Chapter 87.

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Connor's POV.

Man this trip got boring fast. After answering some questions we relaxed into a semi comfortable silence. After that, all I could do is smell the unknown, yet relaxing scent on this sweatshirt I'm wearing.

I want to know who's scent this is. I want to ask Clayton if he knows. I am still angry at him though for thrilling me into giving up Ronan.

He's lucky I'm in chains. If not, I'd have ripped his throat out. It makes me so angry that he could trick me that easily. I shouldn't have fallen for it. I knew something was up, yet I walked right into it.

Im angry with myself as well and I know Alpha will be so angry with me. I'm not even sure what he would do to me. That thought does terrify me a little. I've seen what he does to rogues that make him angry.

It's rather brutal. I can only imagine what the rogues t camp must be going through while I'm gone. True, I wouldn't hesitate to kill one of those rogues, but Alpha is ruthless.  I'd hate to be one of them around him when he finds out where I am and that I made a mistake.

I don't doubt he will kill a few rogues in his rage. He's done it before over a small mishap. This is much worse.

My mind is racing. I'm not sure how to stop it. Something is happening to me right now. I can feel my heart beat quicken and my breathing increases.

I gasp in as a scene flashes before my eyes. Electrocution, silver, something burning me from the inside out. For some reason this is making me panic.

My breaths are coming faster and my heart beat is through the roof. Seconds later something is pressed to my face. It startled me out of my thoughts and I inhale a scent.

It's so strong, yet so relaxing. I snatch whatever it was out of the persons hand and press it closer to my nose. With each breath I can feel the scent calming me.

The scent is so reassuring. My entire body relaxes after a bit. That's when I realize just how tense I was. My jaw hurts from clenching it so hard.

I then see what I'm holding is a pillow case of all things. I then sense eyes on me. I look up and see Clayton looking at me with complete concern. " Are you ok?" He asks.

I'm not. I know I'm not. I feel completely exhausted now. I blink and just lightly nod my head in return to why he asked.

I inhale another breath of the scent. " I think you just had a small panic attack. " he says.

Huh? So that's what it was. I've never had one before. So this is new.  Oh great. Note the sarcasm there. I slump back against the seat I'm in.

" Here." He says. I look to see him offering me a bottle of water. I take it instantly once I realize how thirst I am.

I nod thanks and start to drink it. Why did this happen? I don't understand. Why was I feeling pain. I've never gone through that stuff before. Heck, I don't even know what it was. My mind feels stuffed now nod my eyes feel heavy. I just want to sleep now. I stop drinking the water and hand the rest to him.

He took it back and set it down. " Why don't you rest, you look exhausted. " he said.

Normally I would argue with him, but I'm too tired to. I simply nod and curl up the best I can. The pillow case in my hands and brought up close to my face to smell the scent as I rest.

I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep. When I wake next it's to Clayton shaking me awake. I glare at him.

" We're here " he says.

We just entered the pack grounds where a few other wolves are running ahead of us. Escorting us into the pack. I sit up and stretch. I fit the pillow case into the sweatshirts pocket.

This thing is staying with me. I won't let anyone take it. That panic attack or whatever it was came on so sudden. I didn't even know what was happening. It's embarrassing enough to have one in front of people, but to have it in front of the guy I can't stand right now.

Ugh, that's humiliating. He looked so concerned. Don't know what for? I'm not his friend nor will I ever be. He doesn't know me. He doesn't have to right to be so concerned.

" You ok there?"

I look back at him. " Fine. " I growl.

He raises his hands in surrender. " Geez, I was just asking. " he says before lowering them.

I sigh in annoyance and roll my eyes as I look away. We soon pull up to a rectangular building. Guard standing outside waiting along with Alpha Anthony himself.

We come to a stop in front. Clayton get out and walks up to him. " Thank you for your help. It's very much appreciated. " says Clayton. I resist the urge to growl.

I am not in a good mood. " Anything I can do to help. I have a cell prepared. Let's get him settled and then we can get you all settled in the pack house for a good nights rest. " says Alpha Anthony.

They nodded and grabbed everything before unhooking my chains from the floor. They help me down and then lead me into the prison.

The front office looks like a basic police station kind of would. A small holding cell, a few desks with pack guards there. I was led straight ahead to a set of double doors.

They open and it leads fo a big set of stone steps that go far down. They lead me down for a long while. There is a long stone slab on every floor that leads to the cells that floor has.

They take me down to the second to bottom floor. " This cell has pure silver doors with the walls around it covers with silver as well. He ain't be able to escape. We have guards patrolling every thirty minutes. " says Alpha Anthony.

They took me into the cell and took off the chains. They then backed out and closed the door. The cell locking behind them. Clayton hands over a bag. " Here are some clothes for you. I'll come see how you're doing soon. For now, get some rest. " says Clayton.

I don't answer him. Instead I fox a small snarl at him. He huffed and rolls his eyes. They then back away and head down the hall and soon enough, I'm left alone in the darkness of a cell once more.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Let me know who's you want. Until then guys. :-)

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