Chapter 70.

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Connor's POV.

Nighttime has fallen and I'm sitting in my room waiting for my meeting with Alpha to come.

I was unable to speak with him the night of our fight because he was dragged away on important business. He arrived back today and has already contacted me through mind link.

I'm a bit nervous as to what he wants to talk to me about. It may be about a mission he wants to send me on, or it may be about something I may have done wrong that I'm not aware of. I'm not sure.

He will tell me when we meet. I just hope it isn't something very bad. I happen to like my life here and I don't want anything to jeopardize it. I'll kill whoever gets in the way of that.

I've spent the passed few days training, eating and sleeping. Mainly training. I have to be prepared and I plan to beat Alpha next time I fight him. I got pretty close last time. This time I'll be more prepared.

After a while I get a mind link. ' Come to my office Connor! ' the voice was forceful and help authority. My Alpha.

' On my way Alpha. ' I reply back. I get up off my bed and start making my way towards the door.

It isn't long before I'm standing outside his door. I knock. " Enter. " says Alpha.

I walk in. He sitting behind a desk and looking over a map. I walk over and stand before him, having closed the door behind me after I entered.

" Do you see this Connor?" He asks.

He looks up at me. I give a small look of confusion before I glance down at the map in front of him.

My eyes widen slightly as I recognize it as the packs land. Not only our pack, but every pack around us. There in the middle are little marks he's drawn on the paper.

" It's our land." I respond with the best answer I can think of right now.

He nods. " Yes, it is. I have another mission for you. " he says.

I nod in response. " Yes sir. " I say.

" See these marks? " he says pointing to them. " These are our enemies who are getting far too close to us. Your job is to take a group of rogues and lead them away. "

" Do you know who they are?" I ask.

" Yes. These is an old Alpha there, as well as some people very close to him. I want you to lead them far away from our pack grounds. Hurt one of them if you have to. " he says.

I nod. " Yes sir. " I say.

He sighs and sits back. He runs a hand over his face. " These wolves are making things very tricky for us. They are interrupting our greater plan. That is what I wanted to talk to you about a few nights ago. For now though, I got more thinking to do. " he says.

" Do you want me to kill a wolf of two to make a statement that we are not to be messed with?" I ask. I would love to cause some mayhem. Hurting one of them just doesn't feel like enough for these mutts for disrupting our greater plan. I want them to pay.

He smiles. " Feeling a little bloodlust are we?" He mocks gently.

A small laugh falls from both our lips at that. " I just feel they deserve more then just hurting one of them. " I say.

" You maybe right. If you get the chance, kill that Alpha and only him. If not, only hurt them. No more. Understand!!" He says.

I nod and let myself smirk. " Yes sir. I won't let you down Alpha. " I say.

" I know you won't. Get going. Gather your team. You leave in two hours. They'll be here. They have a little vamp set up. Come from around before you attack. They can't know you came from this direction. " he said.

I studied it a minute before nodding in response. " Yes sir. Thank you. " I say before turning and leaving the room.

I grin as I run towards the door. This was going to be great. I'm so excited. Finally I get to cause some mayhem. That Alpha, man I can't wait to get my claws in him.

I leave the building I had been in and run down the front steps. I head for the training part of the pack where I know the rogues will be.

I make it there in record time and stop to watch a fight that is currently going on. Alpha forbid them to kill anymore, claiming we need all the rogues we can get for our upcoming fight.

He was right on that. I don't mind killing wolves if I won a fight. However, we do need all the help we can get. Rogue or not.

I lean against the wall that was close by and watch. The bigger wolf had the other by the neck and had pinned him down.

Finally after about twenty seconds the wolf shifted back and was released. He growled as the other stepped over him to cheer with his friends over his victory.

" Hey, you want to cheer a different way?" I say with a sly smirk.

They looked over and grinned. " What ya got in mind?" Asked the winning rogue.

" Alpha has us a mission. I need about twenty rogues to follow me. No killing, we can hurt a few. Who wants in?" I ask.

They were quick to ask. I collected my twenty and we prepared ourselves over the next few hours. Once it was time to leave, we were ready.

We shifted into our wolves and took off running as fast as we could. The wind of the night blew through our fur and our howls rang through the night.

Everyone was excited and I was ready for this fight. Bring it on. Man, this was going to be so much fun!!!!!

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A/N. Hey guys. I know. Long time no see. I'm back. Hopefully I won't wait a month to post next time. My anxiety has been getting better. Depression, not so much. It's ok though. I'm having some good days lately. Thanks for being so patient. Not sure who's POV I'll do next. Comment who's you want to see. Until next time y'all. :-)

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