Chapter 109.

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Connor's POV.

" Come on pup, you can do better then that. " says Alpha.

I'm on the ground panting. I'm currently fighting my Alpha. I've managed to land three hits so far. He's almost impossible to hit.

I get back on my feet. We've been training for hours. He huffs as his wolf and gets ready. Instead of evading like I usually do, I decide to lunge right at him. It startled him for a minute and I manage to land my first him.

I can hear him huff our a small laugh and he goes for me. I dodge by sliding under his legs and landing my second him. He then lands a hit himself. I'm sent sliding to the side.

However, I am right back to my feet and lunge at him. He gets ready for me. Only I pretend to dive to the side and he dives that way. I manage to land my third hit on him and rush off to the side.

I'm huffing for air by this point. Alpha looks at me and pulls his teeth back. Come on Alpha, back down!

I see him flinch a bit and his teeth move back. I then rush forward and land another hit on him. This one to his face.

He snarled way too viciously for this to be training now. He practically grabs me by the back of my neck and throws me aside. His massive paws land by my head and he roars in fury.

I flinch and whimper. ' DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!' He then walked off and disappeared, leaving me sitting there confused.

What did I do? I don't understand what I did wrong?

That memory is strong in my mind right now. My wolf is showing it to me. I don't understand it still.

' Why did you show me this?' I ask.

' Because you need to use that power against Fenris. He's scared of you because you have power he doesn't. Use it. ' says my wolf.

' I still don't understand. ' I said.

' Just follow your instincts. You'll be fine.' Says my wolf.

I continue running. I'm running up to the pack borders and I see lots of rogues with their paws caught in silver bear traps. They are stuck in place.

It's quite funny. I keep running towards the mate bond. As I get even closer I start to feel her feelings. She's angry and terrified.

Why is she scared?  I run faster and pass the pack borders. I run past guards and no one stops me. They just continue to fight.

As I get closer I spot a couple Alpha's surrounding Fenris. I see her then. She's beautiful. Her solid white wolf is gorgeous.

I then Seeger lunge forward and slice her claws across his face. He's going to be too much for her. I have to help now.

I run even faster and crash right into him the second he lunges for my mate. He goes flying and I  let out a howl of rage. I then hear a small whine.

I turn my head and there she is. She walks up slowly. Hesitant. ' Do you really remember me?' She asked in my mind.

' I remember enough Amber and I will always protect you. Memories or not. ' I say.

I still am keeping an eye of Fenris. I then walk to her and rub my face gently against her. She leans into the touch and whines. ' Leave him to me. I'll let you know when to join in. I got this. ' I say.

She huffs in confirmation. I breath in her scent and then pass her the pillow case I'd been holding. As I turn back to fully face Fenris, I spot another wolf and it nods at me.

I nod back and then prepare myself. ' So you finally remember your mate!!!' He says smugly.

He's standing again and we started to very slowly circle each other. ' You lied to me. You said I didn't have one.' I snarl.

' Clearly a lie boy. Can't you tell the difference. ' he growls back. He's not asking it like a question.

' Why would you lie to me?  Why did you do it?' I growl.

' I wanted revenge. Your father over there needs to feel the pain I did and only then will I award him the sweet relief of death. ' snarled Fenris.

Father? That's my father? I'm the son of an Alpha?  It's all clicks then. I used my Alpha power in that one fight. That's what made him flip out on me.

I know he took me to a room that night and then it all goes blank from there. ' You don't need me for my Alpha power, you only wanted me for my healing power.' I say.

' Oh yay, you finally figured it out. Of course I only wanted you for your healing ability. It's the only reason I took you instead of killing you. ' growled Fenris.

A memory suddenly flashed across my mind. A small, gentle smile from a man I can't place the name of. The flash of a gun as it shoots and the think of a body hitting the ground

' You killed someone when you took me?!' I snarled loudly.

' Oh yes. I never wanted to kill him. He was just... collateral. ' says Fenris.

' You will pay for everything you've done. ' I snarl.

' What, you going to arrest me??' He mocks.

' No, prison would be too good for you. I was thinking more along the lines of the death penalty. ' I snarl.

His wolfs look darkens. ' You're going to eat those words by the time I'm done with you kid. ' he snarled.

I snort. He can try all he wants, I've studied the way he fights. We trained together and right now, I have my wolf putting those memories into the forefront of my mind. I can't lose with my wolf on my side and Alpha's backing me up.

' Bring it old man. ' I say.

He snarls and at the same time, we both lunge towards each other. Claws out and jaws open to bite. It's time to end this.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know who's POV you want to see next. Until then guys :-)

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