Chapter 5.

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Amber's POV.

We are currently searching the south side of the pack for anything unusual.

I'm with Alpha Conan and his pack members as were searching.

This entire mess is insane. I wish Connor was here, he would be able to calm my nerves. Heck, just his scent would calm me down.

We search very carefully for about a hour before we stop for a small break. Alpha Conan shifts back and I do the same.

We sit down and he passes me a bottle of water. I thank him with a nod and open my bottle of water and take a sip. It's refreshing.

" I know this isn't a subject you want to go to right now, bu I can't help being curious. Forgive me if I bring up any sad feelings. How did you and Connor meet?" He asks.

It does bring up sad feelings at the mention of my missing mate. However, I give him a small smile and answer his question.

" It's ok. We met on the night of the pack party. After you and your pack left because of the prison break, Tasha and I went to my house. We were attacked by rogues that cake out of nowhere. We ran to the pack house where Kurt helped us with the last few of them. My father didn't believe me when I said is was a rogue until Kurt backed me up. I was angry and ran into the woods to cool down as my wolf. I was distracted until I sensed I wasn't alone. I shifted back after seeing another wolf. It was Connor. I knew within a second of looking at him he was my mate. His blue eyes were so beautiful the first time I looked into them and every time since then. " I say.

Alpha Conan smiles. " He's got his mother's eyes. Her powers as well. She'd be proud of him. " says Alpha Conan. I smile sadly and nod.

" I noticed he healed you once before. If you don't mind me asking. What's happened?" He asked.

" Fenris happened. He wanted revenge against my father because he didn't do anything when you... uh killed his mate and child." I said. At that he flinched at my words.

" He kidnapped me and used Wolf Bane on me to try and turn me against them. Connor stopped him, but I was already dying. I was almost dead when Connor looked me in the eyes and begged for me to heal. He healed me. It was the first time he ever used his powers. He didn't even know he had them until then. " I said.

" Connor's mother healed me when I first met her. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Wolf Bane is definitely no joke. " says Alpha Conan.

I nodded in reply. " If you don't mind me asking. Why did you attack and kill the Boss Rogues family?" I ask.

He looks down. "  I hated rogues and I hated the fact she was a rogue. She was nothing, but kind. I made a terrible mistake in killing her. If I could go back and change it I would. When a rogue attack happened. I thought she had let them inside the pack grounds, that she was the reason pack members were killed by those rogues. She tried to explain it to me. I didn't listen. I was to stubborn. I should have listened. I killed her without a second thought. I got in a fight with Fenris after that. Then he left the pack and became a rogue. I never heard from him again until all this started. " says Alpha Conan.

" I believe what you did to Fenris and his mate and child were wrong, yes. I also believe that everyone makes mistake. You just made a really bad one. You can make up for it by becoming a better Alpha. Only you have that power. " I say.

He looks at me. He then smiles. " Already speaking like a Luna. " he says.

I give a small smile back. Not entirely sure what to say in response to that. " I really am sorry for all I put you guys through. I wasn't thinking clearly and I know that's no excuse. " he says.

" Your mind was warped by Wolf Bane. That's excuse enough. You made the decisions, yes, but you weren't fully in control of your own mind. You were hurting. I wish we could have found that out sooner and healed you. " I say.

" I'll admit, I was shocked to hear Connor say heal when he was standing over me. I thought for sure he was going to kill me with how angry his wolf looked. I felt ten times better when I woke up. I didn't even know anything was wrong. " says Alpha Conan.

" I can understand that. I was confused when I woke up. I thought that Wolf Bane has killed me. Then I found out about Connor. This news can't spread to anyone by the way. No one else can know what he is." I say.

" I won't tell a soul. " says Alpha Conan.

I nod in response. " How close are the two of you?" He asks.

" Very close. We have our own personal mind link now. " I said.

" He marked you. Good. We have a better chance at finding him with your connection. " says Alpha Conan.

I nod. He's right. " I can't feel him though. It's like he disappeared. " I say.

" We will figure this out eventually. For now though, I have an important question to ask you?" He says.

I look at him confused. " You can ask me anything. " I say.

" When I head back to my pack soon, i will be stepping down as Alpha and I wanted to know if you would like to join me and learn how to be Luna of my pack. I can train you on everything you need to know. You also don't need to make up your mind now, but if your willing you can come with me when I leave for my pack. " he says. My eyes widen. I could become Luna.

Holy crap. This just got a lot more interesting and complicated.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again soon. Let me know who's POV you want. Until then:-)

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