Chapter 22.

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Amber's POV.

The pack meeting room is buzzing right now. So many wolves here talking to each other's. So many questions floating in the air.

I'm still in a bit of shock from what I found. I know it's a huge clue to what happened, but I can't help the feeling of dread that's currently sitting in the pit of my stomach.

Gosh, this sucks. Kurt is very good at acting right now. I know he's freaking out on the inside about this. However, he is remaining calm for his pack and being the Alpha they need.

I can see Tasha and Clayton sitting together next to Tasha's parents. Well mainly her mother. Her father is up here with my father and Kurt.

Finally once every pack member was here Kurt stood up. " Ok, I'd like to start by saying thank you all for coming to this meeting. " says Kurt.

Everyone bowed their heads in respect towards Kurt. He smiled at that. " Now, the reason I have called you all here is because Amber has got some news she wants to tell you all. " says Kurt.

He stood to the side, allowing me to come up and say what I need to say.

" Hello everyone. " I say. Everyone says hi back and I see Tasha waves at me with a huge grin on her face.

I haven't told her I'm leaving yet. I know that's bad, because she is my best friend. This have been so hard though and I don't know, I just haven't been able to focus on anything else aside from Connor.

" As well all know, Alpha Conan will be heading back to his pack tomorrow. " I say. Everyone nods in response. " He will be stepping down as Alpha. That will leave his pack without an Alpha or Luna. So because of that, I will be joining him and taking up my job as Luna and taking over the pack. "

Gasps were heard, as were words of encouragement. Tasha almost looks betrayed. I mouth an apology to her.

She simply nods. " I know this is sudden, but I also figured I could cover more ground in the search for Alpha George's killer and Connor's kidnapper. " I say.

They all nod in agreement. A few seconds later Tasha stands up. I look at her in confusion.

" I also wanted to make an announcement. I will be going as well. Clayton will be taking over his father's job and I will be joining you there. " says Tasha.

I smile, classic Tasha. Looks like we both kept something from each other during this time.

Kurt then walks forward. " I also have some good news too. " he says.

Everyone looks. I go back to my seat and settle down in it. " Today has been a good day. Amber was led into the woods by her wolf and found a crucial piece of evidence for us. I can't say what it is just yet, but I can tell you for us it's a big step forward then where we were. " says Kurt.

A few cheers were heard and others nodded along. I start to tune out everything. It becomes more like a distant hum.

Memories are flashing before me. Everything is pitch black. I'm running through the woods on my own.

I stop, feeling as if someone's watching me. I'm not alone. I look around until my eyes settle on another wolf.

He's big. I feel nothing, but power coming off him. His wolf was a mixture of grey, dark grey and a bit of brown. What stood out more was his eyes.

Solid blue. So beautiful, mesmerizing. I've never seen eyes like his before.

" Amber."

He just stands there, suddenly in the blink of an eye he's gone, replaced by a solid white wolf like my own.

Only this wolf, it was clear to tell it was a female. Her eyes were solid blue. Even the whites of her eyes. She also had a blue glow around her.

" Amber! "

She seems almost like a ghost. ' Amber!'

She whispers my name and it's got an eerie echo to it. Who is she?

" AMBER!!" Cried Tasha.

I snap out of the trance like state I was in to see both Kurt and Tasha in front of me.

" Where did you go Amber?" Asks Tasha.

" I don't know. It's just been a really tough day. " I say.

They nod. " Well the meeting is over. Come, I'll walk you home. " says Kurt. That's when I realize the meeting is over and almost everyone has left.

I nod. I then look at Tasha. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving. " I say.

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you either. It'll be ok. We will do this together. " she said.

I nod and with that Kurt and I leave. As were walking I look at him. " Kurt, I'm scared. " I say.

He stops suddenly and looks at me. I stop and look at him. " You're safe here amber and you'll be safe there. You know that. " he says.

" I'm not scared for me Kurt. I know I'll be fine. " I say.

" You are scared for Connor aren't you?" He says.

" I felt him the other day Kurt. About a day or two after he disappeared. He was in pain Kurt. They could be torturing him as we speak. I'm scared I may never see him again. " I say.

He puts his hands on my shoulders. " Amber have faith. Connor will come back to us one way or another. I believe he will. He's an Alpha's son. A Blue Eyed Healer. He may be in pain now, but it won't last forever. I promise you we will find him and our down whoever is responsible for this. Have faith. " he said.

I nod. He then hugs me to him. " It'll be ok. I'm getting Tasha. Tonight we're going to hang out in Connor's spot in the woods. At midnight, just like we used to. Clayton, Cassandra, John and Amelia will be there too. Everything will be ok. " he said.

I nod. He's right. Everything will be ok in time. All I need to do is have a little faith.

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A/N. Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll be doing Amber's POV again in the next chapter. I hope you like how this story is going so far. Until next time guys. :-)

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