Chapter 66.

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Jennifer's POV. ( AKA, Amber's mother. )

The pack dinner was one of the best we ever had. I can't remember the last time o saw so many smiling faces in one area.

Even John was happy, sure he didn't speak a word, but he interacted with others. That means more to me then anyone will ever know.

I miss the days before this all started. The days I had my daughter with me and my son was helping his father with everything.

Those were perfect days, but as much as I wish I could go back and take this pain away from them. I wouldn't.

I would be taking their mates away from them. The wonderful moments they had together. I would never be able to do that. I love them too much for that.

Tonight is the last night I get to spend with my boy before he goes away to another pack. I don't know what this world has planned for him.

I just hope whatever he does will give him the best life he needs. My poor baby boy.

Once we arrive home John starts to head upstairs. I don't say anything. I merely follow him upstairs. Rick just sits down because he knows I need this time with my son.

I walk in to see John standing in the middle of his room like he has no idea what to do. " Hey sweetie, do you mind if I help you pack?" I ask.

He looks at me and I can see the tears he's been trying to hold back during the dinner are now making their way down his face. He nods in response to my question.

I walk in and together the two of us start to pack a few bags with his clothes and some personal items.

I see him out pictures of us in there. There was even one of Amelia. I am not sure when he got that picture, but I am glad he has it.

In the middle of packing John had to stop. He was gripping onto the bag he was holding as tight as he could. I could see his entire body trembling.

That's when his sobs became heard out loud. He couldn't hold back anymore. I simply put down what I'm holding and walk over to him.

I carefully pull the bag out of his hands. I sit down on the edge of the bed and pull me some into my lap.

I cradle him in my arms, something I haven't done since he was little, and he lets me.

I just sit there and let him cry his heart out. Every wolf I've seen that has lost their mate reacts this same way. Man or woman, I've seen them all react the same.

Some people never make it passed this and die from heart break, others heal, but never fully. They will always have what can only be described as a hole in their hearts that no one can fill.

I know my son will make it through this. He is so strong. Just like his father. After a while John's cries turn into sniffles.

" Come, I know what you need. " I say.

We stand up and I lead him out of the room and carefully down the stairs. Rick looks at us as we make it downstairs. I simply shake my head and he nods in response.

We head into the kitchen and I sit John at the table. I go and grab something out of the freezer. Ice cream.

He sees and raises an eyebrow in question. " Best cure for a heartbreak. " I say.

That gets a small grin from him. I make him and myself a bowl and walk over to him.

I had out the rest up. The two of us sit there and enjoy the ice cream. John's favorite is birthday cake ice cream. That's what I had for him.

After a while we finished and he just sat there. I took the bowls to the sink and walked back.

I say back down and waited. After a while he looks at me. " Thanks mom. " he says in a whisper.

I smile warmly at him. It's the first words he has said to any of us since this happened.

" You never have to thank me John. I'll do anything for you. " I say.

" Can we go sit on the couch, all three of us?" He whispers.

I nod and the two of us walk to the couch. I motion for Rick to join us. He does so happily.

Together the three of us sit together. We ended up sitting watching movies most of the night.

John fell asleep half way through and we just let him sleep. We knew he needed it.

The next morning I went to cook and Rick went to help John finish packing. I trust Alpha Grace to look after my son.

She's taken a liking to him from the start. I could always tell. I know he will be fine.

I miss the entire family being here, I know it will happen again one day. All in due time.

Things will work out for the best. After a while John and Rick walk down. A bunch of bags with them.

They walked up and set the bags down by the front door and walked over. I made pancakes and eggs.

We all sat together and ate. All of us enjoying this last meal together as a family.

Alpha Grace will come for him at ten, so until then, I'm going to enjoy these last few hours I have left with my son.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Hope. Ext year will be better then this one way. Not sure who's POV I'll be doing next. Comment below if there is one that you want to see. Hope you enjoyed the mother's POV. Until next time. :-).

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