Chapter 13.

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Amber's POV.

It's morning. We plan on searching houses again. No one has found anything yet.

It's starting to make me mad. Why can't we find anything? There has to be something! There is no way someone could have come into this pack, killed an Alpha and got away with Connor without leaving at least a foot print or scent.

It doesn't make any sense. I slept out in the woods again. I got some pillows and a few blankets and have been sleeping there.

It's where Connor's scent is the strongest and it brings me comfort, at least for a little bit. Man I miss him.

I never knew I could miss someone this much. Now I know and I would never wish this on anyone else.

I'm going to tell my father today that I'll be leaving with Alpha Conan at the end of the week.

Kurt knows and he's ok with it. I head back to my house. We're having a small breakfast. Just the family.

I'll tell them then. I make it to the backyard just in time to see Amelia wall back in. That confuses me a little.

I know Kurt is already out checking houses and John must be with him. John did say he would come back for breakfast though, but I'm left to wonder where Amelia had gone.

I walk in and soon enough so does John. My dad walks down the stairs. He looks so tired. My mother walks up to him and kissed his cheek.

She then leads him to the table and sits him down. She grabs the food and sets it in the middle of the table for us.

We smile at her and once she sit down with us we all start to put food on our plates.

" So Amelia, you left the house earlier. I was wonder what adventure you went on?" Asked my mother.

" I went to the pack house to ask Alpha Kurt if there was anything I could do to help. He wasn't there, but his mother was. She was upset so I sat with her for a little bit, got her some food and after a while came back here. " she said.

" That was very sweet of you Amelia. She needs a the comfort she can get during this time. " says my mother.

Amelia nodded. Though she looked down at her food with a look I couldn't place.

I shake my head and look at everyone. " I have an announcement to make." I say.

Everyone looks at me then. " Alpha Conan is stepping down as Alpha the second he gets to his pack at the end of the week. He has asked me to come and take my place as Luna and run the pack until we get Connor back to help me. I accepted and I'll be leaving at the end of the week. " I say.

My father smiles at me. " As much as I'd hate to see you go Amber. I'm so proud of you. You'll be an amazing Luna. " he said.

They all then spoke at once. Congratulating me and saying they'll miss me and all.

I'll miss them a lot too, but it's not like I won't ever see them again. Their my family after all.

As were eating, I suddenly gasp in pain. Pain laces it's way through my body. I feel it in my arm where I'd gotten cut before and where the Wolf Bane has been put.

Everyone looks at me as I drop my fork. I whimper in pain and grab my arm. I stand up and back away from the table.

Then I feel him. Connor!

' Connor. ' I try.

Everyone's looking at me confused. I wait a few minutes. ' A-Amber. '

My hands clamp over my mouth and tears from and roll down my cheeks.

' Connor are you ok? What's going on? ' I cry.

' Amber I love you. I love you so mu......' he was cut off and just like that I can't feel him anymore.

I'm standing there breathing heavily and crying. My hands over my mouth. I then realize the pain I was feeling. It wasn't mine. It was his.

" Amber what's wrong?" Cried my mother.

" Connor. I felt him. " I cry. I then start to cry harder. He's in pain, no no this can't be happening!!

My mother rushed over to my side and gently guides me over to my chair and sits me down.

" What did you feel honey?" Asks my mother.

" He's in pain, bad pain. I felt it. I talked to him. He was only able to say he loves me before he was gone! " I cry.

" It's ok baby. He's strong. He can make it through this. You have to be strong for him. I know it's hard, but we're all here for you. " says my mother.

Everyone nodded in agreement. They just wait around me until I finally manage to calm down.

I look at my arm where the scar is from the silver dagger I was cut with was. " I felt exactly how I felt when the Wolf Bane was put in me. Their hurting him badly. " I say.

John and Amelia wince. My father moves closer. " We will find him Amber. Never lose hope. He will be returned to you. " says my father.

I then feel strong determination. I look up. " Yes he will be. I'll see to it that once I'm made Luna, search parties will begin. I won't stop searching until he is found. I won't give up. I'll never give up. " I say.

Everyone smiles at me. " That's what I wanted to see. You were always good when out in charge of teams during training. You'll be a great Luna. " says my father.

I smile at him. Connor may be in pain right now, but it won't last forever. I will find him and I won't stop until the people in charge of them are captured and put away.

It's time to take control of this situation and stop moping. Connor wouldn't want that. He needs me strong and that's what I'll be. I'll be strong for him.

Don't worry Connor, I'll find you.

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A/N. Hey guys. Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. My birthday was yesterday so I turned 22. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be in Connor's POV. Until then enjoy.

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