Chapter 62.

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Alpha Conan's POV.

It's nearing night by the time we make it to the spot of woods we were sent to search. Wolves can only move so fast.

We stopped and decided to take a break before we started to search. We started to pass out containers of food that we brought with us.

Not much, but enough to last us until we get back. If we need anything else. We can hunt.

I decide not to eat just yet. My stomach refuses to right now. Not sure why yet. While everyone else eats and talks, I head over to the trees to look around.

The spot of trees I see reminds me on a memory.


( Flash back. )

The tree flew by in a blur. My pack and I were running. I didn't have a big pack. It just consisted of a few wolves and my two best friends. Fenris, and Rick.

We didn't have any grounds and we had tried talking to another pack, we gained their allegiance and I'm thankful for that.

However, we are finning because of rogues. We were ambushed by a huge pack of rogues.

My pack was running ahead of me. Rick was leading the way and Fenris was in the middle making sure they all keep up.

He had a child on his back. The rogues were gaining on us. Suddenly there was a huge pain in my leg.

I yelled out in pain and fell. I went tumbling through the grass, dirt coming loose from where my claws tried to find purchase.

I was then surrounded by all the rogues. No more were chasing my pack. ' Conan!!' Yelled Fenris in my mind.

' Go, get the pack to safety. Now!!' I yelled.

They didn't have a choice. They continued running and that eft me here being completely surrounded by rogues.

They were circling me. Growing and snarling in anger. I crouched down and snarled. My teeth on full show. I wasn't going down without a fight.

That's when the fun began. They lunged one by one. I started to take down as many as I could. Biting into the necks, slicing my claws through theirs neck and faces.

It was enough to take down about half of them, but not enough to save me. They were biting into my sides and sinking their claws into my legs.

I was yelling and howling in pain and trying desperately to get away. I was useless. They were merciless.

One of them bit my leg so hard I could feel the bone breaks. Finally all the rogues stopped and I fell to the ground.

I wasn't sure why they stopped, but I was grateful for it. My body hurt so badly and I couldn't move an inch anymore.

I suddenly felt a hand on me. I freaked out and tried thrashing, but that only worked in cause myself more pain.

I still tried. " Shh. It's ok. It's ok. I won't hurt you. " it was a girls voice.

I still didn't know her. I still tried to get away. I felt her hands press me down into the grass and I was laying on my side.

My entire body trembling and my heart was pounding in my chest. " It's ok sweetie. Relax, I won't hurt you. I'm not a rogue. " she said.

My eyes shifted over to hers. She leaned down and pressed her forehead to mine. I knew I didn't look good. I was growing weaker.

" Heal!" She said. Everything grew tingly and my vision blacked out. When I woke next I realized I was on a bed.

I had no idea where I was, but the room smelt so good. It was the best scent I have ever smelled. " Good, you're awake. " says the girls voice.

I looked over. She was smiling at me. The second our eyes met we both gasped. I felt a strong pull towards her. Her eyes were the most brilliant shade of blue I had ever seen.

" Mate. " she said.

I gave her a small smile. " I'm Conan. "

" Elenor. " she responded.

" That's a gorgeous name. " I say.

" Oh you're just saying that. " she says with a smile. Her cheeks turning red.

" I mean it. " I respond.

She laughs. " I bet you're wondering where you are?" I nod. " You are in the Great Moon Pack. It's not too far from where you were attacked. A guard saw the attack and called it in. We came to help you. "

" How did you heal me?" I asked.

" I'm my packs healer. I am known as A Blue Eyed Healer. My kind is very rare. " she said.

" Your kind?" I ask.

" Yes, my kind. We are normal werewolves, the only difference is the fact that we can heal people on command. It's like a magical power. " she says.

" More magical then being able to turn into a wolf?" I say with a smirk.

That gets a laugh out of her. I just stared at her beauty. When she laughed, she tilted her head back and her eyes close. She gets these little wrinkles around her eyes and her smile shows her brilliant white teeth.

She is so beautiful. " You're funny Conan. Come, I'll show you the pack. " she said.

I smile and moved to follow her.

( end of flash back. )


That was the day I met my wonderful mate. She was so gentle and kind.

I miss her so much. I took her for granted. She was a great mate and an even better mother. I should have been kinder.

I'll make up for that by being the father Connor has always needed and that starts right here, right now with finding my son.

Fenris has made his last mistake. I know this will lead to killing him. Even though he's my friend and I did him wrong.

I shouldn't have killed his mate so quickly. To late to change that now. I'll do what it takes to protect my son and if that means killing my childhood friend. So be it.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this one. Not sure who's POV next. Until then enjoy :-).

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