Chapter 91.

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Amber's POV.

Today's the day. The pack house is crazy those morning. We're preparing for many guests to arrive within a couple of hours.

I have been going over the questions I'm going to ask. It's going to be difficult talking and looking at Alpha Ronan. I just want to arrest him on the spot, but I need him to confess.

I have that memory in my mind from Clayton. That's enough proof. I'm just going to give Alpha Ronan a chance to come clean. He's always been a highly respected Alpha. I would expect him to do the right thing.

I'm sure the Boss Rogue has something he's holding over his head that's making him do this. It's sad to know an Alpha like him has sunk so low.

I hope Connor is doing good. Tasha got in touch with Clayton last night. Apparently Connor had a small flash back or something and had a panic attack. The pillow case I added in with the clothes I gave them calmed him down because it had my scent all over it.

The news of a flash back is actually a great thing. That means his mind is slowly healing itself. With him in our custody instead of the Boss Rogue's, he has a far better chance at healing then he would over there. The Boss Rogue won't redo what he did to him again. Not if I have anything to say about it.

Connor deserves the world and his happiness was taken from him. I won't take that laying down. I'll fight tooth and nail to see that gorgeous smile on his face and that pure happiness in those dazzling blue eyes of his.

With those thoughts, a new wave of confidence flows through me and I can't help the big smile that comes across my face. Connor will get better and he will become the best Alpha I know he can be.

We're doing this in the packs meeting room. Tasha is with me and the two of us, plus some members of the pack, are cleaning the room and getting it ready for all of us.

Kurt mind linked me a hour ago and told me they had just left. He should be here soon. He will be the first to arrive. Followed shortly by Alpha Benjamin.

It'll be good to see them all again. I wish it were under different circumstances. I'll make do with what I get.

When Tasha and I got back from our run last night, we decided to watch a movie before bed. We ended up watching Twilight. A movie series with vampires and werewolves.

It's interesting and funny to see how human interpret our kind. Werewolves that shift when angry, vampire that sparkle in the daylight, imprinting. The list goes on and on.

First off, there are vampire in this world. Only, they tend to stay away from werewolf territory. I've never seen one in real life before. Alpha George did though.

He used to tell us this story growing up. He would say that in the early morning, just as the sun was rising, he found someone laying in the field of the packs territory. They were close to the trees and just couldn't make it.

He rushed over to see if it was a pack member injured. Only for the vampire to bare his fangs at him and let out a warning hiss or something.

He asked what was wrong. The vampire had been cast away by its clan for falling in love with a werewolf. They had forced him to watch as they killed her. They then banished him and he spent many days fending for himself.

He was so weak from no blood that he couldn't move anymore. Alpha George offered to help him to the trees so he would be protected from the sun. The vampire agreed and that's what happened. Once in the shade Alpha George ran off to get him something.

He ran back with a bag of human blood. He always kept some on hand in case we ever found a wounded human. He gave it to the vampire and helped him.

He always told us, not all vampires are ruthless werewolf killers. Some get werewolves as mates. It's how you react to them that shows them you mean no harm. Alpha George helped that vampire that day. By night he disappeared and was never seen again.

Alpha George always kept an eye out just in case. That was his first and only encounter with a vampire. He says he did not and would never regret helping him that day.

He's always been an inspiration to everyone in the pack for his kindness and the way he led us. He will be truly missed.

I glance over at Tasha and see she's almost finished with cleaning. I'm almost done as well. Once we finish here the two of us are planning on going for a small walk around the pack nod seeing how everyone is doing this morning.

It's always good to see the people of my pack. They are so happy and filled with life. It's a beautiful thing to see.

Alpha Conan is preparing the dinning hall for our dinner tonight. He insisted he do it alone. We agreed and let him.

Finally we finish and I look at Tasha who is looking right back at me. " Ready for our walk?" I ask with a smile.

" I was born ready. Let's get some coffee first though. If we're going to deal with these Alpha's, I need to be more awake. " she said as we start waking out of the room towards the kitchen.

" I hear ya. " I say in agreement.

We get ourselves a cup of coffee and walk out onto the porch of the pack house. I quickly let Alpha Conan know where we're going. We then grin and start our walk toward the small town we have.

I sure do love this pack. I sigh an can only think of Connor. I then think one thought.

Connor, come back to me.

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A/N. Heys guys. Lol I know, two chapters in one day. I'm on a roll lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I've been debating adding a vampire or two in the story for a long time. Like since I was writing the first book lol. I decided to keep in just werewolves. I figured I'd add in he knowledge that vampires do exist in their world since werewolves do as well. If you ever want to see a vampire in the story. Let me know. Until then I'll keep it just wolves. Love you guys. Thanks for all the comments, views and votes. It means the world to me. Until next time guys. Later :-)

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