpunished. Sadly that means Connor included. He murdered members of my pack. I know he didn't have control of himself and that will serve him well in a trial.

Once he's back to normal that is. He's just as much a victim as we all are. I know he didn't have a choice. I know Connor would never do something like this.

He saved me when we met and he barely knew me. He's so sweet and have a gentle soul.

To do this, he must be under mind control. I'll help him and do everything I can.

The one in charge of this, the one who ordered them to do this will be the main one punished.

I won't let them get away with this. As I'm walking I freeze. There laying in the ground is someone I never wanted to see here.

Matt's parents were killed. We had just moved them here a while back. They just learned about this stuff. Oh gosh!

How am I going to tell him?

I'm glad Matt is not here night now. He doesn't need to see this and if he has been here, he could have been another victim. I won't let that happen.

I need to contact the other Alpha's and let them know what's just transpired. They need to out their packs on high alert as well.

No one else will ever go though the tragedy my pack has just had to endure. I won't allow it if I can help stop it.

I turn and march right back into the pack house, heading straight for my office.

As I make it there I sit down and it's then that I realize I'm breathing heavily. So fast I am practically hyperventilating.

I hang my head and try to calm myself down. I even shed a few tears as I try.

Finally once I'm calm enough. I lift my head and brace myself. I then send out the warning. The rogues are going after humans now. This won't happen again. Not as long as I'm alive and have something to say about it.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again soon. Not sure who's POV. Let me know if there is one you want to see. Until next time guys. :-)

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