Chapter 44.

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Ambers POV.

I lay there asleep for what feels like hours before someone comes and wakes me up. The one who woke me up happened to be Alpha Conan.

" I hate to wake you, but there is work that needs to be done. " he says.

I nod and get up. " I honestly didn't mean to fall asleep. " I say.

He smiles. " I know. I came to check on you and saw you were asleep, so I left you be for a few hours. " says Alpha Conan.

I nod in reply. " What do you want to do first?" He Asks.

" I want to see the pack stores and the pack prison. I want to know what I'm dealing with here. " I say.

He nods. " Very well. Follow me. " he says.

I follow him out of Connor's bedroom and down to the main area. We then walk out of the pack house and start walking towards the town.

" That prison is on the far side of the pack, as far away from the pack house as I could make it. So we will have to walk through the town to get there. " he says.

" Why are most of the stores closed down? I saw it when we arrived. " I ask.

" My mate was the one that kept this pack going. When she passed away o didn't do anything and barely anyone came outside.  They were to scared of rogues and to scared of me to keep these shops open. " he says. His head went down a little.

" I'm sure we can do our best to help get this place filled with life again. " I say.

He looks at me. " I sure hope so too. " he says.

Soon enough we make it to the town and start walking down the street. There are only about three stores open right now. The rest have out of business signs on the windows and boards on the doors.

I head to the first store. It was a little super market. I walk in and see there weren't many people in there right now.

A few seconds later the manager walks up. " Luna Amber. What a surprise. " he says.

" Your store is lovely. " I say.

That put a look of shock on his face, but it is quickly replaced with a smile. " Thank you. Please, come see what we have. " he says.

" I would love to. " I say walking forward. Alpha Conan simply follows.

The two of them had looked at each other, but didn't say anything. They must have talked over mind link.

Either way is fine by me. He takes me on a tour of the store. It really is a cute store.

They have a little home section and the mugs and decorations are far to adorable.

" Take anything you want. It's free for you. " says the manager.

I shake my head. " Thank you, but I will pay for my stuff like everyone else does. I have a few more stops to make, but if you could, save this mug for me. I will be coming back to buy it. " I say.

His entire face lights up with joy. " Yes Luna. Thank you so much. " he says.

I manage to greet every employee here and learn their names. They were so kind and had sweet smiles when I would talk to them.

This is what I want to see. Hope in this pack. These pack members are thrilled by the most simple of compliments and kind words.

I'll do everything in my power to make this pack great again.

Soon we finish the tour and I thank him for his kindness. We head out to the next store. Alpha Conan was smiling at me.

" What?" I ask.

" You remind me so much of Connor's mother. She was so kind to the pack. Refused to be given free things and learned everyone's name. Connor will be so proud of you. " says Alpha Conan.

I smile at him. The next store is a small coffee shop. I love me some coffee now.

We walk in and I see there is only one worker here right now. She looked over and grinned. We were the only ones in her store.

" Hello Luna, it's so wonderful to see you. May I interest you in a sample of a new coffee I made?" She asked.

" I would love to try it. " I say.

She grins and brings out two small sample cups and quickly makes her new coffee before setting them in front of us.

" One is for you Alpha Conan. " she says.

" Thank you. " says Alpha Conan.

" Tell me, what is your name?" I ask.

" Tina. " she replies.

I grab the sample cup and bring it to my mouth. I take a sip and when the flavor hits me I stand completely shocked.

The taste is a mixture of regular coffee with mint and white chocolate. I've never tasted coffee like this before. It tasted so good.

I look at her. " This is fantastic. I can't get over how good it tastes. " I say.

She practically beams at my words. Alpha Conan tries it too and starts laughing. " She's right. This is amazing. Well don Tina. " he says.

That I know makes her day. We leave after finishing the samples and talking to her. We have one last stop before the prison.

This place is a hair cutting store. We walk in and see the lady there is currently cutting someone's hair.

She looked like an expert. I introduce myself and say hi. She grins at me and explains everything about her store when I ask questions.

Finally she finishes with that person and after they lay and leave she walks back up to me.

I had greeted that pack member also. She was very kind. " Your store is very pretty. Did you design everything yourself?" I ask.

" Yes I did. I had my sons help with it, but it was worth all the work it took. " she says.

I grin. " I have a lot to do sadly, so I must head out, but whenever I'm able to, I think I'll come get a hair cut from you. A little trim won't be bad. " I say.

" I would be honored to trim your hair Luna. " she says.

I smile at her. We talk for a few more minutes before we leave. " You did very well with them. " says Alpha Conan.

" I'm just treating them the way I would want to be treated. " I say.

He smiles. " Let's go see the pack prison then. " he says.

I nod in reply and with that the two of us head in the direction of the pack prison.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update again as soon as I can. Not sure who's POV. Until then enjoy :-)

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