Chapter 58.

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Kurt's POV.

I am currently sitting on the front porch of the pack house. Bent over with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

The sun is slowly starting to rise and the devastation those rogues have left is now on full show to the entire pack.

This is way too much to deal with. I'm being asked all these questions and I can't answer them.

Tasha's father had taken over telling the guards what to do. I'm freaking out. My pulse is racing. John's mate is dead, as are pack members and a few humans.

It's just hit after hit and just when I start thinking things are going to look up, they get knocked right back down.

" You ok kid?" Asks a voice.

I looked up to see David, the human, staring at me with a small look of concern.

" No, not really. My pack just got attacked again. Last time I had my father to help me with the clean up. Now, I have no idea what to do!" I snap.

He smiles softly and sits down in the seat next to me. " There's more to this story then you're telling me and I know I have no right to know the entire story, but it might do you some good to get it out of your system. " he says.

I look at him. " What goo would talking about it do? It's not going to fix anything." I say.

" It might seem that way, but where I come from, if we have problems that are eating away at us and it leads to a panic attack, which looks like you are about to have one, we get sent to a therapist. " says David.

" A what?" I ask.

He laughs. " You wolves have some of everything. Yet you don't know what a therapist is. "

I growl a little in anger. He holds his hands up in surrender. " A therapist is someone you go to in order to talk through what's going on. You literally just talk. You tell them what's going on and how you're feeling and they help you with it. Sometimes if it's really bad, they can give you medicine that can help you feel better. " says David.

" So talking helps sort through things in your mind?" I ask.

" Yeah, it does. I talk to my friends or to my girlfriend when things become to much and they are just there to listen. I just sort things out in my brain as I go along. " he says. I nod.

" Now I know I ain't no specialist and you have no reason to trust me, but I different perspective on things or a person willing to listen may help you. " he says.

I look back at my hands for a few minutes. He says nothing. " So you're willing to listen?" I ask.

He nods. " Ok then. " I say. I lift my head up and look at him. " Where should I start?"

" The beginning. " he says.

I chuckle. " Very well then. Ever since I was a kid I've had my father next to me, guiding me on what I should do next and how to be an amazing Alpha like he was. I always knew what to do and I always had him to correct me if I was wrong. We had a pack war a few weeks ago and he made my mate and I Alpha and Luna of the pack. We fought so well and won. No deaths. He was there to help. He was murdered just over there. " I say pointing to it. " By a very dangerous rogue. Shot in the head by a silver bullet, and now... "

" You don't have him to direct you on what you need to do." He finishes. I nod.

" It was so sudden and I wasn't ready. " I say.

" Nobody is ever ready to lose a loved one. " he says.

" I know. Before all this there was a rogue attack and one of my friends almost died. Now that same rogue that hurt her has her mate and is using him against us. She's hurting and her brother, the guy you attacked, founds his mate, got hurt, found out she was a spy for that rogue, rejected her and now she's lost her. He's going through an awful time and I don't know what to do to help him. " I say.

David winced. " I really am sorry I hurt him. I'd take it back if I could. You guys aren't too bad. " he says.

I chuckle dryly. " Then there's my mother. She's so heart broken about losing my father that she can barely do anything to help the pack. She tried so hard to help like she used too. The lose is to much and I'm afraid it's going to kill her. Most wolves don't live long after losing their mate that they have fully bonded with and had children with. " I say.

" Dang kid. You sure are going through a lot. I'm so sorry. " he says.

I nod. I do feel a bit better about this now that I've talked about it. " Now tell me five things these tragedies have brought you. Five amazing things. " he says.

I look at him with a bit of confusion. " Just try it. " he says.

" Ok, um... oh, becoming Alpha has bright me closer to the pack then I had ever been before. " I say.

" Good, four more." He says.

" The loss of my father has brought me closer to my mother. It's helped me see family in a different light. " I say.

" Three more. " He responded. As I did this I started to calm more and feel more happy for the things I have.

" Because of the pack war I have met so many new Alpha's and gotten to enjoy getting to know them and their packs. " I say.

" Two more. " he says.

" Over the passed few months I have gotten to know some of the best people I could ever know. " I say. A smile coming across my face now.

He was grinning now. " Last one. "

" I met my Luna. The most beautiful, kind, considerate woman who loves the pack and me more then words can say. " I say.

I look over at him and see his grin. " Thank you David. This has been really helpful. I feel a lot better now. " I say.

" Trust in your family kid. The ones you love and your pack. They are loyal and will always have your back. Lead them. Inspire them. Be the Alpha they know you can be. " says David.

I nod and smirk. " I'm going to start that by asking you a question. What would you say if we made a peace treaty with you guys? Make the humans our allies and if you're ever in any trouble. We will be there to help. " I say.

" Where do I sign?" He says. I laugh. I then get up and motion for him to follow me.

I'm stopped before I head in by Tasha's father. " Sir, what do you want done with Amelia's body?" He asked.

" She will be buried later on this evening in the packs graveyard. She may have betrayed us, but she was John's mate and she didn't deserve to go out like that. " I say.

" I'll get the spot prepped. " he says.

" Thank you. " I say. He nods and takes off.

I then walk in with David. We head there and as soon as we make it to my office. The door opens and there sitting on my desk is my wonderful mate.

She's grinning at me. She walks over and kisses me. " Let's make that treaty then shall we. " she said.

" Yes ma'am. " I respond. We follow her to the desk and then set to work.

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A/N. Hey guys. I know two chapters in one day. Rate right? Lol, ok so I hope you enjoyed this one. I thought Kurt could use some time to go through his emotions about everything. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know if there's one you want. I will update again as soon as I can. Until then guys. :-).

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