Chapter 113.

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Connor's POV.

It's pretty cool to see Amber in her element. She's so stern, yet very caring with the way she says things. I may not be an Alpha yet, but I'm allowed to be in here to watch how being an Alpha works.

Alpha Ronan has left to wait outside. Once the doors closed behind him, it was silent for a few minutes. Amber then said something.

" I'm still new to this, so for this sentencing, I will require help in deciding. " says Amber.

" Ok, so first we should lay down the bad things he did in front of us and go over them. Next, we would go over what he's already done to make amends. Plus his Alpha status. " says Alpha Benjamin.

" Ok, so first thing, he allied himself with rogues. That is a major crime even if you are trying to direct your pack. " says Alpha Kurt.

" True, the only way you are allowed to have rogues in any pack is if they want to Jim the pack or they are mates to one of your pack members. Since they were neither, this is a major crime. " says Alpha Conan.

" Second, he housed them. That adds on to the first crime. " says Alpha Grace through the mind link.

" Third, he helped kill another Alpha even if he was unaware of what they were going to do at the time. " says Alpha Anthony over mind link as well.

" Finally, he kidnapped an Alpha's son and helped not only torture him, but wipe his mind completely. " says Amber.

I knew Fenris did a number on me, I knew he had to have wiped my mind. Hearing it though still bugs me.

" Those are four major crimes. If we go by the only rules, even commuting one of those crimes would result in banishment, or life in prison. " says Alpha Anthony.

" That's only if you are a regular pack member. It's different when you're one of the three in command. " says Alpha Lucas.

" If you are either Alpha, Bète or Gamma and you commit a crime like this. It would result in removal of power always and possibly life in prison depending on the crime. " says Alpha Conan.

" Well, now let's look over what he's done to redeem himself. " says Amber.

" He gave us signs that he needed help. Even though we were angry with him, we could clearly see the signs. " says Alpha Grace.

" Exactly. He also told us everything about the plan and explained his reasonings behind what he did. " says Alpha Kurt.

" He also has helped us with this battle and proved himself to still be the Alpha he was before. " says Amber.

" Yes, Plus he has fully submitted himself to whatever punishment will come his way and humbly apologized to each and every one of us. " says Alpha Grace.

" So that's everything. Now we discuss his fate. " says Amber.

" Should we go by the old rules, or make them our own?" Asks Alpha Kurt.

They all looked at him confused. " What I mean is, we don't follow those rules anymore. We have our own sentencing and all. Ronan was the only one who followed the old rules. Frankly, I don't think he da serves life imprisonment. " says Alpha Kurt.

" You agree with removing his Alpha power though?" Asks Amber.

" I do agree with that. He doesn't deserve to be an Alpha after what he did. What he did for his pack can be respected. He most likely would have been completely wiped out if he didn't do what he did. " says Alpha Kurt.

" If we take away his Alpha powers, then what becomes of his pack?" Asks Alpha Conan.

They start to discuss this and I start to think in my mind. Alpha Lucas lost so many members because of me. Why not combine packs with Alpha Ronan's.

" That's a great idea Connor. " I hear Amber say.

I must have told her by mistake. I look at her. She's smiling proudly. " Go on, tell the others what you just thought "

I look at the others. " I feel bad for the attack I led to Alpha Lucas's packs. I was thinking, if you remove Alpha Ronan's power as an Alpha and you're worried about his pack, why don't Alpha Lucas, you combine packs with Alpha Ronan's?" I say.

They all look shocked for a moment. Then they break out in smiles. Alpha Conan grins. " Tell me Connor, what else were you thinking?" Asks Alpha Conan.

" I don't think he should be completely without power. He is a good Alpha. What if you just removed enough to make him the power level of a Gamme, but he remains as merely a back up until needed. " I say.

" That's brilliant Connor. " says Alpha Grace.

" I don't know if anyone would have thought of that. " says Alpha Lucas.

" Alpha George would have. That's what made him such a great Alpha. " says Amber.

Alpha Kurt smiled gratefully. He leaned in closer to the girl beside him. My eyes then went wide. That's the girl from the memory Clayton showed me.

" Do you agree with this Alpha Lucas?" Asks Amber.

Alpha Lucas looks sad for a moment. " My pack is still greatly grieving over our losses. I think having more members to help rebuild the pack would help tremendously. I agree. " says Alpha Lucas he looked at Connor. " Thank you for suggesting that. I forgive you Connor. "

I feel relief at that. I smile at them. Amber nods. " Then it's settled. All in favor?" She asked.

Everyone said yes. " Very well. Bring him in. " says Amber.

The doors open and close behind Alpha Ronan as he is led back in. He stands in the middle of the room. He looks ready for what lies ahead.

" After some thinking and discussing of all that's happened. We have decided that from this moment forward, you will have your Alpha powers removed to that of a Gamma and you will move among the pack as just another member. " says Amber.

He nods. His look is sad, but relived are the same time. He looks back at Amber. " What is to become of my pack?"

" Alpha Lucas has agreed to combine packs with you. You will live from now on in Alpha Lucas's pack and care. " says Amber.

Alpha Ronan practically sags in relief. I watch as they preform the ceremony to remove his powers and transfer them to Alpha Lucas. " How do you feel?" Asks Amber.

Ronan leans heavily on Alpha Lucas. " V-very weak, but relieved. Thank you for taking care of my pack and I. It means more to me then you know. " says Ronan.

" Then let's get you to a room to rest. " says Amber.

That's what they did. Finally after everything, Amber and I went to a room. She looked at me smiling. " This is your childhood bedroom and where I've been staying since I got her. Are you ready?" She asked.

I nodded and with that, she opened the door.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed. Let me know who's POV you want next. Until next time :-)

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