Chapter 56.

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Boss Rogue's POV.

That Wolf Bane should have held longer then it did. His healing rate with his power is much greater then I originally thought.

No matter, I will have to schedule regular visits here to redo the process. He won't understand it, but it must be done.

Right now he has just finished the process again and is currently unconscious in the chair.

I send the guards away. Alpha Ronan walked in then. " He won't remember anything will he?" Says Alpha Ronan.

" No. I've done some experimenting and I asked him questions as he went through the process. He could not remember. You see, if I make him remember a certain thing while the Wolf Bane is damaging his mind, it will get rid of that memory first, thus getting rid of our problem without damaging the rest of his mind and body. " I said.

He nodded. " Smart. "

I walked over to Connor and undid the restraints keeping him hooked to the chair. I then pulled off the collar. I picked Connor up and walked out of the room.

With Alpha Ronan following me I headed for the pack infirmary. I walked in and Lauren looked over.

" Seriously Fenris?! I'm not a maid. I can't keep patching up your stupid rogues when they mess themselves up in a pointless fight. " she snapped.

I smirked. I like her, she has spunk. " You will continue to do so as long as I want. Understand!" I growled in response.

She sighed in annoyance. " Fine. What did you do to that poor boy this time?" She asked as I set him on a bed.

" He had to go back through the process. He overheard us and remembered memories. I had to get rid of them. " I say.

She didn't look happy, but nodded in response and got to work checking him over.

" His vitals are stable. He will be fine. " she said.

" Ok, when he wakes, tell him that he was in a rogue fight that wasn't his and got hit in the head. He got hurt and has amnesia of the fight so he won't remember it. " I say.

" You honestly think he's going to believe that?" She says.

" Doesn't matter. You make him believe it. Got it!" I snap.

She just rolls her eyes and nods. I then turn and leave. I head back into the room and start to clean up my tools.

" You took a huge risk sending him on that mission. " says Alpha Ronan.

" I told him not to get spotted by the Alpha and he didn't. " I say.

" You didn't hear the message. Alpha Lucas spotted Connor. They know you turned him. " says Alpha Ronan.

I growl in anger. I flip around. " Then that's his mistake and I will talk to him about it. " I growl.

" Do you not realize your mistake here. " he growls. " If they get the direction he went, they could track him to the woods all around here and then my pack. I will be executed if found conspiring and harboring rogues. "

" You knew the risks when you let us in. If they find out and execute you, then that's your problem. " I snap.

" No, it's our problem, because if I'm gone then you and your entire pack of worthless rogues will have nowhere to stay. " he said.

" It's not our first time on the run and it won't be the last. " I growl walking towards him.

He tried to hold his ground, but i towered over him and he shrunk down a little.

" Don't think that this plan I have relies on you, because I can assure you it doesn't. You are irrelevant to this plan Ronan. You are simply a tool I am using to get my way. Are you understanding this Ronan?" I ask.

He shakes his head. " No, this is my pack. I want you and your pack gone. Get off my pack ground. " he snaps in anger. I then feel a great rush of Alpha power.

Dang, he's strong, but Conan was ten times stronger than him when he was a teenager. I'm stronger then him.

All I do is smirk and tower over him more, sending wave after wave of my Alpha power to him. His Alpha power fades away and I smell the scent of fear.

Perfect. I walk up to him and force him to back up to the wall. In my hand I'm holding the container of Wolf Bane.

I then get an idea. " I don't think my message is getting across to you. Perhaps it's time I sent a message. " I say.

He looks confused for a moment. That is all the time I need. I slam him into the wall. He cries out as my hand grips his face at the chin.

" Don't worry. Connor will heal you later. " I say.

I force his mouth open by squeezing his jaw so tight a small crack was heard. He's making noises of protest now, knowing exactly what I had planned.

I then hold up the Wolf Bane and tip it over, pouring the contents into his mouth. This happened to be a liquid form.

The second his mouth was full of it. I stopped and clamped my hand over his mouth and plugged his nose with my other.

The Wolf Bane container now on the floor. Ronan was screaming and practically begging with me in his eyes for me to not make him swallow it.

Finally he had not choice and swallowed the Wolf Bane. Then I released him.

He started to cough and grasp his throat in pain. His face turned red. He was still breathing though.

" Have I made my point clear?" I say.

He nods furiously. I grin. " Good, now, once Connor is awake I will bring him here to heal you. Until then, sit on that chair and relax. " I say.

He looks terrified. " Don't worry. This amount won't kill you. Cross me again and I won't hesitate to give you a long excruciating death next time. Understood. " I say.

He nods furiously and practically runs over to the chair and sits. He has tears in his eyes now. Good, serves him right for talking to me the way he did.

" I'm not leaving anytime soon. " I say smirking. I then start laughing and turn, walking out the door. Leaving him to his well deserved pain.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's POV next. Until then guys. :-).

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