Chapter 88.

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Bète Rick's POV.

The house feels weird without our children. They left so fast. I understand they had their reasons, but it was so sudden.

I remember when they were little. Amber was a little trouble maker and loved to mess with her older brother. John was a perfectionist. He loved to have things done right and organized the way he thought it was supposed to be. We were once at the pack house when he was six and we left him to play with toys in a room next to the Alpha's office.

When we came back, he had reorganized every book that was there on the shelves and done the same to the contents of the desk. He looked like he got caught doing something bad. Alpha George had merely laughed and told him what a good job he did.

He then took John to the kitchen and gave him a bowl of ice cream as a reward. John looked so happy then that when I knew he'd grow up to be a good man. He was always kind like that.

Amber, well she was another story. From a young age she always hated following rules. I'll admit I was quite struck with the rules for a while. I do regret it sometimes. Others times it was needed.

Her rule breaking though got worse when she met Tasha. Tasha was like her twin. Still is. Amber was once wearing a dress for a pack dinner we had afterwards she and Tasha were sent outside to have some fun while we talked.

When we went to get her, the two of them were playing in the mud. Dresses completely ruined and they were laughing their little heads off as they wrestled with each other. My mate just sighed and rolled her eyes before going to collect her.

I sure do miss them at the house, at this pack. I know they are where they're supposed to be right now. Amber's a Luna. John is where he needs to be to heal. I just wish there was more I could do to help them.

' Bête Rick, I need you at the pack house right away. ' came Kurt's voice over mind link.

' On my way Alpha. ' I reply before excusing myself from dinner and heading to the door.

" Rick." She called.

I look back at her. She's smiling sweetly and in her hands are my shoes. I laugh and walk over to her and grab them. " Thank you sweetie. I'll be back soon. " I say as I put my shoes on.

I then kiss her before rushing out the door and walking as fast as I can to the pack house. Once I make it there I walk in and head straight to Kurt's office. The door is cracked.

I knock. " Come in Rick. " says Kurt.

I open the door and walk in. I close it behind me and then look over at him. He looks so exhausted. He offers me a weak smile. He then motions to the chair.

I walk over and take a seat. He sighs. " I need you to do me a favor. " he says.

" Yes sir. " I reply.

He cringes a little. " Please, just call me Kurt when we're alone?" He asks.

I chuckle. " I will. "

He nods. " I need you and your mate to run the pack for me while I'm gone. " he says.

My eyes widen. Normally when the Alpha leaves, the Bète goes with him. He must sense my unease about it. He's quick to assure me.

" I know you used to accompany my father when he went on trips, and normally I'd have you come with me. The thing is, this pack needs someone who knows exactly what they are doing. I'm not talking down on Tasha's father, for her will be the one joining me. I just.... I really need you here. I need to know this pack will be safe while I'm gone. From rogue attacks and from anything that goes wrong. Can you do that for me? " he asks.

My eyes are wide. I nod. " Yes Kurt. I can do that for you. Thank you for trusting me. " I say.

" Aside from you and Tasha's father. There's no one I trust more. " he says.

" What about Cassandra?" I ask.

" She's insisted on coming with me. She wants to be able to take care of me since I haven't been sleeping well lately. " he says.

" Is everything ok?" I ask.

He hesitates and the father in me jumps into action. " All business stuff aside. Kurt, you are a part of my family. I look at you like a son. If you ever need to talk. My door is always open. " I say.

He looks skeptical. Then his look saddens. There's grief in his eyes. " I worried for my mother. Her condition keep deteriorating. I don't know what to do. If this keeps on she will die. " he says.

I was afraid of this answer. " I know this is hard Kurt. Believe me, I do. If I could do it with a snap of my finger, I would. However, as much as I hate to admit it and to even say it. Your mother has been mated to Aloha George for a long time. She's lost half her heart essentially. She's finding it difficult to keep on and the mate bond wins them both sometimes. I'm not saying she's giving up. I'm just saying that she may be dying of a broken heart. " I say.

He blinks and a tear rolls down his face. " Is there anything I can do?" He practically begs. His voice breaking as he speaks.

" I'm not sure if there's anything we can do aside from be there for her and hope she pulls through. You just have to be ready if worse comes to worst. " I say.

I nods and closes his eyes. More tears roll down his face. I can't help if now. I stand up and walk around to him. I pull him in close for a hug and he just let's go.

His sobs all that can be heard in this room. This poor kid shouldn't have to deal with this. I may not be able to help my kids right now, but there's a kid right here that needs a parental figure and I will do my best to be there for him.

" I go you Kurt. It'll all work out. You'll see " I say.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know how you want. Also I'm thinking of doing a little author Q and A. If there's anything you want to know about myself or questions you have about the book. Heck whatever lol. Let me know if you want to see that. Until next time guys. :-)

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