Chapter 17.

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Connor's POV.

I can't believe this. According to my father this was one of the most respected Alpha's.

I know I've respected him for years, even if I barely knew the guy. He helped me with the pack war, I don't understand, why would he turn on us?

Not a word has been said since he had entered the room. He walks up and takes his seat.

Alpha Ronan.

My mind is still reeling. I almost feel sick. I don't take my eyes off of him. He finally sighs and sits back. The Boss Rogue starts to laugh.

" Speak, I know you have a million questions. " says Alpha Ronan.

I do have a million questions. I only have one right now. " Why?" I say. My voice was quiet and I did my best to keep the betrayal in my voice.

" Why not?" Was his answer.

I growl in anger. " Your insane. " I growled.

He laughed. " No Connor. I'm more sane then I've ever been. I understand so much more then I ever thought possible. " he says.

" Your betraying everything being an Alpha is." I say.

He leans forward. " How would you know?" He says.

At that I snarl in anger. " I know enough. " I spat.

He sighs, he then give me a small smile as he leans back in his seat. " When will you learn Connor, not every Alpha is as good as you want them to be. " says Alpha Ronan.

" Your one of the most respected Alpha's though. People look up to you because you follow the old rules. Which by the way, state that all rogues are to be killed unless needed for interrogation. Why would you suddenly turn your back on rules you've followed so strongly? " I say.

" It was a hard choice to make Connor. At first I wanted to kill Fenris. He came to me alone, no back up. We started talking and he made some valid points. I agreed to let him and his rogues stay here as long as they didn't hurt, kill or antagonize my pack members. They agreed and we haven't had a problem since then. " says Alpha Ronan.

" I knew something just didn't feel right when we were at your pack. " I spat.

" I'll admit, I was worried one of you might find out. You were all so focused on the pack war that you didn't even realize there were rogues here. " says Alpha Ronan.

" We hid here until you left. I then sent some rogues after you. I myself left to check on things after I got word that they attacked the human boy. I told them not to attack, but they hate humans. " says the Boss Rogue.

My eyes widen. That's how he knew I was a Blue Eyed Healer. He saw me heal Matt.

" That's right. I saw you use your powers to heal him. Then I talked to Alpha Ronan and we started to plan your kidnapping from there. " says the Boss Rogue.

" I admit, I've only met one other Blue Eyed Healer. Your mother, but Conan was far to protective of her. So I left it be. Then you showed up and opportunity struck. We had to make a move. " says Alpha Ronan.

" When did killing an Alpha play into this scheme of yours?" I snarl.

His eyes turn sad. " I never wanted an Aloha to be killed. That was never meant to happen. I respected Alpha George. He was always so kind to us. I truly am sorry for how that turned out. " says Alpha Ronan.

" No your not! Your not sorry about that! If you were you'd be arresting this creep for killing him in the first place!!" I Snarled.

" I almost did when I heard Connor. I've known Alpha George for a long time. I miss him dearly. I really do, but we had a mission and there could be no witnesses. " says Alpha Ronan.

I scoff and shake my head. " Unbelievable. I can't believe you've been reduced to a.. a-a juvenile pup!" I snap.

He snarls in anger. " Show some respect to an Alpha!! How dare you!!" He screams.

I lean forward and practically bare my teeth at him in anger. " You are no Alpha."

The Boss Rogue is very quiet now. Though his eyes have gone comically wide. He must not have expected me to say that.

Alpha Ronan stood up and walked over to me. " I still hold power over you being an Alpha. " he growls.

I stand up and tap into my Alpha power. I greatly overpowered him easily. " No you don't. BACK AWAY!" I Snarled in fury.

He flinched hard and does as I say. He then laughs. " Looks like someone found their inner Alpha during the pack war. No matter. I can still do this. " he says.

His arm swings in a blur and the. Ext thing I know I'm on the ground with an aching jaw. He had hit me.

He gets down by me. " You will never make it on here with that attitude boy. Learn to behave and maybe I'll allow you to eat next time. Guards take him back to his cell. " says Alpha Ronan.

I was then grabbed by multiple guards. I tried fighting and when I did something was stuck to my back and I felt shocks tear through my body.

I screamed out in pain. I was not expecting that. I was taken out of the room and tossed back into my cell.

I hit the ground and got back up just as they locked it and left. I Snarled in fury and turned around, running my hands through my hair.

This is insane. He doesn't deserve to be an Alpha. Heck, when I get out of here I'll take him out myself.

Him and the Boss Rogue. I'll make sure of it. Neither of them will make a move on my family and friends ever again.

If they do I'll see to it that I'm the one that's ends them. They won't get the better of me ever again.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed that chapter. The next chapter will be in Alpha Benjamin's POV. Until then enjoy. :-)

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