Chapter 102.

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Amber's POV.

The rage is simmering underneath my skin. I want so badly to go and help my pack prepare, but I have to remain calm and hold back on these emotions. This meeting is essential to the furtherment of our packs.

I do feel bad for putting Kurt through all this. He doesn't deserve it. Heck, they all don't. However, they are willing to put everything aside to help me with this. These are the most loyal wolves I have ever met and I consider them all my pack.

My wolf feels strongly for them. I am shocked she spoke suddenly. She hasn't spoken a word since Connor went missing. I haven't felt anything from her since then. This anger she's feeling, I feel it to and we will protect our mate until our last breath.

If I concentrate hard enough, I can feel only a hint of his feelings. It seems like he's confused, but intensely determined to get to me. I manage a smile at that.

I open my eyes and everyone is sitting there again. " I apologize for the sudden break. I had to assist someone with an urgent matter. Everything is ok though. Are you all ready to continue?" I ask.

They all offer me a smile, Alpha Ronan's was clearly forced. " Yes Luna. We are ready." Says Kurt.

They all nodded in response. " Ok then. " I shift me gaze over to Kurt. " Alpha Kurt, are you ready?"

He nods and I see the determined glint in his eyes. " Yes Luna Amber. "

" On the night of Alpha George's murder, where we're you?" I ask.

I see him clench his jaw. Cassandra reached over and grabs his hand. Man am I glad he has her.

" I was talking to my mother. Since we had just finished the pack war, she wanted me by her side for a while. She had been so worried about me since I had just become Alpha. " he replies.

I nod. " Where were your Bète and guards at the time of the murder?" I ask.

" My guards were running the perimeter of the pack one last time and my Bète was with me. " says Kurt.

I know this is very hard for him to talk about and I plan on doing everything I can to help him afterwards. " Why did you decide to help us with this pack war? " I ask.

" My father was always a kind Alpha, always ready to help anyone in their time of need no matter the cost to him. I really looked up to him and he wanted to help. In turn, I did too. " says Kurt. My wolf hums in grief. I know she's still hurting at losing Alpha George too. She always loved him.

" After the gun went off, what did you do?" I ask.

I can see tears fill his eyes and he struggled to not let them slip. " W-when the gun went off, I was next to my mother. She just started screaming. It wasn't a scream I had ever heard before. It was like something was killing her. I instantly knew it was my father. I took off outside to where my father had gone. I could smell his scent and Connor's. I saw him laying on the ground. Eyes open wide and the wound on his head. I knew he was dead. I smelt another scent and ran after it. I lost the scent and came back to my fathers side. " says Kurt. A few tears rolled down his cheeks.

" Did you see anything suspicious before the murder?" I asked.

He shakes his head. " No Luna. I didn't. " he says. He voice sounds strained.

" I know this is hard for you. Do you wish to take a small break?" I ask.

He shakes his head. " No Luna. I can continue. Thank you for your concern though. " he replied. I nod.

" Do you think anyone here could be involved with the murder?" I ask.

" No I don't. I've known most of these Alpha's since I was seven. My father always brought me along to meetings. I trust them all and I know that none of them would betray me like that. That none of them would betray my father like that. He always saw the good on people and he loved them all. He considered them his pack too. So no Luna Amber, I don't believe anyone here had any connection or involvement in why happened. " he responded.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Ronan quickly wipe his face. Is he crying? I may be angry at him, but I'm not a monster. I forgive him, but I can never trust him again. He hurt my mate and he hurt me.

No trust will ever be given back to him. " We're you 100 percent honest with me?" I ask.

" Yes Luna Amber. " he says.

I then look to Phillip. He nods in response. Good, very good. " He told the truth. " he states.

I nod. " Thank you for being willing to do this. I am again sorry for your loss. " I say.

He nods thanks to me. Cassandra nods in response and Kurt then gets up. " I think I'll take that breather now. " he says. He then turns and walks towards the door.

I nod in response. Alpha Ronan looks so spooked. My wolf growls at him.

" Alpha Ronan, are you alright? " I ask.

He flinched when I speak to him. He tried to hide it though. Unsuccessfully though. " U-uh. Y-yes Luna Amber. I am fine. " says Ronan.

I raise an eyebrow. " Are you sure? You look like you could faint any minute. Do you want some water?" I ask.

He seems to think it over. " Some water would be nice please. " he says.

Alpha Lucas stands up. " I'll go grab you a cup. Alpha Benjamin, would you like to come help me? I want to get once for everyone. " he says.

" Sure, I would love to help out. " says Alpha Benjamin.

I smile a thank you at them and they nod back. The plan is slowly falling into place. I look at Ronan. " Are you ready Alpha Ronan?" I ask.

He pales even more. " Y-yes Luna Amber. " he said.

I nod. " Very well then. Let's begin. "

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A/N. Hey guys. I know, two chalets within 24 hours. I'm on a roll lol. I hope you enjoyed this one. Not sure who's POV next. Let me know who's you want to see. Until next thing guys. :-)

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