Chapter 83.

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Amber's POV.

Alpha Grace got in touch with me again and she told me what John suggested we do with Connor. My brother is very smart. I agree with his plan and I will be putting it into action.

I've already contacted Alpha Anthony and he has agreed to house Connor in his pack prison for us for the time being. It best we move him today while we have the chance. I'm going to go talk to Connor and tell him what we're going to do.

I'm only allowing this because I'm going to be fair to my packs prisoners. Man, I hate to call him a prisoner!!

I have multiple means of transportation for Connor during this trip. He can pick which he wants, but if he puts up a fight, I will pick for him and he won't have a choice.

I've got a team of guard getting ready to take him. I'm sending Clayton with them so he can keep an eye of Connor. I am not able to go since I have to do the meeting with the Alpha's soon.

I'm currently standing outside the pack prison, a small bag in my hands. I brought a few things that I hope may jog his memory. It'll be the first time I've seen him since we brought him in. I didn't get a good look at him before.

I finally take a deep breath and open the door. I walk in and start to make my way down to where his cell is. It's not too far thankfully. When I show up and look I can't help the smile that comes to my face.

He's asleep on the bed. His body and face so relaxed. No anger, no hate, no pain. Just my loving mate.

" I would appreciate it if you didn't stare at me. " he suddenly said.

I roll my eyes then. Moment gone. " I came down here to talk to you. I'd appreciate it if you looked at me when I talked to you. " I said back.

A small smirk came across his face. His eyes opened and he sat up. He turned his head to face me and that's when I could see it clearly. The look in his eyes was different.

His eyes are still the beautiful blue they were before. The blue I fell in love with. I love everything about him.

I quickly shake those thoughts from my head. I have to act professional. " What is it you wish to talk to me about, oh great Luna? " he said mockingly. He even went as far as to stand and do a mock bow to me.

I pulled my lips back in a snarl. The snarl held my Luna power and I saw him flinch. " You will talk to me with respect. Is that understood?!!" I growled. My command leaving no room for argument.

He nodded. " Yes Luna. "

This time he meant it. " Good. " I say.

I grab a seat from in the corner and pull it over. I then take a seat and motion for him to sit back down on the bed. He does so without question.

" We have decided to transfer you to another pack for the time being. It's for your safety and for ours. You have a few options on how you will be taken there and I am giving you the livery to choose. If you do not pick, I will pick for you. Is that understood?" I say.

He nods again. " May I ask why I am being moved to another pack?" He asks.

" I can not tell you that. You'll just have to trust me with it. " I said.

I nods. I can tell he is not happy about it. " What are my choices?" He asks.

" We have a few ways to get you there. One, you can walk or run with us as your wolf, but you will be restrained with steel chains and a muzzle so you don't attack us. " I said. I had to hold back my flinch at the word muzzle.

He nods and I continue. " Two, you will ride as human in the back on a cart that will be pulled by two wolves. You will be chained up. And four guards will be seated with you. " I say.

He nods again and I go on. " Three, if you prove to be to much, we will have the pack doctor sedate you and take you there by cart. " I say.

I then take a deep breath before telling him the last one. " If you prove to much again and sedation is out of the question. You will be put in silver chains and a muzzle and will either run like that or sit in the back of the cart. That is the last option. " I say.

He winces at that. I did too when I first heard this option. Finally he answers me. " I'll pick the second one. I'd rather be aware of where I'm taken and I don't think running in chains would feel good. Nor would a muzzle. " he says.

" Good choice. I'll let the guards know. You will be leaving first thing in the morning. " I say.

He nods and then his eyes shift down. " What's in the bag Luna?" He asks. I can tell he's furious at me for all of this. I know he hates talking to me. Right now I don't care. Just being with him is a bit of a relief.

I just wish we didn't have to separate again. I give a small smile. I reach into the bag and pull out a sweat shirt. I pass it to him. It was one he had hanging up in his room. " It gets cold down here at night. So I thought you'd like something to cover up with. " I said.

He took it with a nod. I then reach in and grab a small container. I pull it out and in it are some homemade brownies. Just like the ones I made him for his birthday when we celebrated in the woods.

I pass it to him. " I made some brownies and had some left. Thought you might want some. " I say.

He rolls his eyes at this. " How sweet. " he says sarcastically. I start to pull them away.

" Well of you don't want them, I guess I'll just..." I start.

He snatches them. " No no, I'll take them. Thank you. " he says in a rush.

I let out a small laugh. I knew he couldn't resist them. No one could. I finally reach in and bring out the last thing.

The lights stay on until a certain hour here. So until then he can read this book a brought him. I look at him. " Figured you could do with some reading material. It's call The Maze Runner. " I say. I pass it through to him.

He looks it over and I see the curious look in his eyes. He still has a few things like he used to. I then stand to leave.

" Why are you so kind to me?" He asks before I can walk away.

I turn to look at him. He's standing again and looking at me through the bars. " I have no reason to be mean to you. I am a fair Luna and I do right by my pack. If you are in my prison and don't cause my any trouble. Then I will treat you fair as well. " I say.

" I still don't like you and I will attack the first chance I get. You know that right? Nice or not, it won't matter. " he growls.

I simply nod. I already knew this. Hate it, yes. More then anything. " I know. "

I then walk away and let the door slam behind me.

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A/N. Hey guys,  hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was pretty fun to write. It's weird doing this kind of interaction with them when he doesn't know her. It was a fun challenge though. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Let me know who's you want. Until then :-).

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