Chapter 95.

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Amber's POV.

Man, hearing John's voice has made my day all the more better. I can tell just how much Alpha Grace cares for him without her even saying it. It's just the amount of care she's given him to help him.

She didn't have to offer him a place to stay, she didn't have to do anything at all. Yet she did without a seconds hesitation. It proves how good of an Alpha she really is.

Right now I'm standing outside with Tasha by my side. I've been alerted that the Alpha's are starting to arrive. Alpha Benjamin and Alpha Lucas have arrive first since they were the closest.

I'm still debating what questions I'm going to ask them all. They already know that Ronan is the bad guy here in this situation. If I play my cards right, Ronan will cave and we will get all the answers we want.

Then he will be put in our prison for further questioning about all that's happened to Connor and how to fix it. We will then gather up as many wolves as we can and head to Ronan's pack and try to capture Fenris alive. I want to question him about his experiments with Wolf Bane and how to reverse the effects if possible.

I'm just so worried that things will go wrong. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure what will happen. I don't know how to help Connor. I don't even know what all happened to him. If something goes wrong I.....

" Relax Amber. Everything will go according to plan. " says Tasha, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look over at her. " How can you be so sure? Why if things go wrong? What if we....." I'm stopped even before I can finish my sentence

Tasha has my chin in a firm grip. My eyes had widened slightly. She looks dead serious. " Don't even think about finishing that sentence. Don't even think those thoughts. You're better then that. " she all but growled. " You are the smartest and strongest person I know. This plan will work. I have no doubt. Plus you have us to back you up. Have some faith. Ok?!"

It's times like this I get so proud of my friend. She may like to be a trouble maker sometimes, but when it comes down to it. She is insanely smart and loyal. I nod and ready myself.

" You're right. I shouldn't think like that. Thank you Tasha. " I say.

She lets go of my chin and all but tackles me in a hug. " I love you Amber. You've always been so strong and so sure of ever decision you've ever made. You're a Luna now. Absolutely brilliant. Don't let the seeds of doubt plant themselves in that beautiful mind of yours. Ok? Promise me?!" She said.

" I promise. Thank you. " I say hugging her tightly.

" Aww, are we interrupting a moment." Says a voice. We break away and look. It's Alpha Benjamin. He's got a small mischievous smirk on his face.

We start laughing. He had his Bète with him as well as three guards. I smile. " Not at all. Welcome to our pack Alpha Benjamin. " I say

I tilt my head down as a sign of respect. He brightens and returns the gesture. It feels nice to see him again.

" Thank you Luna Amber." He said to me.

We then sense another presence. Alpha Lucas has appeared, followed by his Bète and guards as well. I had sent some guards to get both of them since Alpha Conan still has those traps set up.

There are more guards at both sides of the packs territory waiting for Kurt and Ronan. They should be here within the next hour or two. It depends on how fast they are going.

Alpha Lucas band I greet each other the same way Alpha Benjamin and I did. " So, Ronan is really coming here?" Asks Alpha Lucas.

" Shockingly he is. I guess he wants to make himself look less suspicious. " I say back.

" I always thought highly of him. I never thought he'd be so cowardly as to side himself with the rogues. Rogues have been known to wipe out entire packs. I just don't understand it. " says Alpha Benjamin.

" I hate to think that too and yes, there is no eschew for what he's done. However, he may have had a reason. I'm not saying that reason is justified. I am merely saying, he may have had to do whatever he could to support his pack. " says Alpha Lucas.

" That may be true also, but housing the rogues. He is associate for murder, kidnapping, tons of vandalism, assault and attempted murder. These crimes cannot go unpunished. " I say.

They all nod in agreement. We talk with each other for a while. Then I finally get alerted that the other two Alpha's have arrived.

Time to get this show on the road. Kurt makes it over first. He's got Cassandra with him as well as three guards.

I can't help myself. I rush over and hug the two of them. They laugh and hug me as well. " It's so good to see you guys. " I say to them.

" It's so good to see you too Amber. " says Cassandra.

" Missed you Amber. " says Kurt.

I grin at them and step back. I then tilt my head in respect to Kurt and Cassandra. They smile proudly and do the same as well.

I then look and see Ronan is walking up. The sight of him in shocking. He looks completely different from how he did before.

He had dark bruises under his eyes that prove he hasn't been sleeping. He looks like he's seconds away from collapsing. His hands are trembling and there's a great sense of fear hanging around him.

Something is very wrong. However, he is trying to his himself in a professional way. I'll have to act like I don't notice.

I do the same gesture as I've done before. He does it back. I offer a small smile. " Welcome to our pack Alpha Ronan. I hope your trip was good?" I say.

" It was. Thank you for asking?" He replies. Oh yeah, there's a lot of tension behind his voice.

Something major is up. " Well now that everyone is here. Let's head on in and start this meeting. " I say.

They all agree and with that, we turn and head into the pack house.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure who's pov I'm doing next. Let me know who's you want to see. Until then. :-)

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