Chapter 39.

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Amber's POV.

After he said that everyone went silent. " I have an important announcement for everyone. Some of you mate be happy about this and others may be sad, but this is for the betterment of this pack. " says Alpha Conan.

Looks of confusion spread around the faces of the pack members. They didn't understand.

He took a deep breath. " Before I tell you I have to say something to each and everyone of you. " he steps forward. " I am deeply sorry for all I've put you through. The way I've been acting, what I've done to each and everyone of you, I'm so sorry. "

Gasps were heard and looks of shock appeared of some of their faces. " My son is innocent. Connor never killed my mate. My mind was warped by Wolf Bane and I wasn't thinking straight and that's no excuse. I did something so wrong and I hurt each and everyone of you and for that I am so sorry and have made my decision. " says Alpha Conan.

He lowered his head. " As of right now, I am stepping down as Alpha of this pack. "

People freaked out. They started to talk and yell about this. " Why?!" Cried one girl.

" We need you Alpha!" Yelled another.

" Who will watch the pack?" Cried a boy.

" I don't understand this!!" Cried another.

Alpha Conan held up his hand and everyone went silent. " This is Amber. " he motioned to me. I stepped forward at that.

" My son has gone missing. He was kidnapped and were going to search for him, but this lovely lady right here is his mate. Amber. " says Alpha Conan.

Gasps were heard. " She will be taking her place as Luna and will be running this pack. " says Alpha Conan.

Gasps were heard and right away everyone bowed their heads in respect. " Luna Amber." They all said.

My eyes widened. Alpha Conan smiled. " She will be an amazing Luna for this pack. I have the utmost faith in her. Today I will be transferring the power of Luna to her. " says Alpha Conan.

He sighed. " After my mate died, her power had no where to go. It transferred to me. That power will soon be hers. However, I have more news for you. " he says.

He stepped back and Clayton's father stepped forward. " My son has also found his mate. Tasha, please step forward?" Says Clayton's father.

Tasha stepped forward and smiled. " My son will be taking over my position for me and she will be taking my mates position. Clayton, step forward next to your mate. " says Clayton's father.

Clayton stepped forward and took his mates hand. " Right now is the time to transfer our power. If my mate would step forward too?" Says Clayton's father.

She did and the two of them took their position in front of Clayton and Tasha.

Clayton's father took his sons hands in his. Clayton's mother did the same with Tasha.

" We are so blessed to have you taking over our position in this pack. This power is now passed to you. Make up proud. " the two said and like that the power was transferred into the two.

Tasha grinned and Clayton's mother pressed her forehead to her. " I know you'll make me proud. " she said.

Clayton's father was talking to Clayton. Cheers were heard and everyone grinned.

" It is time to transfer the power of my mate, Luna Elenor. " he then turned to me.

My eyes had widened. I had never heard her name before. It's such a beautiful name. Perfect for a Luna.

He turned to me and walked up to me. " Give me your hand please. " he said.

I offered him my hand and he took it gently in his hands and pulled it up. He pressed his forehead to our combined hands.

" I wish more then anything that my dear Elenor was here to do this with me. I wish Connor was here as well. We will make the best of this. I know transfer the power of Luna to you. You have made my mate so proud. I just know it. "

Suddenly I gasped as power flowed into me. It felt like the rush of cold water. Then I felt this overwhelming power I had never felt before. The power of authority. The power of Luna.

" It is good to have you as our Luna. Luna Amber. " he says as he releases my hand and backs up.

He then smiled at me. A tear was running down his face and I just had to smile back.

" Thank you Sir. " I say.

He nods and turns to the pack. " Everyone, your new Luna. " he said.

Everyone burst into cheers and cries of joy. They were ecstatic. Hands raised into the air. " They want to ask you some questions. " says Alpha Conan.

I picked one person. " What is your first move as Luna?" Asked this person.

I take a deep breath. " I have many things I want to do however, my first move as Luna will be to clean the packs prison. " I say.

" Why would you want to clean it?" Asked another.

" My mate spent over a year in that prison for a crime he did not commit. He told me how awful that prison was, how cold, when it rained it leaked. He said the walls were cracked in places and they weren't given blankets. Some of those prisoners were sentenced without trial and I will give them one. " I say.

Everyone was silent for a second and then they burst into cheers. I sigh in relief at that. Good, they are ok with it.

" What about your next plan?" Asks another.

" To get rid of the silver bear traps around the outside of the pack borders. " I say.

They all nod along and agree. They keep asking me questions and I answered them.

All in all this has been good. Things have been done and it is time for us to finally get settled in our new roles.

I'll be strong and do this for Connor. I'm ready.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be in John's POV. Until then :-)

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