Chapter 103.

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Alpha Ronan's POV.

My heart is racing in my chest and I feel like I could throw up at any moment. I can't remember the last time I was this panicked or nervous. Fenris is in the back of my mind listening in on everything this entire time.

I didn't have a choice in the matter. I wish I did, but I can't change what's happened. I just got to make it through this and I'm golden.

Something seems a bit different in Amber. She seems so much more confident then she was before. She's giving off an aura of power. It's honestly very intimidating. I haven't felt this type of power from anyone other then Fenris is a long while.

Even the other Alpha's around me don't have the power radiating off of them that she does. " On the night of Alpha George's murder, where we're you?" Asks Amber.

It's ok, I'll just tell the truth. " I was walking back from the kitchen after having grabbed some water. " I say.

" Where were your Bète and guards at the time of the murder?" She asks.

I feel a large pang of grief in my chest at the mention of my passed Bète. " They we're in the large dinning area. We have a little ritual we do after wards of the higher ups in the puck checking over each and every pack member for injuries and tending to them before ourselves. " I say.

It was one of the old rules that almost every pack still follows to this day. As the Alpha of a pack, my third and second in command as well as myself are to tend to the pack before ourselves. That is a reason as to why I aligned myself with Fenris in the first place. My pack needed my protection and I would do anything for them.

She nods. " Why did you decide to help us with this pack war?" She asks.

" Another rule we have, is that all packs we know, we consider them our own. If my pack was facing a pack war, I would hope you would help me the way I decided to help you. " I say. Fenris can listen in, but he is unable to read my thoughts right now.

If he were, then he'd be detected by them. I'm hoping someone catches my hint. I really do need help and I'm tired of hiding this from them. I don't want to be the bad guy.

I've been panicking all this time, because if I don't get help now, Fenris will ruin my pack and I all because I tried to ask for help. I'm terrified of him. I'm way in over my head.

Amber's left eye twitches. " After the gun went off, what did you do?" She asks.

At that moment Alpha Lucas walks up and offers me a glass of water. I gladly take it. I need some water anyway.

" After the gun went off and I heard the scream, I ran to see where the scream had come from. I saw the Luna there and knew something bad must have happened. I then followed the other Alpha's outside and saw the body. " I say.

" Did you see anything suspicious before the murder?" She asks.

This is the hardest part. Panic fills my chest more. Amber gives me a small look of concern. " Drink your water Alpha Ronan. You look like you need it. " she says.

I nod and practically guzzle down at the water. Once I'm done I set the glass next to my on the floor. I then look at her.

Before I can say a word, some pain fill me. It feels like a really bad stomach ache. One arm goes out to brace myself as I take a deep breath through the pain.

What is happening? " Alpha, are you alright?" She asks.

" Yes, y-yes Luna. I'm ok. " I manage to say as I return back to how I was sitting before.

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