Chapter 14.

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Connor's POV.

Wolf Bane hurts worse then I ever thought it would. I don't have enough in me to kill me.

Just enough to drive me insane with the pain. I'm currently strapped to a metal table laying flat on my back.

My wrists and ankles are strapped down. I'm not given much room to move around if I wanted to.

The Boss Rogue has been gone for about an hour. I've been out of the room that has the Wolf Bane in the walls preventing me from feeling Amber.

I haven't even tried to contact her. I need to focus on her through this. Gosh this hurts.

I whimper and shut my eyes right as I focus all my thoughts on her. The way she feels, how soft her hair is and those beautiful hazel eyes. The way it feels to have her presence in my mind through our bond. Gosh I miss her so much.

Then I hear her in my mind and I feel her too. She terrified. ' Connor?"

I try to message back. It takes me a bit because I'm fighting the Wolf Bane. I manage to call back to her.

' A-Amber. '

I feel pure terror in her. She can feel my pain. I know she can and I know she knows what it is too. She's been through this before with the Wolf Bane.

I can run through her mind then and I can read her thoughts. I feel the pain she's felt for days since I went missing.

I need to reassure her that I'm fine and alive and will make it back to her.

' Connor are you ok? What's going on?' I hear her say.

I then hear something to my right. I turn my head and look. The Boss Rogue is standing there looking more furious then I could ever imagine.

He's holding something in his hand. A collar like this. My eyes widen. He walks forward towards me.

' Amber I love you! I love you so mu.....' I was then stopped when the collar was placed around my neck.

I then can't feel her anymore. She's gone. No no I need her, please no!!

" You stupid mutt. You really thought I wouldn't notice you trying to contact her. You didn't even get to say much to her did you?" Snarled the Boss Rogue.

" You stupid freak!! " I snarl jerking my hands against the straps, trying so hard to get to him so I can hurt him.

He just laughs. " That collar has the same stuff in it that your walls in your cell does. You won't ever be able to remove it without my help and you won't ever talk to your mate again unless I allow it. " snarled the Boss Rogue.

Pure rage is flaring  through me. " You will pay dearly for this. I'll see to it that I kill you myself!!" I Snarled.

His eyebrows lift up in a small look of surprise. He then cracks a grin. " Your threats don't matter boy. This Wolf Bane will take over your mind by the end of tonight and you'll be under my control. " says the Boss Rogue.

" What could you possibly hope to gain from this?" I snap.

" Total control. Once I have you under my control I plan on attacking a pack. Any pack, but I won't be the one going. You will and you'll kill men, women and children and be the animal I want you to be. What I hope to gain from it also is my revenge against your father. I will kill him. I can assure you of that. " growled the Boss Rogue.

" You and every villain out there are just alike. All you want is revenge. Pointless, stupid revenge. " I snarl.

" It may seem pointless to you, but until you feel the pain of having you mate and unborn child taken from your life you'll never understand it. " growled the Boss Rogue.

" Where the heck are we anyway?" I growled.

He didn't speak for a few minutes so I did again. " I mean, I'm not likely to remember anyway if your going to be warping my mind. So you might as well tell me." I say.

" We're in a prison. " he said.

Well that's a bit obvious. The cells, the room I'm in now which looks like any ordinary interrogation room in a pack prison.

It only had a few touches out into it by the Boss Rogue   himself. That part is easy to tell with all the silver everywhere around the room and the bottles of Wolf Bane lining the wall straight ahead of me.

The pain seems to be decreasing. The Boss Rogue seems to notice also and walks up to me and looks at the cut he had made. Instead of blood leaking out from the cut it was the Wolf Bane.

His jaw had dropped. I stare in shock too. What's happening? Isn't this stuff supposed to be affecting me?

" Your body is healing itself. It is getting rid of the Wolf Bane. " says the Boss Rogue.

He then laughs. " Well this is new. I wasn't expecting this. " he said.

I manage a small smirk. Good, finally something I can smile about in here.

He then walks back around. " Once the Wolf Bane is out of your system you'll be put back in your cell. " says the Boss Rogue.

I nod. " To answer your question from before. Yes, we are in a pack prison. I won't tell you which one. He wants to introduce himself to you soon though. I am forbidden to tell. I am only listening to him because he has allowed us rogues to seek refuge here. " says the Boss Rogue.

My eyes widen. " Your saying an Alpha has aligned himself with a know mass murderer like you?" I say.

He just smirks and nods. " Until I see you next Connor, enjoy wallowing in your thoughts. "

He then leaves. I am left laying there thinking. An Alpha has allowed rogues into his pack. He has broken every rule an Alpha has to follow.

My only thought left though, is who could this guy possibly be?

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A/N. Hey guys. Finally managed to get another chapter up pretty quickly from the last. Woo lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to do Bète Ricks POV next. Until then enjoy.

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